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EUH test 3

How did the monasteries react to the cult of the saints? They profited from it as the managers of the burial places of the saints.
What accounts for the growth of northern European towns after 1000? The woolen cloth industry
What was the ruling dynasty of France during the High Middle Ages? Capetians
During the twelfth century, Italian towns attempted to expel their traditional lords and establish self-governing associations of magnates called communes.
Those who accepted land in return for pledges of military service were called vassals.
Unlike continental Europe, all feudal land in England immediately after the Norman Conquest was held either directly or indirectly of the king.
In order to limit aristocratic violence that often threatened Church property, the Church created a limitation of warfare called the Truce of God.
Which of the following was NOT characteristic of the peasantry? Peasants had complete access to public courts of law.
Among the knightly aristocracy, the rule of inheritance usually provided that only the oldest male child should inherit.
Tying together the northern and southern commercial worlds were the great annual fairs of Champagne in France.
What document did King John sign in 1215 acknowledging the monarch's subjection to the law? Magna Carta
Which of the following was NOT a common feature of medieval peasant villages? Numerous stone buildings
What group monopolized political power in northern European towns? The patricians or wholesale cloth merchants
Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa exchanged political privileges in Germany in order to pursue ambitions in Italy.
The primary focus of the Dominicans was on preaching to the society of the thirteenth century.
What Muslim commander defeated the Latin Kingdom in 1187 and reconquered Jerusalem? Saladin
The architect of a unified France was King Philip II Augustus.
The original Franciscan rule emphasized strict poverty.
What scholar and philosopher attempted to recast Christian doctrine and philosophy, replacing their Neo-Platonic foundation with an Aristotelian base? Thomas Aquinas
The Italian merchants developed all of the following commercial practices EXCEPT which one? Use of metallic currency
To overcome partisan violence, medieval Italian towns hired professional city managers called podestas.
Between 1000 and 1300, the European population almost doubled, from 38 million to 74 million.
During the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, peasants were willing to pay for all of the following rights EXCEPT which one? Conversion to a different religion
How did the personal freedom of the serfs in eastern Europe compare to those in western Europe during the Middle Ages? Although Western serfs achieved greater personal freedom, Eastern serfs lost ground to the authority of lords
The land given by a lord to support his followers was referred to as a benefice or fief.
The ideals of the chivalric, or knightly, lifestyle originated in northern France.
Henry IV of the Holy Roman Empire clashed with which pope in the investiture controversy? Gregory VII
The Pope who was responsible for preaching the First Crusade was Urban II.
Which of the following was NOT an advantage gained by peasant communities as a result of the demand for labor? Freehold tenure of all lands within the agricultural system
Which of the following was NOT characteristic of the peasantry? Peasants had complete access to public courts of law.
Which of the following was NOT a factor in the increase of the European population? Increasing democracy of peasant government
What officials of the Holy Roman Empire were originally unfree serfs granted imperial military commands and important castles? Ministerials
Which of the following statements best describes feudalism in the eleventh century? It was a society of intensely local autonomous powers in which public order and political authority were widely spread
What philosopher introduced to the West between 1150 and 1250 caused an intellectual revolution? Aristotle
The greatest danger for women of the aristocracy was death as a result of childbearing.
What best describes the attitude of the Church toward women? The Church portrayed them as the source of evil and corruption
Why did the Cistercians seek to establish their houses in the wilderness? They wanted to avoid contact with the rest of secular society and to live in greater simplicity than other monastics
In France during the thirteenth century, members of the nobility began to lose some of their independence to the growing authority of the state.
What was the function of monasteries in the rural community of western Europe? They prayed for the souls of members of those aristocratic families that gave donations of land
What twelfth-century English monarch restored the king's authority over his nobility through a series of legal reforms? Henry II
Which of the following criteria can NOT be understood as a measure of the Black Death's impact? It forced medical science to speed up the search for a vaccine.
Which of the following was NOT one of the families competing for dominance in the Holy Roman Empire in the fourteenth century? Staufer
Originally hospitals were religious institutions providing lodging for pilgrims, the elderly, and the ill.
