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Minerals & Resources

Minerals and Natural Resources

Natural resource something useful and made by Earth/God (not artificial)
Renewable natural resources (examples) trees (paper), fish, solar energy, wind energy
Renewable natural resources resources that can be replaced in 100 years or less (ex: can be regrown)
Nonrenewable natural resources cannot be replaced when used up (or would take over 100 years to replace)
Example of a resource that is not natural plastic, styrofoam
Nonrenewable natural resources (examples) fossil fuels (coal, petroleum oil, natural gas), rocks, minerals
fossil fuels (from ancient swamps)--coal, petroleum oil, and natural gas
5 things required to be a mineral inorganic, natural, solid, compound or element, made of crystals (INSCC)
rock a natural solid MIXTURE made of minerals (and sometimes organic material)
mining to dig in the earth to take out rocks or minerals
deforestation cutting down all/most of the trees in the forest
conserving natural resources wisely using (not wasting)--example: recycling, riding your bike, turn off water when not using, etc.
organic material living or from something living (ex: shell, paper, coal, sugar, etc)
inorganic material never living and not from something living (ex: all minerals)
density mass divided by volume (how heavy something is for its size)
What does density have to do with floating and sinking? If density is greater than 1, the object will SINK in water (float if less than 1)
Mohs scale 1-10 scale for mineral hardness (1-10)
hardness scratching test (use fingernail, glass jar, etc)
streak color color of mineral's powder (use unpainted tile)---much more reliable than regular color
luster the way a mineral reflects light
types of luster (1) metallic (shiny) (2) nonmetallic (dull, glassy, etc)
cleavage if mineral has a clean/smooth break
fracture if the mineral has a jagged/curved break
mixture objects or elements that are tossed together (no chemical bonding)--like a tossed salad
compound 2 or more elements are chemically bonded (example H2O or SiO2)
element something made of only one type of atom (found on the Periodic Table)--example oxygen, hydrogen, copper, silver
mineral naturally formed, inorganic solid with a definite crystalline structure (made of crystals)
element cannot be broken down into a simpler substance by chemical means (made of one type of atom)
coal solid fossil fuel made from partly decayed ancient plant material
petroleum oil liquid fossil fuel made from ancient sea creatures that have decayed (used to make gasoline)
natural gas gas form of fossil fuel made from ancient sea creatures that have decayed
What is the main disadvantage of burning fossil fuels? air pollution (including global warming), water pollution (oil spill), as well as a limited supply
What are the 2 main types of luster? metallic and nonmetallic (include glassy and dull)
What is the hardest and softest mineral? 10=diamond (hardest) 1= talc (softest)
What is the special property of the mineral magnetite? it is magnetic
How can a mineral be identified? density, luster, color (least reliable), density, streak color, hardness, special properties, cleavage or fracture, crystal shape
A SILICATE (like quartz) is a mineral that contains oxygen and ____________. silicon
A ______________________ is a mineral (like calcite) that contains oxygen and carbon carbonate
Give an example of a GEM. diamond, sapphire, ruby, emerald
A mineral deposit large enough and pure enough to be mined for a profit is called a(n) ore
What 2 things do you have to measure in order to calculate a mineral’s density? mass and volume
If a mineral has a mass of 10 grams and a volume of 2 cubic centimeters, what is the DENSITY of this mineral? 5 grams per cubic cm (g/cc)
________________ fizzes in hydrochloric acid calcite
(true or false) Minerals are made of one or more rocks. False (rocks are made of one or more minerals)--minerals are made of crystals
(true or false) Gold is a mineral and an element. true (called a native element or native mineral)
(true or false) Elements are made of just one type of atom. true
QUARTZ cannot be identified by its color alone because... it exists in many colors
Created by: mtl19660
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