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signals from your sensory organs trigger what homeostasis
sensory organs influence homeostasis and behavior
Photoreceptors detect light
mechanoreceptors respond to pressure and movement
Thermoreceptors Responds to heat
chemoreceptors respond to chemicals that are dissolved in fluid
eye contains what percent of receptors 70
Rod cells detect light
Cone cells detect color
How does the eye adjust to light muscles around the iris controls the size of the pupil
Ear collects sound waves
Hair cells inner ear that contain mechanoreceptors that detect vibrations
outer ear pinna
the sound is amplified through 3 bones malleus, incus, and the stapes
How does brain recieve sound fluids in the cochlea respond to the wave and the auditory nerve brings the message to the brain as sound
Brain's three parts Cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem
Cerebrum controls thought, movement, and emotion
Brain Stem controls basic life fucntion
3 parts of Brain stem Midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata
Midbrain controls some reflexes
Pons regulate breathing
Medulla Oblongata controls heart function swallowing and coughing
spinal cord control reflexes sensory neurons send impulses to spinal cord and spinal cord detects impulse to motor neurons not involve brain
somatic nervous system regulates voluntary movements
Autonomic nervous system regulates involuntary functions
sympathetic nervous system part of autonomic system and prepares body for action and stress
parasympathetic nervous system part of autonomic system and calms and regulates body energy
CT scans uses X-rays to view structure of brain
MRI scans uses magnetic fields and radio waves to view strucutre
PET scan detects activity where glucose used in the brain
changes in the brain chemistry can cause illness
Neurotransmitters stimulate or prevent impulses
Dopamine emotional behavior, stress
serotonin mood hunger
Glutamate learning and memory
GABA prevent neuron from generating an impulse
schizophrenia abnormal amounts of dopamine
depression low serotonin
addiction physiological need for a substance
tolerance more of a drug is needed to cause an effect
drugs might cause desensitization or sensitization
desensitization more neurotransmitter leads to fewer receptors
sensitization less neurotransmitters leads to more receptors
stimulates do what more action potential increase neurotransmitters in synapse decrease removal of neurotransmitters in synapse
depressants drug that make a person feel relaxed and tired
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