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A-; An-; Ana-; No; Not; Without
Ab- Away from
Ante- Before; Forward
Anti- Against
Auto- Self
Bi- Two; Double; Both
Brady- Slow
Carcin- Cancerous
Contra- Against; Opposite
Dys- Difficult; Painful
Ect- Outside; Out
En- Within; In
Endo- Within
Epi- Above; Upon
Ex- Out
Gynec/o- Woman
Hemi- Half
Hyper- Above; Excessive
Hypo- Below; Deficient
Infra- Below; Inferior
Inter- Between
Intra- Within
Iso- Same; Equal
Macro- Large
Mal- Bad; Poor; Abnormal
Meta- Change; Aftter; Beyond
Micro- Small
Multi- Many
Neo- New
Non- Not
Oligo- Few; Less
Pan- All
Para- Near; Beside
Per- Through
Peri- Around; Surrounding
Poly- Many; Excessive
Post- After
Pre- Before; In front of
Primi- First
Retro- Behind; Backward; Upward
Semi- Half
Sub- Below; Under
Super- Above; Over; Excessive
Supra- Above; On top of
Sym- With
Syn- Together; With
Tachy- Fast
Tri- Three
Uni- One
Xero- Dry
-ac; -al; -ar; -ary Pertaining to
-algia Pain
-blast Germ or bud
-cele Hernia; Herniation
-centesis Surgical puncture
-crine To secrete
-crit To seperate
-cyte Cell
-cytosis Condition of cells
-desis Binding together
-ectomy Surgical removal
-emesis Vomit
-emia Blood
-genesis; -genic; -gen Origin; Producing; Forming
-globin; -globulin Protein
-gram Record
-graph Instrument for recording
-graphy Process of recording
-ia; -iac; -ic Pertaining to
-iasis Formation or presence of
-ism Condition
-itis Inflammation
-ium Structure or tissue
-lepsy Seizure
-lysis; -lytic Break down
-malacia Softening
-Megaly Enlargement
-metry Process of measuring
-oid Resembling; Like
-(o)logist Specialist in the study or treatment of
-(o)logy Study of
-oma Tumor
-osis Abnormal condition
-ostomy Creation of an opening
-otomy Incision into
-ous Pertaining to
-paresis Paralysis
-pathy Disease
-penia Decreased number
-pepsia Digestion
-pexy Suspension; fixation
-phagia Eating; Swallowing
-phobia Abnormal fear
-phonia Voice; sound
-phoresis Carrying; Transmission
-phoria Feeling; Mental state
-plasty Surgical repair
-plegia Paralysis
-pnea Breathing
-poiesis Formation
-r/rhage; -r/rhagia Bursting forth
-rrhea Flow; Discharge
-rhexis rupture
-sclerosis Hardening
-scope Instrument for viewing
-somnia; somn/o Sleep
-spasm Involuntary contraction or twitch
-stasis control; Stop
-stenosis Narrowing
-Therapy Treatment
-thorax Chest; Pleural cavity
-tocia; toc/o Labor; Birth
-tripsy Crushing
-trophy Growth; Development
-tropin Nourish; Develop; Stimulate
Abdomin/o Abdomen
Aden/o Gland
Adip/o Fat
Amnio Amnion
Andr/o Male; Man
Angi/o Vessel
Aque/o Watery
Arteri/o Artery
Arteriol/o Arteriole
Anthr/o Joint
Ather/o Fat; Fatty plaque
Audi/o Hearing; Sound
Aur/o Ear
Belan/o Glans penis
Bili Bile; Gall
Blephar/o Eyelid
Bronch/o Bronchus
Bronchiol/o Bronchiole
Bucc/o Check
Burs/o Joint
Calc/i Calcium
Capnia Carbon dioxide
Carcin/o Cancer
Cardi/o Heart
Carp/o Wrist bone
Cephal/o Head
Cerebr/o Cerebrum
Cirrh/o Yellow
Chol/e Bile; Gall bladder
Cholangi/o Bile duct
Cholecyst/o Gall Bladder
Chondr/o Cartilage
Coagul/o Clotting
Cochle/o Cochlea
Col/o Colon
Colp/o Vagina (sheath)
Conjunctiv/o Conjuctiva
Cor/o; Coron/o Heart
Corne/o Cornea
Cost/o Rib
Crani/o Cranium; Skull
Cry/o Cold
Cut/o; Cuti; Cutane/o Skin
Cyan/o Blue
Cyst/o Bladder; Sac
