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Thora- Chest
Thorax Chest
Thoracentesis Surgical puncture of the thorax(chest)
Coron/o Heart
Tachycardia a condition of a fast heart
Bacterial endocarditis Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart(endocardium) caused by bacteria
Myocarditis Inflammation of the myocardium(muscle layer of the heart)
Cardiomyopathy a disease condition of the myocardium(muscle layer of the heart)
Pericardiocentesis Surgical puncture of the pericardium(membranous sac surrounding the heart)
Pericardiostomy A artificial opening into the pericardium(membranous sac surrounding the heart)
Cardiologist A specialist in the study of the heart
Cardiodynia A condition of pain in the heart
Phono- sounds
Phonocardiogram A record of the heart sounds
Cardiomegaly Enlargement of the heart
Electrocardiogram(EKG or ECG) A record of the eletrical activity of the heart
Echocardiography(ECHO) The process of using sound waves
Diagnostic Imaging(DI)using sound is AKA Sonography,UltraSound(US)or doppler
Transesophageal echocardiogram A record of the heart using sound waves transmitted across the esophagus
The esophagus connects the Pharynx(throat)to the stomach
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) Emergency procedure consisting of artificial ventilation(breathing)AND cardic massage AKA(BLS)
BLS basic life support
Cardiac catheterization("cardiac cath") Introduction of a catheter(small flexible tube)into the heart to determine cardic disease AKA Angiocardiography OR Coronary arteriography
Cardiac scan Diagnostic imaging(DI)of the heart after introduction of radioactive contrast material
Contrast(radiopaque) Materials that illuminate(light up) when exposed to X-rays(radioactive imaging is performed in nuclear medicine)
Coronary thrombosis An abnormal condition of a thrombus(clot) in the coronary artery
The coronary arteries are the Vessels that deliver oxygenated blood to the myocardium(muscle layer of the heart)
Coronary occlusion An obstruction(infarction)of a coronary artery (Also known as myocardial infarction (MI) or "Heart attack")
Embolus A floating clot(s)
(embolism) A floating clot(s)
Emboli A floating clot(s)
Deep Vein Thrombosis An abnormal condition of a (thrombus) clot in a deep vein of a leg
Sedentary lifestyle Little OR no regular exercise
TED hose OR Jobst stockings Antiemboli(compression) hose
TED stands for ThromboEmbolism Deterrent
Embolectomy Surgical removal of a embolus(floating clot)
Myocardial ischemia Starvation of oxygenated blood to the myocardium AKA Acute Coronary Syndrome(ACS)
Acute coronary syndrome(ACS) Thoracodynia caused by myocardial ischemia
Angina Pectoris (AP) Thoracodynia caused by myocardial ischemia
Intracoronary thrombolytic therapy A treatment to break up a clot(s)within the coronary arteries AKA "clot buster"
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) Surgical repair of a coronary artery(ies) after insertion of a catheter(small flexible tube)with an inflatable balloon
Coronary stent A device(expandable mesh)that prevents closure after an angioplasty
Necr/o Death
Myocardial necrosis Death to the myocardium
Valv/o OR Valvul/o Valve(s)
Valvotomy Surgical incision of a (heart)valve
Valvuloplasty Surgical repair of a (heart)valve
Heart murmur A sound caused from regurgitation of blood past an incompetent valve (another medical erm for murmur is Bruit (say it like "brewy")
Regurgitation Backflow OR Reflux
Incompetent Unable to function properly
Vas/o OR Vascul/o OR Angi/o (blood)vessel(s)
Vasodiliation Increased diameter(lumen) of arteries
Vasoconstriction Decreased diameter(lumen) of arteries
Cardiovascular Pertaining to the heart AND(blood)vessels
Peripheral vascular Pertaining to the (blood)vessels outside of the heart
Angiospasm An involuntary muscle contraction of a (blood)vessel
Angiogram A record of a (blood) vessel
Angiostenosis Narrowing of a (blood) vessel
Angiocarditis Inflammation of a heart vessel
Angioma A tumor or mass of a (blood)vessel
Angioscopy The process of using a lighted instrument to veiw a (blood)vessel
Angiography Process of recording a (blood) vessel
Arter/o OR arteri/o Artery(ies)
Arteriorrhexis Rupture of a artery
Arteriography The process of recording an artery(ies)
Polyarteritis Inflammation of many arteries
Arteriogram A record of a artery
Arteriol/o OR Arteriole(s)OR Arterioles are Small arteries
Arteriolitis Inflammation of arterioles
Arteriogram A record of a artery
Arteriol/o Small artery
Arteriole(s) Small artery
Arterioles are Small arteries
Arteriolitis Inflammation of arterioles
-sclerosis Abnormal condition of hardening
Arteriosclerosis Abnormal condition of hardening of the arteries
Ather/o Fatty plaque
Atherosclerosis An abnormal condition of hardening(of the arteries)caused by fatty plague
Atherosclerosis will cause Arterial stenosis(narrowing)
Coronary Artery Disease(CAD) Stenosis(narrowing)of a coronary artery(ies)caused by Atherosclerosis
Atherectomy Surgical removal of fatty plague
Endarterectomy Surgical removal within an artery
Cholesterol/o Cholesterol
Cholesterol is One type of saterated fat(lipid)
Hypercholesterolemia A blood condition of excessive cholesterol