What Luxembourg monarch of Bohemia spread his family's influence throughout eastern Europe? Charles IV
The publication of the Witches' Hammer at the end of the fifteenth century caused the European witch craze to begin in earnest.
The treasury of merit was a spiritual bank account run by the papacy that allegedly provided sinners with a way out of purgatory.
At the same time that towns began to organize public assistance, they attempted to control more strictly the activities of the urban poor.
What percentage of Europe's population perished as a result of the Black Death? more than 30
From 1305 until 1377, the papacy was dominated by the French.
The medieval notion of chivalry was a code of conduct that required the elites of Europe to both maintain and increase their honor by violence.
Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Jacquerie Revolt of 1358 in France? The demand of the charismatic leader of the revolt, Jacques Bonnehomme, that his peasant mobs be given their due in Parliament
Peter Parler broke with the French tradition in sculpture by concentrating on realism and individual portraiture in his sculpture.
Compared to the Jacquerie Revolt, the Great Rebellion of 1381 in England was less violent but more coordinated than the French uprising.
What group was formed by Edward III of England to honor the knights who embodied the highest qualities of chivalry? The Order of the Garter
During the second half of the fourteenth century, the Hanseatic League formed to monopolize the northern grain trade as well as export Scandinavian fish throughout Europe.
Dante provides the modern reader with his personal summary of all that is good and bad in medieval society in the Divine Comedy.
Frustrated politically, the fourteenth-century popes were enormously successful in perfecting the ____________ of the Church legal and fiscal systems
What Czech religious reformer challenged the authority of the Roman Church and became the direct predecessor of the great reformation of the sixteenth century? Jan Hus
Which was NOT one of the causes of the Hundred Years' War? French territorial demands in southwestern England
News of Jan Hus's execution for heresy, caused a spontaneous rebellion by all levels of Czech society.
Who of the following was NOT one of the Tuscan poets responsible for making Italian a literary language and contributing to some of the greatest literature of all time? Masaccio Buonforte
JOHN WYCLEFFS TEACHINGS Were at first protected in England
Which of the following was NOT one of the larger kingdoms or duchies of the Holy Roman Empire by the fifteenth century? Luxembourg
What dynastic family was able to gain first control of the throne of Hungary and then in 1370 the throne of Poland? Anjou
Punishment for all types of crimes in the later Middle Ages became increasingly gruesome, involving torture and mutilation.
What order conquered territories along the northeastern borders of the Holy Roman Empire? Teutonic
Which of the following was NOT one of the families competing for dominance in the Holy Roman Empire in the fourteenth century? Staufer
Who was regarded as the greatest realist poet of the Middle Ages? Francois Villon
What French noble actually allied with England during the Hundred Years' War? Philip the Good of Burgundy
Which of the following was NOT a reason for both peasants and merchants being enticed by eastern Europe? An indigenous population of culturally like-minded Germans
What English king successfully gained the throne following his victory in 1485 after the Wars of the Roses? Henry VII
The Hundred Years' War provided the French nobility with the opportunity to carve out autonomous lordships.
For England, defeat in the Hundred Years' War caused a fifteenth-century civil war between two competing families for the throne.
Christine de Pisan's contribution to the fifteenth century's sense of individuality was highlighted in her attack against the stereotypical medieval image of women as weak and sexually aggressive.
What council resolved the schism within the Roman Catholic Church that existed after 1378? Constance
Which of the following statements concerning later medieval mysticism is most accurate? Women developed their own form of piety, which focused on the spiritual nourishment of the Eucharist.
What Luxembourg monarch of Bohemia spread his family's influence throughout eastern Europe? Charles IV
Which of the following was NOT a reason that France was the odds-on favorite to win the Hundred Years' War, at the outset of the war? Philip VI of France was a far better administrator and tactician than his English rival, Edward III.
In the Ciompi revolt of 1378, poor wool workers rebelled against the powerful guilds of masters.
What was the name given to Ockham's philosophy? Radical nominalism
Who was the author of Piers Plowman? William Langland
Gothic architects used stone springers and vaults to emphasize verticality and lift the eyes of the faithful to the heavens.