Cyt/o Cell
Dacry/o Tear
Dent Tooth
Derm/o; Dermat/o Skin
Dipl/o Two; Double
Dips/o Thirst
Duoden/o Duodenum
Dur/a Dura matter
Electr/o Electricity
Embry/o Embryo
Encephal/o Brain
Enter/o Intestines
Eosin/o; Erythr/o Red
Epididym/o Epididymis
Episi/o Vulva
Esophag/o Esophagus
Esthesi/o Sensation
Fasci/o Fascia
Femor/o Femur
Fet/o; Fet/i Fetus
Fibul/o Fibula
Fund/o Fundus
Gastr/o Stomach
Gingiv/o Gums
Glauc/o Silver; Gray
Gli/o Nerve cell
Glomerul/o Glomerulus
Gloss/o Tongue
Gluc/o;Gylc/o Glucose; Sugar
Gonad/o Sex glands
Gravid/o; Gravid/a Pregnancy
Gyyn/o; Gyn/e; Gynec/o Woman
Hemat/o; Hem/o Blood
Hemangi/o Blood Vessel
Hepat/o Liver
Hidr/o Sweat
Hormone/o Hormone; An urging on
Humer/o Humerus
Hydr/o Water; Fluid
Hyster/o Uterus
Ile/o; Ili/o Ileum
Immune/o Protection
Jejun/o Jejunum
Kal/i Potassium
Kerat/o Cornea
Ket/o; Keton/o Ketone bodies
Kinesi/o Movement
Lacrim/o Tears
Lact/o Milk
Lapar/o Abdominal wall
Laryng/o Larynx
Ligament/o Ligament
Lingua Tongue
Lip/o Fat
Lith/o Stone
Lumb/o Lower back
Lymph/o Lymph
Mamm/o; Mast/o Breast
Melan/o Black
Men/o Menses; Menstruation
Mening/o; Meningi/o Meninges (Membrane)
Metacarp/o Hand bones
Metatars/o Foot bones
Morph/o Form; Shape
Muc/o Mucus
My/o Muscle
Myc/o Fungus
Myel/o Bone marrow; Spinal cord
Myring/o Eardrum
Narc/o Sleep
Nas/o Nose
Nat/o; Natal Birth; Delivery
Nephr/o Kidney
Neur/o Nerve
Noct/o; Nyctal/o Night
Ocul/o; Ophthalm/o; Opt/o Eye
Onych/o Nail
Oophor/o Ovary
Or/o Mouth
Orch/o; Orchi/o; Orchid/o Testicle
Orth/o Straight
Oste/o Bone
Ot/o Ear
Ovari/o Ovary
Oxi Oxygen
Pachy/o Thick
Pancreat/o Pancreas
Par/o; Part/o Labor; Child birth
Patell/o Kneecap
Pector/o Chest
Ped Children
Pelv/i Pelvis
Perine/o Perineum
Peritone/o Peritoneum
Phag/o Eat; Swallow
Phalang/o Finger and toe bones
Pharyng/o Pharynx
Phleb/o Vein
Phot/o Light
Phren/o Mind or diaphragm
Pil/o Hair
Pneum/o Lungs; Air
Pod/o; Podi Foot
Presby/o Old age
Proct/o Rectum
Psych/o; Psych/i Mind; Soul
Pub/o Pubis; Pubic bone
Pulmon/o Lungs
Py/o Pus
Pyel/o Renal pelvis
Quadr/i Four
Radi/o Radius
Rect/o Rectum
Ren/o Kidney
Reticul/o A net
Retin/o Retina
Rhabdomy/o Skeletal muscle; Striated muscle
Rheum Watery discharge
Rhin/o Nose
Salping/o Uterine tube
Sarc/o Flesh
Schiz/o Split
Semin/o Semen
Septi Bacteria
Sial/o Saliva
Sinus/o Sinus
Somat/o Body
Sperm/o; Spermat/o Sperm
Spher/o Round
Sphygm/o Pulse
Spir/o Breathe; Breath
Splen/o Spleen
Spondyl/o Vertebra; Vertebral column
Steth/o Chest
Stoma; Stomat/o Mouth
Synovi/o Joint
Tars/o Ankle bones
Ten/o; Tend/o; Tendon/o; Tendin/o Tendon
Test/o; Testicul/o Testicle
Thorac/o Chest
Thromb/o Clot
Thyr/o Thyroid gland
Trache/o Trachea
Tympan/o Eardrum
Urethr/o Urethra
Ur/o Urinary tract
Vas/o; Vascul/o Vessel
Ven/o Vein
Xanth/o Yellow
Akinesia (Nervous) A= Without Kinesia= Movement Loss of normal muscle movement
Cerebrospinal (Nervous) Cerebr/o= Cerebrum Spin/o= Spine al= Pertaining to Pertaining to the brain and spinal cord
Cerebrovascular (Nervous) Cerebr/o= Cerebrum Vascul/o= Vessel ar= Pertaining to Pertaining to the brain and blood vessels that supply it
Electroencephalogram (Nervous) Electr/o= Electricity Encephal/o= Brain Gram= Record Record of electrical activity in brain
