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Atomic Structure

atomc structure

proposed the existence of atom Democritus
thought that matter can be subdivided until a single indivisible particle was reached Democritus
who proposed an atomic model in the early 1800's Dalton
Who thought that atoms of the same atoms were identical Dalton
thought that atoms of different elements were different Dalton
thought compounds formed when atoms of two or more elements combine Dalton
plum pudding model thomason's idea
negatively charge electrons embedded in positively charged material plum pudding model
discovered the electron thomason
discovered that the atom is basically empty space rutherford
credited with the discovery of the nucleus rutherford
gold foil experiment rutherford's experiment
used alpha particles to study structure of the atom rutherford
concluded that the atom was mostly empty space with a dense positively charged nucleus in the center rutherford
was danish scientist bohr
proposed that the negative electrons were held in orbit by the positive nucleus bohr
thought that electrons moved in definite orbits around the nucleus bohr
solar system model bohr's model
proposed that electrons are located in energy levels bohr
thought electrons were located at certain distances from the nucleus bohr
wave model modern atomic model
wave model proposes that electrons do not move in definite orbits
wave model impossible to determine exact electron location
wave model location of electron depends on the amount of energy the electron possesses
proton is a positively charged subatomic particle
protons are located in the nucleus
a proton is slightly smaller in mass than the neutron
neutron is the largest subatomic particle
an electron is negatively charged subatomic particle
an electron is the smallest subatomic particle
an electron are found in "energy cloud"
atomic number determines the identity of atom
isotopes atoms of same element that "weigh" differently
isotopes are atoms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons
mass number number of particles in the nucleus of an atom
mass number is the number of protons + number of neutrons
an electron clouds is the space around the nucleus where electrons are found
two electrons is the maximum number of electrons in the first energy level
eight electrons is the maximum number of electrons in the second energy level
eighteen electrons is the maximum number of electrons in the third energy level
thirty two electrons maximum number of electrons in the fourth energy level
quark believed to makeup subatomic particles
electromagnetic forces force acting between charged bodies
repulsion is the force between two like charged bodies
attraction is the force between two unlike charged bodies
strong force is responsible for holding the nucleus together
weak force is responsible for the process known as radioactive decay
protons are positively charged subatomic particle
Which subatomic particle is least massive? electron
Which subatomic particle is most massive? neutron
Almost all the mass of an atom is located where? within thenucleus
The atomic number of sulfur is 16. How many electrons are there in an atom of sulfur-34? eighteen
Atoms emit energy as light when electrons move to a lower energy level
Which part of Dalton's theory was modified after the discovery of isotopes? Dalton assumed that all atoms of the same element were identical in all ways. However, they may differ in the number of neutrons present.
What did Thomason's experiment prove? proved that the atoms are made of even smaller particles.
What must be true if an atom is electrically neutral? the atom must contain within itself an equal number of electrons and protons.
electron configuration is the arrangement of electrons in the orbitals of the atom
energy levels are the possible energies that electrons in an atom can have.
an electron cloud is a visual model of the most likely locations for the electrons in an atom.
the gain or lose energy may result in ______________. an electron in an atom can from from one energy level to another
In 1897, J.J. Thomson used a cathode ray tube to deduce the presence of a negatively charged particle:__________________ electron
Atoms are neutral, so there must be positive particles in the atom to balance the ______________ of the electrons negative charge
Alpha particles are __________ nuclei helium
________________ model was called a “nuclear model” rutherford's
Elements are different because they contain different numbers of _______________ protons
The ______________________ of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus atomic number
__________________ is the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus mass number
Atoms of the same element can have different numbers of ________________. neutron
__________________ is the average of all the naturally occurring isotopes of that element. atomic mass
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