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Mathematics Part 2


How can a linear relationship be represented? It can be represented by the equation y= mx + b.
What are y and x in the equation? They are variables.
What are m and b in the equation? In the equation they are constants
What happens or is produced when x and y values from a linear relationship are plotted on a graph? When and y values from a linear relationship are plotted on a graph, a straight line is produced.
What does the term linear refer to? The term "linear" refers to anything having to do with a straight line.
Where do linear relationships get their names? they get their name from the fact that they are plotted on a graph, they appear on a straight line.
What goes through the origin when a proportional linear relationship is plotted on a graph? When a proportional linear relationship are plotted on a graph, the line goes through the origin, (0,0)
when b is not equal to 0 is the relationship between y and x proportional? No it is non-proportional
In a non-proportional linear relationship, is the equation linear? In a non-proportional liner relationship, the equation is linear.
Are x and y proportional? No they are not proportional
What is an example? When x is doubled y is also doubled
What does the word "percent" come from? The Latin phrase "per centum" meaning by the "hundred"
What is the numerator? Numerator is the top number of a ratio.
What is a denominator? A the denominator is the bottom number.
What happens if the denominator is 100 If the denominator is 100, then the numerator is a percent.
What are proportions used to solve? A variety of problems in real-life situations.
What is a rate? A ratio in which the numerator and the denominator are different units.
What is an example of a rate? An example of a rate is speed, in which the numerator is the distance traveled, and the denominator is the time taken to travel that distance.
What is the definition of percent? percent means per 100. A value of n% is the same as the fraction n/100
When presenting numeric information what is more informative than a verbal description? A diagram, graph or table
Diagrams or graphs can illustrate what? Relationships that are not obvious from a verbal description.
In the problem that show tables, charts or graphs you may not need what? You may not need all the information given.
Algebraic equations, graphs and tables can be used to make what? They can be used to make predictions and to solve problems.
Examples include what? Estimating the amount of time necessary to finish a project or reach a goal, and predicting information such as productivity, costs or the timing of a future event.
What is determined when looking at data to predict future values? When looking at data to predict future values, determine the rate of change.
What happens then? Then apply the rate of change to the amount of time you are looking ahead.
What is a sequence? A set of numbers that follow a pattern.
What is an arithmetic sequence? A sequence of numbers in which each term after the frist is the result of adding a fixed number called the common difference to the previous term.
What is a dilation? A dilation is a transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure to make a similar image
What is an enlargement? An enlargement makes a new image that is larger that the original figure.
What is a reduction? A reduction makes a new image that is smaller than the original figure.
What is a scale factor? The ratio of the dimensions of the new image to those of the original figure.
What is done to find the coordinates of an image on a coordinate plane after a dilation? Multiply the coordinates of the original figure by the scale factor.
A enlargement is a dilation in which the scale factor is what? greater than 1
A reduction is a dilation in which the scale factor is what? less than 1.
What is a transformation? A change in position, size or shape of figure
What is a translation? transformation in which each part of the figure is moved to the same distance and direction
What is a reflection? A transformation that flips the figure over a line of reflection.
When a figure is reflected, the vertices of the original figure and the new figure are what? the same distance.
Created by: iluvaction
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