Epidural (Nervous) Epi= Above; Upon Dur/a= Dura matter al= Pertaining to Pertaining to above dura matter
Epilepsy (Nervous) Epi= Above; Upon Lepsy= Seizure Disorder characterized by reccurent seizures
Hemiparesis (Nervous) Hemi= Half Paresis= Paralysis Paralysis of half the body
Hydrocephalus (Nervous) Hydro= Water; Fluid Cephal/o= Head Excess cerebrospinal fluid in brain
Hyperesthesia (Nervous) Hyper= Above; Excess Esthesia= Sensation ia= Condition of Increased sensitivity to stimulation
Meningitis (Nervous) Mening/o= Meninges Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of meninges of brain
Myelogram (Nervous) Myel/o= Bone marrow; Spine Gram= Record X-ray of spinal cord and nerve roots
Neuralgia (Nervous) Neur/o= Nerve Algia= Pain Nerve pain
Neurologist (Nervous) Neur/o= Nerve Ologist= Specialist Specialist of the neurological system
Paraplegia (Nervous) Para= Near; Beside Plegia= Paralysis Paralysis of both lower extremities
Polyneuritis (Nervous) Poly= Many Neur/o= Nerve Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of many nerves
Schizophrenia (Nervous) Schiz/o= Split Phren/o= Mind ia= Pertaining to Psychosis in which mind is said to be "split from reality"
Angiography (Cardiovascular) Angi/o= Vessel Graphy= Process of recording Radiographic study of blood vessels
Anoxia (Cardiovascular) An= Without Oxi= Oxygen Without oxygen
Arteriogram (Cardiovascular) Arteri/o= Artery Gram= Record X-ray of an artery
Arteriosclerosis (Cardiovascular) Arteri/o= Artery Sclerosis= Hardening Hardening of artery wall
Bradycardia (Cardiovascular) Brady= Slow Cardi/o= Heart ia= Pertaining to Pertaining to a slow heart rate
Cardiologist (Cardiovascular) Cardi/o= Heart Ologist= Specialist Specialist of the heart
Cardiomegaly (Cardiovascular) Cardi/o= Heart Megaly= Enlargement Enlarged heart
Cardiomyopathy (Cardiovascular) Cardi/o= Heart My/o= Muscle Pathy= Disease Disease of the heart muscle
Endarterectomy (Cardiovascular) End/o= Within Arter/o= Artery Ectomy= Surgical removal Surgical removal of the inside of artery
Endocardium (Cardiovascular) End/o= Within Cardi/o= Heart Ium= Structure; Tissue Membrane lining cavities of heart
Hypertension (Cardiovascular) Hyper= Above; Excessive Tension High blood pressure
Hypoxemia (Cardiovascular) Hypo= Below; Deficient Ox/e= Oxygen Emia= Blood Too little oxygen in blood
Myocarditis (Cardiovascular) My/o= Muscle Cardi/o= Heart Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of the heart muscle
Myocardium (Cardiovascular) My/o= Muscle Cardi/o= Heart Ium= Structure; Tissue
Pericardium (Cardiovascular) Peri= Surrounding Cardi/o= Heart Ium= Structure; Tissue Lining around the outside of the heart
Tachycardia (Cardiovascular) Tachy= Fast Cardi/o= Heart ia= Pertaining to Pertaining to a fast heart rate
Bronchitis (Respiratory) Bronch/o= Bronchus Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of the bronchi
Bronchoscopy (Respiratory) Bronch/o= Bronchus Scopy= Viewing Process of viewing the bronchi
Dyspnea (Respiratory) Dys= Pain; Difficulty Pnea= Breathing Difficulty breathing
Hypoxia (Respiratory) Hypo= Below; Deficient Ox/i= Oxygen ia= Pertaining to Condition of deficient oxygen levels
Laryngoscope (Respiratory) Laryng/o= Larynx Scope= Instrument for viewing Instrument for viewing larynx