Lipid profile Blood test for cholesterol,trighlycerides,Low Density Lipoprotein(LDL)Very Low Density Lipoprotein(VLDL) and High Density Lipoprotein(HDL)High Density Lipoprotein(HDL)High density Lipoprotein(HDL)is AKA "good cholesterol"
Aneurysm/o Aneurysm
An aneurysm is a Weakness in a arterial septum(wall)
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm(AAA) A weakness in the abdominal aortic septum(wall)
The aorta is the Largest artery in the body
Dissecting aneurysm Tearing of an aneurysm
Phleb/o OR ven/o OR ven/i Vein(s)
Venous Pertaining to a vein
Venogram A record of a vein
Phlebitis Inflammation of a vein
Phlebectomy Surgical removal of a vein
Phlebography The process of recording a vein
Venipuncture Surgical puncture of a vein AKA Phlebotomy
Varicose veins (varicosities) Superficial swollen,twisted,knotty,veins of a leg
Ligation(ligate) and stripping Trying AND removing
Hemorrhoid/o Hemorrhoids(s)
Hemorrhoids are Swollen twisted vein(s)of the anal region
Hemorrhoidectomy Excision of a hemorrhoid
Venul/o Venule
Venules are Small veins
Capillari/o Capillaries
Capillaries are Microscopic arteries AND veins where respiration takes place
Respiration is the Exchange of gasses
The gasses exchanged are Oxygen(02)AND carbon dioxide(CO2)
Hem/o or Hemat/o Blood
Hemolysis(hemolytic) The break up or destruction of blood
Hemostasis(hemostatic) The stoppage or controlling of bleeding
Hemorrhage(hemorrhagic) The rapid flow of blood
Hematologist A specialist in the study of blood
Hematoma A mass of blood AKA bruise
Lymph/o Lymph
Lymph is Immune tissue
Aden/o Gland
Lymphadenopathy Disease condition(edema)of the lymph glands
Edema(edematous)is (pertaining to)swelling
Lymphoma Tumor or mass of the lymph
Lymphadenitis Imflammation of (a)Lymph gland(s)
Lymphadenography Process of recording lymph glands(nodes)
Lymphangiogram A record of the lymph vessels
Splen/o Spleen
The Spleen is Lymph tissue AND is a reservoir(storage container)for erythrocytes(RBCs)
Splenectomy Surgical removal of the spleen
Splenomegaly Enlargement of the spleen
Erythrocytes(RBCs)carry Oxygen(02)AND carbon dioxide(C02)
Plasm/o Plasma
Plasma is the Liquid portion of the blood AKA serum
-Apheresis Remove
Plasmapheresis Removal of plasma from donated blood AND the return of erythrocytes(RBCs)Leukocytes(WBCs)and thrombocytes(platelets)to the patient(Pt)
-poiesis Formation
Blood formation occurs in the Bone marrow(myel/o)
Myelogenic Pertaining to creation by the bone marrow
Hemopoiesis The formation of blood
Hematopoiesis The formation of blood
Lympm glands/nodes carry Lympm
Erythropoiesis The formation of erthrocytes(RBCs)
Leukopoiesis The formation of thrombocytes(clot cells)
Thrombocytes are AKA Platelets
Leukocytosis An abnormal condition of EXCESSIVE leukocytes(WBCs)
Thrombocytopenia A deficiency of thrombocytes(platelets)
Morphology The study of shapes
Prophylaxis OR prophylactic To prevent OR protect
Sternotomy Surgical incision of the sternum(breastbone)
Hypertensive Heart Disease(HHD) Heart disease caused by chronic high blood pressure(hypertension(HTN)
Chronic means Persistent or recurring
Hypotension Low blood pressure
Arrhythmia(dysrhythmia) Abnormal cardiac electrical impulses palpitation(s)example=Chest discomfort caused by an arrhythmia
Holter monitor Ambulatory electrocardiogram(EKG OR ECG)device worn by a patient(Pt)for 24 hours to detect arrhythmias
Defibrillation(cardioversion) Application of an electric shock to the myocardium to restore rhythm
Artificial pacemaker Device surgically implanted under the skin to regulate Heart Rate(HR)
Dyscrasia Any blood abnormality
Anticoagulant Against coagulation(clotting)
Femoropopliteal("fempop")bypass Surgery to establish an alternate route for blood flow between the femoral AND popliteal arteries
Exercise Tolerance Test(ETT) Test of the heart function while the patient(Pt) is exercising AKA treadmill stress test
Hypothermia(hypothermic) A condition of deficient body heat
Hyperthermia(hyperthermic) A condition of excessive body heat
Anastomosis (anastomoses) Joining(s)
Malaisa a feeling of being unwell
Exacerbate(exacerbation) To get worse OR make worse
Gangrene(gangrenous) Putrefaction(rot of tissue
Putrefaction(putrefy)is caused by Microbial proliferation(growth in numbers)
Adipose tissue Fat tissue
Patent Open
Acute OR paroxysmal Sudden
Infiltrate To pass into or through
Bone marrow biopsy(Bx) Pathologic analysis of a bone marrow tissue sample to diagnose blood disorders
ACLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support
AMI Acute Myocardial Infarction
Acute means Sudden
CBC Complete Blood Count
H+H Hemoglobin AND Hematocrit
Hemoglobin is a Blood protein found inside RBCs AND is necessary for respiration
Healthy hemoglobin requires Iron(Fe)
CCU Coronary Care Unit
CCU step down is called Telemetry
CHF Congestive Heart Failure
PVD Peripheral vascular Disease AKA Peripheral Artery Disease(PAD)
CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
A graft refers to Transplanted tissue
GVHR Graft Versus Host Reaction
GVHR refers to Rejection of a graft
CPK(CK)AND troponin Serum enzymes in the blood that elevate with muscle(cardic) damage
ICD Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
Created by: BLM1095
Popular Medical sets




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