How did eastern nobles react to the acquisition of royal thrones by westerners? They were pleased, because it prevented more powerful indigenous families from gaining the thrones.
Which of the following battles was NOT a victory for the English in the Hundred Years' War? Orleans
As a result of the Golden Bull of 1356 A.D., the Holy Roman Empire was fragmented into a number of large kingdoms and duchies in the east and over 1600 autonomous principalities, free towns, and sovereign bishoprics in the west.
Which of the following statements concerning the impact of the 100 Years' War on the French economy is NOT accurate? The ability to retain control over the Flemish cities offered the chief economic benefit for the French kings.
At the same time that towns began to organize public assistance, they attempted to control more strictly the activities of the urban poor.
A major military advantage that the English had over the French in the initial part of the Hundred Years' War was the English use and deployment of massed longbowmen firing volleys of arrows from great ranges.
The population decline of the fourteenth century led many English landowners to switch from traditional farming to sheep raising.
Which of the following statements BEST describes the political philosophy of William of Ockham? Imperial power is derived from the people, not the Pope; hence, government is entirely secular and neither popes, nor bishops, nor priests have any role.
When Joan of Arc was tried by the English as a heretic, her king, Charles VII, did nothing to help her.
Which of the following criteria can NOT be understood as a measure of the Black Death's impact? It forced medical science to speed up the search for a vaccine.
Which of the following cities was NOT a major player in Italian politics? Palermo
The chief field of study for the humanists was philology.
The most warlike of the Italian city-states was Milan, ruled for two centuries by the Visconti.
A balance of power in Italy was achieved in 1454 in the Peace of Lodi.
Humanism made its most impressive contributions in recovery of ancient texts.
What Italian city-state was most directly affected by the advance of the Ottomans? Venice
Who was the author of the influential Renaissance tract, The Courtier? Baldesar Castiglione
In Renaissance urban society, the Church remained the spatial, social, and spiritual center of people's lives.
The mercenaries who dominated Italy were the condottieri.
The dominant form of political organization on the Italian peninsula during the Renaissance was the city-state.
The author of The Prince was Niccolo Machiavelli.
Which of the following statements concerning Renaissance art is NOT accurate? Unlike most craftsmen in Renaissance towns, artists did not undergo the period of apprenticeship in a master's shop.
Which of the following was NOT a reason for Venice's turn to the West in the fifteenth century? The establishment of a centralized monarchy in Venice
Which of the following is NOT an attribute of Renaissance humanism? It ignored the contributions of religion.
The title of the elected Venetian leader was the doge.
Which of the following is NOT a work by Michelangelo? Winged Victory
In reality, Venice's political structure was a(n) oligarchy.
Which of the Medicis established the family's superior position in Florence after return from a brief exile in 1434? Cosimo
Which of the following was NOT one of the humanists' contributions to the scholarly world? Economic interpretations
What was Leonardo Bruni's humanistic contribution? He translated Aristotle and Plato from classical Greek and did much to foster the ideas of Plato.
In Europe in the fifteenth century, ____ percent of the European population was involved in subsistence agriculture. 70 to 90
The Venetian Book of Gold recorded the names of all males qualified as members of the Great Council.
Which of the following statements concerning Renaissance households is most accurate? Nuclear families commonly included stepparents and stepchildren as well as domestic servants or apprentices
Of the five leading powers in the Italian peninsula, which one was ruled by a hereditary monarchy? Naples
The northern European country that invaded Italy in 1494 as an ally of Milan was France.
Which quality characterizes the works of Botticelli? Use of mythologies that departed from the naturalism of Masaccio
Italy was characterized politically by fragmentation.
The patron saint of Venice is St. Mark.
Which of the following was NOT a reason for Venice's turn to the West in the fifteenth century? The establishment of a centralized monarchy in Venice
Which of the following statements concerning the Renaissance is NOT accurate? It is easy to define the moment at which the Middle Ages ended and the Renaissance began.
Which of the following is NOT an attribute of Renaissance humanism? It ignored the contributions of religion.