Laryngospasm (Respiratory) Laryng/o= Larynx Spasm= Involuntary contraction Contraction of laryngeal muscles
Pharyngitis (Respiratory) Pharyng/o= Pharynx Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of the Pharynx
Pneumothorax (Respiratory) Pneum/o= Air; Lungs Thorax= Chest Air/gas in chest cavity
Pulmonologist (Respiratory) Pulmon/o= Lungs Ologist= Specialist Specailist of lungs
Rhinoplasty (Respiratory) Rhin/o= Nose Plasty= Surgical repair Surgical repair of nose
Rhinorrhea (Respiratory) Rhin/o= Nose Rrhea= Flow; Discharge Discharge from nose
Spirometry (Respiratory) Spir/o= Breathe Metry= Measure of Measurement of breathing
Stethoscope (Respiratory) Steth/o= Chest Scope= Instrument for viewing Instument used to listen to lungs and heart sounds through chest
Thoracotomy (Respiratory) Thorac= Chest Otomy= Surgical incision Incision into the chest
Tracheostomy (Respiratory) Trache/o= Trachea Stomy= Creation of an opening Creation of opening in trachea
Arthralgia (Musculoskeletal) Arthr/o= Joint Algia= Pain Joint pain
Arthritis (Musculoskeletal) Arthr/o= Joint Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of the joints
Arthroscopy (Musculoskeletal) Arthr/o= Joint Scopy= Viewing Viewing a joint
Bradykinesia (Musculoskeletal) Brady= Slow Kinesia= Movement Slow movement
Bursitis (Musculoskeletal) Burs/o= Joint Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of the bursa; fluid-filled sac around joints
Chondromalacia (Muscoskeletal) Chondr/o= Cartilage Malacia= Softening Softening of cartilage
Craniotomy (Muscoskeletal) Crani/o= Cranium Otomy= Surgical incision Surgical incision of the skull
Electromyogram (Musculoskeletal) Electr/o= Electricity My/o= Muscle Grram= Record Record of electrical activity of muscle
Intercostal (Musculoskeletal) Inter= Between Cost/o= Rib al= Pertaining to Pertaining to space between ribs
Intramuscular (Musculoskeletal) Intra= Within Muscul/o= Muscle al= Pertaining to Pertaining to within muscle
Myalgia (Musculoskeletal) My/o= Muscle Algia= Pain Muscle pain
Orthopedic (Musculoskeletal) Orth/o= Straight Podi= Foot ic= Pertaining to Pertaining to straight foot
Orthopedist (Musculoskeletal) Orth/o= Straight Podi= Foot Ologist= Specialist Specialist in study of skeletal and muscular system
Osteomyelitis (Musculoskeletal) Oste/o= Bone Myel/o= Bone marrow; Spine Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of bone and bone marrow
Patellectomy (Musculoskeletal) Patell/o= Kneecap Ectomy= Surgiccal removal Surgical removal of the kneecap
Suprapubic (Musculoskeletal) Supra= Above Pub/o= Pubic bone ic= Pertaining to Pertaining to above the pubic bone
Tendinitis (Musculoskeletal) Tendin/o= Tendon Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of the tendon
Adenoma (Endocrine) Aden/o= Gland Oma= Tumor Tumor of glandular tissue
Adrenomegaly (Endocrine) Adren/o= Gland Megaly= Enlargement Enlarged adrenal gland
Andromorphous (Endocrine) Andr/o= Male Morph/o= Form Ous= Pertaining to Male form
Endocrinology (Endocrine) End/o= Outside Crine= To secrete Ology= Study of Study of secreting glands
Glucogenic (Endocrine) Gluc/o= Glucose Genic= Producing Producing Glucose
Hormonal (Endocrine) Hormone/o= Hormone al= Pertaining to Pertaining to hormones
