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ch. 12 diag & patho

Diagnostic and pathological terms ch.12 respiratory system

auscultation listening to sounds withing the body
percussion tapping on a surface to determine the difference in the density of the underlying structure
pleural rub scratchy sound produced by the motion of inflamed or irritated pleural surfaces rubbing against each other
rales (crackles) abnormal crackling sounds heard during inspiration when there is fluid, blood, or pus in the alveoli
sputum material expelled from the chest by coughing or cleaning the throat
stridor strained, high-pitched whistling sounds heard when air is forced through a narrow space during inspiration or expiration
wheezes continuous high-pitched whistling sounds heard when air is forced through a narrow space during inspiration or expiration
croup acute viral infection in infants and children; characterized by obstruction of the larynx, barking cough, and stridor
diphtheria acute infection of the throat and upper respiratory tract caused by the diphtheria bacterium
epistaxis nosebleed
rhonchi coarse, loud rales usually caused by secretions in the bronchial tubes
pertussis bacterial infection of the pharynx,larynx,trachea, caused by bordetella pertussis
asthma chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by airway obstruction caused by edema, bronchoconstriction, and increased mucus production
bronchiectasis chronic dilation of a bronchus secondary to infection in the lower lobes of the lung
bronchogenic carcinoma cancerous tumors arising from a bronchus
chronic bronchitis inflammation of the bronchi persisting over a long time
pneumonia acute inflammation and infection of alveoli, which fill with pus or products of the inflammatory reaction
cystic fibrosis inherited disorder of exorine glands resulting in thick, mucous secretions that do not drain normally
atelectasis incomplete expansion of alveoli;collpaped, functionless airless lung or portion of lung
emphysema hyperinflation of air sacs with destruction of alveolar walls
pneumoconiosis abnormal condition caused by dust in the lungs with chronic inflammation, infection and bronchitis
Created by: funnykitty24
Popular Medical sets




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