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DAT Science 2013, 1

Biology, General Chemist & Organic Chemistry

_____ have cell walls made of peptioglycans Prokaryotes
Fats or carbs - which have a greater H:O ratio? Fats > Carbs in terms of H:O ratio
What is the equation for Hardy-Wienberg Equilibrium? p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
Plant spores are haploid. If haploid = 18, what is diploid? Haploid = 18 Diploid = 36
What is the physiological optimum temp? 37 degrees C. At 50 degrees C, heat alters the shape of active site/decativates site. Up to 40 degrees -> rate of enzyme action increases
What is break-down of the 36 ATP generated? + 34 - Oxidative Phosphorlyation - 2 Pyruvate Decarbox. + 2 Calvin Cycle + 2 Glycolysis (Anaerobic)
Define: high solute, low solvent HYPERtonic
Define: high solvet, low soluter HYPOtonic
List taxonomic structure from Kingdom to Species. Kingdom, Phylum, Subphylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. Kinda Play Salty Chess Over Five Glass Stools
Na+/K+ Pump - what goes in/out? 3 Na+ out --> 2 K+ in <--
Noble gases have (high/low) electronegativity Low; full octet shell
Which is more polar: CH2Cl2 or CH2Br2 ? Cl is more electronegative, greater dipole moment (higher on periodic table)
Empirical formula gives us ... The simplest whole number ratio. Usually given in mass. 1) Convert mass to moles by dividing atomic mass of all elements 2) Look at mole ratios between elements
If an atom is MORE electronegative than another... 1) bonds to that atom are more polar 2) Dipole-dipole attraction is stronger
If an acid is weak, there is more (undissocitaed/dissociated) acid present. UNDISSOCIATED. [HA] > [H+][A-]
Small pKa = (high/low) acidity Small pKa = higher acidity Ka < 1 => pKa > 1 Ka < 1 = weakly acidic
Equation for molarity to volume relationship M1V1 = M2V2
Best ___ agent is the species getting reduced; Best ___ agent is species getting oxidatized Oxidizing; reducing
Beta (-) decay causes a (neutron/proton) to be (added/subtracted) from species. 1) Neutron 2) Added
Beta (+)/Positron decay causes a (neutron/proton) to be (added/subtracted) from species. 1) Neutron 2) Subtracted
Only (reactant/products) can be reducing and oxidization agents Reactants
On a plot of T vs. Q: Plateaus = ? Slopes = ? Steeper slope = ? Plateaus = heat of vaporization/fusion Slopes = heat capacity Steeper slope = lower heat capacity
In regards to anode and cathode, where does oxidation and reduction occur? "An-Ox/Red-Cat" Anode - Oxidation; Reduction - Cathode
What is the following most useful for in organic chemistry reactions? LiAlH4/THF Strong reducing agent (Reduce -COOH to -OH)
What is the following most useful for in organic chemistry reactions? Hg(CH3COO)2 Organomercury cmpds unreactive
What is the following most useful for in organic chemistry reactions? KOH/CH5OH -COOH to ester
What is the following most useful for in organic chemistry reactions? BH3/THF Convert alkene to alcohol
What is the following most useful for in organic chemistry reactions? CrO3/H2SO4 Promote oxidation
Ester + H20 = What is formed? Parent acid & alcohol
What acid dissociates into a base, it acquires a (positive/negative) charge. Negative
Halogenation to benzene requires a ______ catalyst Lewis Acid
What is Mass Spec used for? To see the split in ions of a compound/molecule
What is IR Spec used for? Distinguishes the different functional groups on a compound/molecule
Three steps of a Radical Rxn 1) Initiation 2) Propagation 3) Termination
Bronstad-Lowry bases binds ( ) H+ (adds H+) (accepts H+)
Addition of HCl to acids have what effect? No effect
When an ester is REDUCED, ____ is liberated first and then ____ is converted to a primary alcohol. Alcohol; Carboxylic acid
Nitro groups are ___ directors; R-Groups are ___ directors Meta (1,3) Ortho/Para (1,2 & 1,4)
Photosynthesis is present in which kingdoms? Monera - cyanobacteria, proteobacteria Protista - Algae, seaweed Plantae - exclusively photosynthetic Green pigment - chlorophyll
What are similarities of Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryotes? 1) Archaea - single cell - Monera 2) Bacteria - single cell - Monera 1 & 2 are structurally similar 3) Eukaryotes (Eukaryota) - Protists - Fungi - Plants - Animals 1 & 3: biologically and genetically similar
Define micturition. Urine released from the bladder.
T/F - kidneys secrete hormones? True. They secrete erythropoietin, which stimulates RBC production. Kidneys thus play a part in homeostasis.
Where do light-dependent reactions take place? In the thylakoids of chloroplasts within plants
Define plasmodesmata. Channels that connect individual plants cells, allowing them to share cytoplasm.
Define dark reactions in plants. Dark reactions: The Calvin Cycle; produces sugars in fluid of plant (stroma)
The energy production site in cells is within the... Mitochondria
Define the four Laws of Theromodynamics 0: Equilibrium btwn systems 1: Energy neither created nor destroyed 2: Law of entropy; move toward disorder 3: No system can reach absolute zero temp
Define mitosis. What are its stages? Mitosis - cell division. Interphase: G1, S, G2 --> Normal functions
The heartbeat is initiated by the ___ node. (Node = a point) Sinoatrial; it is located in the (R)-Atrium; pacemaker cells
What controls the rhythm of the heartbeat? Atrioventricular node. From this node --> fascicular branches --> Purkinje fibers --> ventricle
What transmits the electrical pulse from the heartbeat? Bundle of His
Define the pathway of ventricular contraction. Atrioventricular node. From this node --> fascicular branches --> Purkinje fibers --> ventricle
The atria is located (above/below/within) the ventricles. Above
Within the heart, blood flows from ___ to ___ Atrium; ventricles
Aorta pumps blood from ___ to the body Ventricles
Left ___ pumps blood to the aorta ventricle
Which cellular organelle digests cellular waste? Lysosome
Which cellular organelle breaks down toxic chemicals in the cell? Peroxisome
Name the four groups of macromolecules. - Nucleic acids - Proteins - Carbs - Lipids (Fats)
Define pathway in which the embryo divides Fertilized egg divides -> 2,4,8 -> 16 (Blastula) -> 32 (Morula) -> Gastrula: three germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm) -> blastocyst (70-100 cells) -> human fetus AND pluripotent (inner mass) cells
Ribosomes produce ____ and originate in the ___ Proteins; Nucleus
Rough ER is the site of ___ synthesis Protein
Smooth ER is the site of ___ synthesis Lipid (Fats)
Created by: caseyschmoll
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