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7-12 ear/pharynx

What is also known as the adenoids? Pharyngeal tonsil
What is the opening of the auditory tube? Salpingopharyngeal fold
What is posterior to the palatine tonsil? Oropharynx
What muscle prevents the food from going up? Levator veli palatini
What comes from the medial pterygoid plate? Pterygoid hamulus
What muscle is not an actual tongue muscle? Palatoglossus
Tensor Veli Palatini OINA O- Medial pterygoid plate, cartilage of pharyngotympanic tube I- palatine aponeurosis N- Mandibular A- tenses soft palate and opens mouthof pharyngotympanic tube during swallowing and yawning
Levator Veli Palatini OINA O- cartilage of pharyngotympanic tube I- palatine aponeurosis N- Vagus nerve via pharyngeal plexus A- Elevates soft palate during swallowing and yawning
Palatoglossus OINA O- palatine aponeurosis I- side of tongue N- vagus nerve via pharyngeal plexus A- elevates posterior part of tongue
Palatopharyngeus OINA O- hard palate and palatine aponeurosis I- lateral wall of pharynx N- vagus nerve via pharyngeal plexus A- tenses soft palate and pulls walls of pharynx superiorly, anteriorly, and medially during swallowing
Musculus uvulae OINA O- palatine aponeurosis I- mucosa of uvula N- vagus nerve via pharyngeal plexus A- shortens uvula and pulls it superiorly
What division of the pharynx is superior of uvula? Nasopharynx
What is the opening of the larynx called? Laryngeal inlet
What division of the pharynx is posterior to the larynx? Laryngopharynx
What is the only muscle the glossopharyngeal nerve innervates? Stylopharyngues
What nerve is found between the common carotid and internal jugular? Vagus nerve
Where do sympathetic fibers come from? Spinal cord
What cranial nerves are parasympathetic? III- Sphincter pupillae VII- Taste IX- carotid gland X- organs
What muscle and nerve is between middle and superior pharyngeal constrictors? Glossopharygneal n. and stylopharyngeus m.
Superior pharyngeal constrictor OINA O- pterygomandibular raphe I- esophagus N- Vagus and pharyngeal plexus A- constricts walls of pharynx during swallowing
Middle pharyngeal constrictor OINA O- greater and lesser horns of hyoid I- esophagus N- vagus and pharyngeal plexus A- constricts walls of pharynx during swallowing
Inferior pharyngeal constrictor OINA O- thyroid cartilage and side of cricoid cartilage I- esophagus N- vagus and pharyngeal plexus A- constricts walls of pharynx during swallowing
Palatopharyngeus OINA O- hard palate and aponeurosis I- side of pharynx and esophagus N- vagus an pharyngeal plexus A- elevate pharynx and larynx during swallowing and speaking
Salpingopharyngeus OINA O- cartilaginous part of pharyngotympanic tube I- blends with palatopharyngeus N- vagus and pharyngeal plexus A- elevate pharynx and larynx during swallowing and speaking
Stylopharyngues OINA O- styloid process I- palatopharyngeus N- glossopharyngeal A- elevate pharynx and larynx during swallowing and speaking
What are the smallest bones in the body? Ossicles
What do the ossicles do? Vibrate sound
What ossicle attaches to the oval window? Stapes
What does the stapes do? Amplifies waves
Where does the auditory tube run from? Nasopharynx to the middle ear
What is the tensor tympani innervated by? Mandibular nerve
What muscles are responsible for adjusting to loud sounds (dampering effect)? Tensor tympani and stapedius
What is the smallest muscle in the body? Stapedius (facial nerve)
What ossicle attaches the stapes to the malleus? Incus
What does the duct of cochlea do? Linear acceleration and rotational changes
What part of the malleus does the tensor tympani attach to? Handle
What part of the incus does the stapes attach to? Lenticular process
What part of the stapes goes to the oval window? Base
What is the functional unit for hearing in the cochlea? Spiral organ
Created by: beranml
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