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VCR 9 - 14

artifact n. an object made by human beings; often refers to a primitive tool or other relic from an earlier period
artifice n. 1. craftiness; trickery 2. cleverness; skill
artless adj. 1. without deceit or cunning; natural; simple 2. crude; ignorant; uncultured
artisan n. a skilled craftsperson
ode n. a poem usually addressed to a particular person, object or event that has stimulated deep and noble feelings in the poet
parody n. a humorous imitation of a piece of literature or music tr. v. to mimic a style, plot, or idea for comic effect
rhapsody n. speech or writing expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm
incantation n. the chanting or speaking of words seeming to have magical power or used to create a magical spell
recant tr. v. to take back a formal statement or belief previously made known
depict tr. v. 1. to paint, draw, or express in a picture of sculpture 2. to describe; to picture in words
pictograph n. a picture or drawing representing words or ideas
accrue intr. v. to come as a natural increase or advantage
crescendo n. a gradual increase in sound, often referring to music
excrescence n. abnormal growth or outgrowth
beneficence n. doing good or causing good to be done; kindly action
efficacious adj. effective as a means or remedy
facile adj. acting, working, or proceeding with ease; fluent (sometimes, superficial, when something is too easily done)
facsimile n. an exact copy of a book, painting, document, etc
faction n. 1. a group or clique within a larger group, party, or government 2. conflict within an organization or nation
mollify tr. v. to calm; to make gentler or softer in feeling
context n. 1. the parts before or after a word or statement that influence its meaning 2. the circumstances surrounding an event or situation
pretext n. a false reason put forward to conceal the true one
transgress tr. and intr. v. to go beyond or over set limits; to break a rule
transitive adj. (grammar) describing an action carried from subject to verb to object; needing a direct object to complete the meaning of the verb
transitory adj. lasting for only a short while
translucent adj. permitting light to pass through, but not transparent
ambience n. environment; the surrounding atmosphere
obituary n. notice of a death with biographical information
transient adj. 1. passing quickly; transitory 2. staying only a short time n. a person or thing having a short stay
aberration n. straying from what is normal or accepted
erratic adj. irregular or inconsistent in movement, habit, quality, or ideas
episode n. an incident in a person's life or in a story or play
exodus n. 1. mass departure or emigration 2. (capitalized) the departure of the Israelites from Egypt with their leader Moses
itinerant adj. traveling from place to place, especially to perform some duty or work; transient n. a person who travels from place to place
itinerary n. 1. a route of travel 2. a plan or record of a journey
advent n. 1. arrival or coming into being 2. (capitalized) the period beginning four weeks before Christmas; the birth of Christ
circumvent tr. v. 1. to avoid; to evade by cleverness 2. to avoid by passing around
convene tr. and intr. v. to assemble, especially for a meeting
intervene intr. v. 1. to occur between events or periods 2. to come between, thereby easing a situation 3. to interfere or to interrupt
telepathy n. communication from one mind to another without speech, writing, or other sensory means
deviate intr. v. to turn aside from a course, norm, pattern, or subject
devious adj. 1. winding; roundabout 2. underhanded; deceptive
impervious adj. 1. not penetrable by light rays, moisture, etc 2. incapable of being influenced or affected
accelerate tr. and intr. v. to cause faster movement; to go faster
celerity n. swiftness; quickness; speed
concur intr. v. 1. to agree; to cooperate 2. to coincide; to happen simultaneously
discourse n. 1. conversation 2. a formal discussion of a subject in speech or writing intr. v. to talk; to discuss formally in speech or writing
incur tr. v. to meet with; to run into; to bring upon oneself
precursor n. forerunner
succor n. help in time of distress tr. v. to render help to
conglomeration n. a collection of unrelated things
abject adj. 1. humiliating and miserable 2. contemptible
conjecture n. an opinion formed from inconclusive evidence; a guess tr. and intr. v. to conclude from insufficient evidence
interjection n. a word or phrase sometimes inserted between other words, often expressing emotion; a word not linked grammatically to other words in a sentence
assail tr. v. 1. to attack violently; to assault 2. to attack with words; to ridicule or criticize harshly
desultory adj. 1. jumping from one thing to another; rambling 2. haphazard or random
exult intr. v. to rejoice greatly; to be triumphant
resilient adj. 1. capable of returning to the original shape after being bent or stretched 2. buoyant; recovering quickly from illness, change, or misfortune
salient adj. 1. conspicuous; striking 2. projecting up or out
convalesce intr. v. to recover health after illness
avail tr. v. to use to one's own advantage
prevalent adj. widely occurring or in general use
valor n. heroic courage; bravery
evolve intr. v. 1. to develop gradually 2. to change from a simpler to a more complex form of animal or plant life
voluble adj. speaking in a steady, easy flow of words; talkative; glib
Created by: 14jfish
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