What was Machiavelli's objective in writing The Prince? To reestablish Italian rule and place government on a stable basis
Florence built its prosperity on banking and wool.
Which of the Medicis established the family's superior position in Florence after return from a brief exile in 1434? Cosimo
In discussing the difficult economic conditions of the fifteenth century, which statement is not correct? Life was tough but secure.
Lorenzo Valla, who served the king of Naples, demonstrated what papal document was a forgery using textual criticism typical of humanists? The Donation of Constantine
In the process of centralizing authority within the five powers of Italy, what military commander was responsible for taking power in Milan after the Visconti? Francesco Sforza
Which of the following statements concerning Machiavelli is NOT accurate? His militia defeated the Spaniards, gaining Machiavelli entry into the highest legislative councils of Florence.
The family that dominated Florence was the Medici.
Venice based its economic dominance on its privileged position with the Byzantine Empire.
In what area did Michelangelo NOT excel? Music
Civic humanism is best expressed in the work On the Family written by Leon Battista Alberti.
Which of the following statements concerning Renaissance households is most accurate? Nuclear families commonly included stepparents and stepchildren as well as domestic servants or apprentices.
Who was regarded as the "father of humanism"? Petrarch
Which of the following was NOT a factor contributing to instability in Florence in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries? Inclusion of Florence in the Venetian republic
The major feature affecting the economy in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth century was change in population.
Lorenzo Valla, who served the king of Naples, demonstrated what papal document was a forgery using textual criticism typical of humanists? The Donation of Constantine
Who was responsible for the conquest of Constantinople in 1453? Mehmed II.
Which of the following statements concerning Italian urban society is NOT accurate? Nearly all members of urban society were guild members.
Most humanists were laymen.
What was the primary factor determining a citizen's standing in an Italian town? Occupation
Compared to their ancestors, people of the Renaissance had reason to believe that their lives were better.
Which of the following was NOT an accomplishment of the Tudor monarchs? Gaining control over fiscal matters through the establishment of permanent taxes
Ivan IV earned the nickname "the Terrible" for his excessively brutal treatment of the boyars or hereditary nobles.
Which of the following statements concerning Spain in the fifteenth century is most accurate? The Moors had been pushed out of Granada and the Jews had been expelled from Spain, but the Iberian peninsula continued to be controlled by several separate kingdoms.
What English king seized Catholic church wealth and established his own Protestant church in the 16th century Henry VIII
By what year did Castilian women begin arriving in the New World? 1498
What tribunal arose in fifteenth-century Spain to examine the sincere devotion of Jewish converts to Christianity? The Inquisition
Which of the following was one of the most important accomplishments of Ivan IV? The creation of a system of central administration
At the time of the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis, what European power remained in control of northern Italy? The Habsburgs
Which of the following factors did NOT lead to the rise of Muscovy? Ivan III's assassination, which eliminated his weak and ineffectual rule
The states of Europe are political entities that were forged in the sixteenth century by all of the following EXCEPT which one? Cultural identity
Which of the following was NOT a powerful force working against the unification of France? The English victory in the Hundred Years' War had cost France valuable provinces on its western coast.
The site of the French House of Valois' struggle for supremacy over the Habsburgs was Italy.
Which of the following statements concerning the Spanish extraction of bullion from the New World is most accurate? Most of the silver found by the Spanish in the New World went to Amsterdam to settle Spanish debts.
What percentage of Spanish immigrants to the New World were women? 10
Which of the following was NOT an obstacle preventing the extension of power for kings and emperors in fifteenth-century Europe? A general unwillingness to resort to violence
What treaty brought the dynastic struggles in Italy to an end in 1559? Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis
What monarch established the Tudor dynasty in England? Henry VII
The circumnavigation of the globe by Ferdinand Magellan and Sebastian Elcano proved that the world was indeed round.
Which of the following was NOT one of the great empires that defined the political boundaries of eastern Europe in the sixteenth century? Finno-Hungarian
Under Henry VIII, what institution came to serve as English monarchs' executive body? Privy Council
While Muscovy was becoming centrally administered under Ivan IV, _______ had become so decentralized that it split into two and was taken by the Russians, Ottomans, and Habsburgian Germans. Poland-Lithuania
The reconquista played an important role in creating a national identity for the Christians of Spain.
