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Word List 24

Immaculate - Incessant

Immaculate spotless; flawless; absolutely clean
Imminent likely to occur at any moment; impending; projecting or leaning forward
Immobility state of being immovable
Immolate to offer as a sacrifice
Immune resistant to; free or exempt
Immure to imprison; to shut up in confinement
Immutable unchangeable
Impair to injure; to hurt
Impale to pierce
Impalpable incapable of being perceived by touch; intangible
Impartial not biased; fair
Impassable not able to be traveled or crossed
Impasse a position from which there is no escape; deadlock
Impassive without feeling; imperturbable; stoical
Impeach to charge with crime in office; to indict
Impeccable flawless; faultless
Impecunious without money
Impede to hinder; to block
Impediment hindrance; stumbling-block
Impel to drive or force onward
Impending nearing; approaching
Impenitent not repentant
Imperative absolutely necessary; critically important
Imperceptive unnoticeable; undetectable
Imperial like an emperor; related to an empire
Imperious domineering; haughty
Impermeable impervious; not permitting passage through its substance
Impertinent insolent; rude
Imperturbable calm; placid
Impervious impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed
Impetuous violent; hasty; rash
Impetus moving force; incentive; stimulus
Impiety irreverence; lack of respect for God
Impinge to infringe; to touch; to collide with
Impious irreverent
Implacable incapable of being pacified
Implausible unlikely; unbelievable
Implement to put into effect; to supply with tools
Implicate to incriminate; to show to be involved
Implication something hinted at or suggested
Implicit understood but not stated
Implode to burst inward
Implore to beg
Imply to suggest meaning not expressed; to signify
Impolitic not wise
Imponderable weightless
Import significance
Importunate to beg persistently
Imposture assuming a false identity; masquerade
Impotent weak; ineffective
Imprecation curse
Impregnable invulnerable
Impromptu without previous preparation; off the cuff; on the spur of the moment
Impropriety improperness; unsuitableness
Improvident thriftless
Improvise to compose on the spur of the moment
Imprudent lacking caution; injudicious
Impudence impertinence; insolence
Impugn to dispute or to contradict; to challenge; to gainsay
Impuissance powerlessness; feebleness
Impunity freedom from punishment or harm
Impute to attribute; to ascribe
Inadvertently unintentionally; by oversight; carelessly
Inalienable not to be taken away; nontransferable
Inane silly; senseless
Inanimate lifeless
Inarticulate speechless; producing indistinct speech
Inaugurate to begin formally; to install in office
Incandescent strikingly bright; shining with intense heat
Incantation singing or chanting of magic spells; magical formula
Incapacitate to disable
Incarcerate to imprison
Incarnate embodies in flesh; personified
Incarnation act of assuming a human body
Incendiary arsonist
Incense to enrage; to infuriate
Incentive spur; motive
Inception start; beginning
Incessant uninterrupted; unceasing
Created by: triwaingle
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