Hyperglycemia (Endocrine) Hyper= Above; Excessive Glyc/o= Glucose Emia= Blood Too much sugar in the blood
Hyperthyroidism (Endocrine) Hyper= Above; Excessive Thyr/o= Thyroid Ism= Condition Condition of too much thyroid hormone
Hypokalemia (Endocrine) Hypo= Below; Defficient Kal/i= Potassium Emia= Blood Low blood potassium
Hyposecretion (Endocrine) Hypo= Below; Deficient Secretion Abnormally decreased secretion
Ketoacidosis (Endocrine) Ket/o= Ketone bodies Acid Osis= Abnormal condition Condition of increased presense of ketone bodies
Pancreatitis (Endocrine) Pacreat/o= Pancreas Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of the pancreas
Polydipsea (Endocrine) Poly= Many or excessive Dips/o= Thirst ia= Condition Condition of excessive thirst
Thymoma (Endocrine) Thym/o= Thymus gland Oma= Tumor Tumor of thymic tissue
Thyroidectomy (Endocrine) Thyroid Ectomy= Surgical removal Surgical removal of the thyroid gland
Autoimmune (Immune) Auto= Self Immune/o= Protection Disorder of abnormal function of immune system causing body to produce antibodies against itself
Immunocompromised (Immune) Immune/o= Protection Compromised Compromised immune system by disease or immunosuppressive agents
Leukemia (Immune) Leuk/o= White Emia= Blood Malignant blood disease marked by abnormal white blood cells
Lymphadenopathy (Immune) Lymph/o= Lymph Aden/o= Gland Pathy= Disease Disease where lymph nodes are enlarged
Lymphoma (Immune) Lymph/o= Lymph Oma= Tumor Neoplasm
Macrocytosis (Immune) Macro= Large Cytosis= Condition of cells Large red blood cells
Pancytopenia (Immune) Pan= All Cyt/o= Cell Penia= Decreased number Abnormally reduced number of blood cells
Phagocyte (Immune) Phag/o= Eat or swallow Cyt/o= Cell Cell that consumes bacteria, foreign particles and other cells
Septicemia (Immune) Septi= Bacteria Emia= Blood Bacterial infection of the blood
Splenomegaly (Immune) Splen/o= Spleen Megaly= Enlargement Enlarged spleen
Thymus (Immune) Thym/o= Thymus gland Removal of thymus gland
Anemia (Hematologic) A= Without Emia= Blood Reduced number of red blood cells
Hematology (Hematologic) Hemat/o= Blood Ology= Study of Medical study of blood
Hemocytoblasts (Hematologic) Hem/o= Blood Cyt/o= Cell Blast¡ Germ; Bud Primitive cells in the bone marrow that develop into blood cells
Hemolysis (Hematologic) Hem/o= Blood Lysis= Break down Break down of red blood cell membrane
Hematopoiesis (Hematologic) Hemat/o= Blood Poiesis= Formation Formation of various types of blood cells
Leukopenia (Hematologic) Leuko= White Penia= Decreased number Too few white blood cells
Morphology (Hematologic) Morph/o= Form Ology= Study of Study of the form of a specimen
Myeloma (Hematologic) Myel/o= Bone marrow/Spine Oma= Tumor Tumor of bone marrow
Myelocyte (Hematologic) Myel/o= Bone marrow/ Spine Cyte= Cell Immature blood cell in the bone marrow
Reticulocyte (Hematologic) Reticul/o= net Cyt/o= Cell Immature red blood cells
Thrombophlebitis (Hematologic) Thromb/o= Clot Pheb/o= Vein Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of a vein due to a blood clot
Abdominocentesis (Gastrointestinal) Abdomin/o= Abdomen Centesis= Surgical puncture Puncture in abdomen for aspiration of abdominal fluid
