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human geo unit 1

unit one test

when was the great leap forward? 50,000 years ago
what is the radiation theory? that humans (our anscestors) first lived in africa
when was the agriculture revolution? 10,000 years ago
when and where was the industrial revolution? 1750 in england
what did Aristotle prove? 1. the earth was spherical
who was the first person to use the word "geography"? eratosethes
how many climate regions does the earth have? 5
what did Ptolemy do? wrote and eight volume guide to geography
another word for latitude? parallels
another word for longitude? meridians
the u.s land ordinance of 1785 divided country up in to what three things? 1. townships 2. ranges 3. sections
what is distribution mean? where is it right now
what does density mean? how many per area
what is something that happens regularly? a pattern.
what is concentration? where is it within an area
what are 4 types of distortion? 1. shape 2. distance 3. relative size 4. direction
why does distortion happen? because you have to cut, tear, and stretch the size to make it a map.
what kinds of distortion are on a mercator? stretching at the poles
what kinds of distortion are on a robinson? direction is off
what ways can map scale be written? as a ratio (fraction), a written statement, or a graphic bar scale.
the smaller the scale.. the more you see of the map
name some contemporary tools? gis, gps, remote sensing.
what does contemporary mean? current, now
what is gis? a computer that can capture, store, analyze, and display geographic data.
what does gps stand for? global positioning system
what is remote sensing? collecting surface data by a satellite orbiting earth. from a distance.
what does bio mean? life
what does geo mean? earth
what is a place? unique location of a feature
what is a toponym? name of a place
what is site? a physical feature of a place.
what is situation? location of a place relative to other places.
what is another word for absolute location? mathematical location
how many degrees is the international date line? 180 degrees
as you go west... it gets earlier
what does gmt-5 mean? Greenwich mean time
what are the u.s time zones pacific, mountain, central, eastern.
when you cross the international date line.. . add or subtract a whole day
name some map types reference, THEMATIC: isoline, choloropleth, proportional symbol (level), dot (cluste, denseness)
what are some combinations of cultural landscape? cultural features,economic features, and physical features.
what are three types of region?. formal, functional, vernacular.
what is a formal region? uniform region, "borders", you can draw a line around it. example: state, country
what is a functional region? node or a focal point, and fades as you go away, example: shopping mart, airport
what is a vernacular region? a place people believe exists, as apart of cultural identity.. example: religious matters
Created by: julie_vant
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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