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PE Ch 3

Phlebotomy Essentials Ch 3

BBP Term applied to infectious microorganisms in blood and other body fluids
biohazard Anything harmful or potentially harmful to health
CDC Federal agency charged with the investigation and control of certain diseases
chain of infection A series of components or events that lead to an infrection
engineering controls Devices that isolate or remove a workplace BBP hazard
EPA Federal agency that regulates the disposal of hazardous waste
fire tetrahedron Chemistry of fire representation
fomites Inanimate objects that can harbor material containing infectious agents
HAI Infection associated with a healthcare facility
HazCom OSHA standard requiring employers to maintain documentation on hazardous chemicals
HBV Hepatitis B Virus
HCV Hepatitis C Virus
HICPAC Federal organization that advises the CDC on nosocomial infection prevention guidelines
HIV Virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
immune protected from or resistant to a particular disease or infection
infectious/causative agent Pathogen responsible for causing an infection
isolation procedures Procedures that separate patients with certain transmissible infections from others
microbe short for microorganism
MSDS Contains general, precautionary and emergency information for a hazardous product
neutropenic having an abnormally low neutrophil count
NIOSH Federal agency that recommends ways to prevent work-related injury
nosocomial infection Infection acquired in a hospital
OSHA federal agency that mandates and enforces safe working conditions for employees
parenteral any route other than the digestive tract
pathogenic capable of causing disease
pathogens microorganisms capable of causing disease
percutaneous through the skin
permucosal through mucous membranes
reverse isolation protects a patient who is highly susceptible to infection
standard precautions precautions to be used in caring for all patients. Treating all blood and body fluids as potentailly infectious. First tier in Isolation Precautions
susceptible host individual who has little resistance to an infectious agent
transmission-based precautions precautions that reduce the riske of airborne, droplet, or contact transmission
vector transmission transmission of an infectious agent by an insect, anthropod, or animal
vehicle transmission transmission of an infectious agent through contaminated food, water, drugs, or blood
work place controls practices that alter how tasks are performed to reduce the likelihood of BBP exposure
AFB culture Acid Fast Bacillus (m. tuberculosis)
Alcohol based hand sanitizer MAY be used only if hands are not visibly contaminated
examples of engineering controls sharps container, self-sheathing needles, eyewash station
Best defense agains HBV is HBV vaccination
control an external hemorrhage by: applying firm direct pressure on the wound
If splashed in the eye, flush with water for 15 minutes
Wear an N95 respirator when the patient has: TB
The test for TB PPD
reservoir The sourceof an infectious agent (place where the microbe can survive , grow or multiply
exit pathway a way an infectious agent is able to leave a reservoir host
hand hygiene one of the most important means of preventing the spread of infection
If mucous membrane exposure (mouth, eyes,nose): Flush the site with wter or sterile saline for a minimum of 10 minutes
For surface decontamination in laboratory specimen collection and processing areas use: 1:10 bleach solution
First Aid for Shock Maintain an open airway, Call for assistance, Keep victim lying down with the head lower than the rest of the body, attempt to control bleeding (or other cause of shock), keep victim warm
Back injuries Accounts for 20% of all workplace injuries and illnesses
Most frequently occuring lab-aquired infection HBV
Created by: rslagter
Popular Phlebotomy sets




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