Cholecystectomy (Gastrointestinal) Cholecyst/o= Gall bladder Ectomy= Surgical removal Surgical removal of the gull bladder
Cirrhosis (Gastrointestinal) Cirrh/o= Yellow Osis= Abnormal condition Chronic liver condition causing yellowing of tissues
Colonoscopy (Gastrointestinal) Col/o= Colon Scopy= Viewing Process of viewing colon
Dyspepsia (Gastrointestinal) Dys= Painful; Difficult Pepsia= Digestion Indigestion
Dysphagia (Gastrointestinal) Dys= Difficult Phag/o= Eat; Swallow Ia= Pertaining to Difficulty in eating or swallowing
Endoscopic (Gastrointestinal) End/o= Within Scopy= Viewing Ic= Pertaining to Process of viewing within
Esophagitis(Gastrointestinal) Esaphag/o= Esophagus Itis= Inflammaton Inflammation of the esophagus
Gastroenterologist (Gatrointestinal) Gastr/o= Stomach Enter/o= Intestine Ologist= Specialist Spealist of the stomach and intestines
Hematemesis (Gastrointestinal) Hemat/o= Blood Emisis= Vomiting Bloody vomit
Hepatomegaly (Gastrointestinal) Hepat/o= Liver Megaly= Enlargment Enlarged liver
Nasogastric (Gastrointestinal) Nas/o= Nose Gastr/o= Stomach Ic= Pertaining to Pertaining to nose and stomach
Sublingual (Gastrointestinal) Sub= Under; Below Lingua= Tongue al= Pertaining to Pertaining to under the tongue
Bacteriuria (Urinary) Bacteri/o= Bacteria Ur/o= Urinary tract ia= Condition Bacteria in the urine
Cystoscope (Urinary) Cyst/o= Bladder Scope= Instrument used for viewing Instrument used for examining bladder
Glucosuria (Urinary) Gluc/o= Glucose Ur/o= Urinary tract ia= Condition Sugar in the urine
Hydronephrosis (Urinary) Hydr/o= Water Nephr/o= Kidney Osis= Abnormal condition Condition of urine pooling in the renal pelvis
Ketonuria (Urinary) Ket/o= Ketone bodies Ur/o= Urinary Tract ia= Condition of Condition of ketone bodies in the urine
Lithotripsy (Urinary) Lith/o= Stone Tripsy= Crushing Crushing of a stone
Nephrectomy (Urinary) Nephrectomy (Urinary) Nephr/o= Kidney Ectomy= Surgical removal
Nephrosis (Urinay) Nephr/o= Kidney Osis= Abnormal condition Abnormal condition of kidney
Polyuria (Urinary) Poly= Many Ur/o= Urinary tract ia= Condition Condition in which one urinates excessively
Pyelonephritis (Urinary) Pyel/o= Renal pelvis Nephr/o= Kidney Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of renal pelvis area of kidney
Ureterolithiasis (Urinary) Ureter/o= Ureter Lith/o= Stone iasis= Formation Stone form in ureter
Urethralgia (Urinary) Urethr/o= Urethra Algia= Pain Pain in the urethra
Urologist (Urinary) Ur/o= Urinary tract Ologist= Specialist One who specializes in conditions of urinary system
Vesicotomy (Urinary) Vesic/o= Bladder Otomy= Surgical incision Incision into bladder
Blepharitis (Eye) Blephar/o= Eyelid Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of the eyelid
Conjunctivitis (Eye) Conjunctiv/o= Conjunctiva Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of the conjunctiva
Exophthalmia (Eye) Ex/o= Out Opthalm/o= Eye ia= pertaining to Pertaining to protuberance of eye
Intraocular (Eye) Intra= Within Ocul/o= Eye ar= Pertaining to Pertaining to inside of eye
Keratoplasty (Eye) Kerat/o= Cornea Plasty= Surgical repair Surgical repair of cornea
Lacrimation (Eye) Lacrim/o= Tears ation= Process Secretion of tears
Ophthalmologist (Eye) Ophthalm/o= Eye Ologist= Specialist Eye specialist
