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Beyond Planet Earth vocabulary (11)

angular diameter angle formed between opposite sides of an object & an observer's eye
apparent diameter how large an object looks, which depends on its size & distance from an observer
asteroid one of tens of thousands of rocky objects located, for the most part, in a belt between the orbits of Mars & Jupiter
big bang theory that the universe began as the rapid expansion of an infinitesimal object of incredible mass & density
big crunch theory that gravity will reverse the expansion of the universe so that it contracts to a black hole
comet icy object that most likely originated in a region beyond the planets; some travel in highly elliptical orbits
eccentricity degree of elongatoins of an ellipse
eclipse occurs when one celestial object casts its shadow on another celestial object (ex. lunar, solar)
focus one of two fixed points that determine the shape & position of an ellipse
galaxy huge bodiy of stars & other matter in space
gravity gravitational force; attractive force between objects that is directly proportional to their masses & inversely proportional to the distance between them
inertia tendency of an object to remain at rest, or, if it is moving, to move at a constant speed in an unchanging direction
light-year distance light travels in one year
luminosity amount of light given off by a star
major axis line through the widest part of an ellipse
meteor solid particle from space caught by Earth's gravity that as they fall are heated by friction woth Earth's atmospjere & burn, producing streaks of light visible at night; "shooting stars"
meteorite natural object that has fallen to Earth from space
meteoroid potential meteors in space
nuclear fusion under conditions of extreme heat & pressure i the sun, the nuclei of two hydrogen atoms join to form one helium nucleus
phase physical state of matterm solid, liquid or gas; apparent change in shape of the lighted portion of a celestial object (phases of the moon)
primary object (lying along the major axis of an ellipse) around which a satellite moves (ex. sun for the earth, Earth for the moon)
redshift displacement of spectral lines of distant stars toward the red end of the spectrum; Doppler shift
satellite artificial or natural celestial object that revolves around another object; the primary
solar system planets & other objects that revolve around the sun
star large, self-luminous body in space that creates its own radiant energy
sunspot temporary storm on the visible surface of the sun
tides twice daily rise & fall of the oceans caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon & the sun
Created by: fcsdklw
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