What civil war in England between 1455 and 1485 settled the dynastic claims of the houses of Lancaster and York? Wars of the Roses
By the end of the fifteenth century, Poland, Lithuania, Bohemia, and Hungary were ruled by the same family, the Jagiellons.
The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) granted Portugal the eastern trade route to the Indies as well as Brazil; lands to the west of Brazil were given to Spain.
Ivan IV earned the nickname "the Terrible" for his excessively brutal treatment of the boyars or hereditary nobles.
While Muscovy was becoming centrally administered under Ivan IV, _______ had become so decentralized that it split into two and was taken by the Russians, Ottomans, and Habsburgian Germans. Poland-Lithuania
Which of the following statements concerning royal rivalries in sixteenth-century Europe is NOT accurate? Henry VIII sought to pursue his claims to the kingdom of Naples.
What French monarch was most associated with the consolidation of France after the 100 Years' War? Louis XI
What Mesoamerican empire did Hernando Cortes conquer? Aztec
For Charles V, what was the most important part of his far-flung empire? Castile
Charles V became heir not only to the Spanish crown, but also to vast Habsburg estates that included Austria.
At what battle in 1523 was Francis I captured by imperial forces, thus granting a seemingly insuperable position to Charles V? Pavia
At the time of the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis, what European power remained in control of northern Italy? The Habsburgs
What group within Muscovite society benefited from its relationship with the tsar during the reign of Ivan IV? Military service class
The circumnavigation of the globe by Ferdinand Magellan and Sebastian Elcano proved that the world was indeed round.
The site of the French House of Valois' struggle for supremacy over the Habsburgs was Italy.
Which of the following was NOT a factor permitting sixteenth-century European states to engage in unremitting warfare? The political unification of the Holy Roman Empire
Which of the following was NOT one of the great empires that defined the political boundaries of eastern Europe in the sixteenth century? Finno-Hungarian
The Portuguese discovery of Brazil was the result of an expedition traveling down the coast of Africa being blown off course.
What tribunal arose in fifteenth-century Spain to examine the sincere devotion of Jewish converts to Christianity? The Inquisition
Which of the following was NOT a goal of the Spanish Crown in colonizing the New World? To provide Spain with a stronger agricultural base
By the end of the fifteenth century, Poland, Lithuania, Bohemia, and Hungary were ruled by the same family, the Jagiellons.
What treaty brought the dynastic struggles in Italy to an end in 1559? Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis
Which of the following was NOT one of the groups into which Muscovite society was divided at the end of the reign of Ivan III? Free merchants residing in the major towns
What area of European civilization saw technological change that opened up long distance trading? Seafaring
Despite its remarkable diversity of political and geographical forms, Europe in 1500 had no state system and no clear group of dominant powers.
The richest and most powerful of the Scandinavian nations in the fifteenth century was Denmark.
Which of the following early sixteenth-century works encouraged state formation and development? Machiavelli's The Prince
Which of the following was NOT one of the prominent and antagonistic rivals in European politics in the early sixteenth century? Joseph II of Austria
Which of the following was NOT a cause of the age of exploration? The Magyar's continued encroachment into central Europe
The reconquista played an important role in creating a national identity for the Christians of Spain.
The organizational and administrative genius of Henry VIII's reign was his chief administrator Thomas Cromwell.
By the turn of the sixteenth century, Portugal had established footholds on the eastern and western coasts of Africa and the western shores of India.
Which of the following is NOT a reason the Portuguese were the early leaders in the age of exploration? Portugal's expansionist foreign policy necessitated new colonial development.
Which of the following was NOT typical of the Holy Roman Empire in the fifteenth century? A centralized administration in Berlin
The technological advances in warfare, especially the use of _________, helped force consolidation of smaller political entities into stronger and larger ones. gunpowder
Which of the following was NOT a French tax that provided the government with both a broad base and a high degree of compliance? Tithe
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