Optometry (Eye) Opt/o= Vision Metry= Measure of Measure of vision
Photophobia (Eye) Phot/o= Light Phobia= Fear Sensitivity to light
Presbyopia (Eye) Presby/o= Old age Opia= Condition of vision
Retinitis (Eye) Retin/o= Retina Itis= Inflammation
Audiometry (Ear) Audi/o= Hearing; Sound Metry= Measuring Measurement of hearing
Myringitis (Ear) Myring/o= Eardrum Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of the tympanic membrane
Otorhinolaryngologist (Ear) Ot/o= Ear Rhin/o= Nose Laryng/o= Larynx Ologist= Specialist Specialist of the ear, nose and throat
Otalgia (Ear) Ot/o= Ear Algia= Pain Earache
Otitis (Ear) Ot/o= Ear Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of the ear
Otosclerosis (Ear) Ot/o= Ear Sclerosis= Hardening Hardening bone tissue in ear
Presbyacusus (Ear) Presby/o= Old age Acus/o= Hearing condition Loss of hearing due to old age
Salpingitis (Ear) Salping/o= Uterine tube Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of Eustachian tube in ear
Tympanometry (Ear) Tympan/o= Eardrum Metry= Measuring Measuring mobility of the typanic membrane
Tympanoplasty (Ear) Tympan/o= Eardrum Plasty= Surgical repair Surgical repair of eardrum
Dermatitis (Dermatologic) Dermat/o= Skin Itis= Inflammation Inflammation of the skin
Dermatologist (Dermatologic) Dermat/o= Skin Ologist== Specialist Skin specialist
Epidermal (Dermatologic) Epi= Above; Upon Derm/o= Skin al= Pertaining to On the skin
Histology (Dermatologic) Hist/o= Tissue Ology= Study of Study of tissues
Keratosis (Dermatologic) Condition of thickened epidermis
Onychomycosis (Dermatologic) Fungal infection of the nail
Percutaneous (Dermatologic) Per= Through Cutane/o= Skin Through the skin
Sarcoma (Dermatologic) Sarc/o= Flesh Oma= Tumor Tumor of the flesh
Subcutaneous (Dermatologic) Pertaining to below the skin
Xeroderma (Dermatologic) Xero= Dry Dry skin
Anorchism (Reproductive) Ism= Condition Condition in which one or both testes are absent
Aspermia (Reproductive) Condition where one cannot produce/ejaculate sperm
Colposcope (Reproductive) Colp/o= Vagina Scope designed to examine vagina
Epididymitis (Reproductive) Epididym/o= Epididymis Inflammation of the epididymis
Episiotomy (Reproductive) Episi/o= Vulva Otomy= Incision into Incision made into perineum to facilitate birth
Hydrocele (Reproductive) Hydr/o= Water Cele= Hernia Hernia of fluid in the testes
Lactogenic (Reproductive) Producing milk
Mammogram (Reproductive) X-ray of the breast
Mastodynia (Reproductive) Mast/o= Breast Dynia= Pain Breast pain
Obstetrics (Reproductive) Obstetr/o= Midwife Ic= pertaining to Specialty pertaining to treatment and care of expecting mother
Oligospermia (Reproductive) Oligo= Few; Less Too few sperm in semen
Oophoritis (Reproductive) Inflammation of the ovary
Orchiopexy (Reproductive) Pexy= Suspension; Fixation Surgical treatment of undescending testicle by freeing it and implanting into scrotum
Prostatalgia (Reproductive) Painful prostate
Vasectomy (Reproductive) Excision of part of the vas deferens to produce male sterility
Created by: perezc0139151
Popular Pharmacology sets




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To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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