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Word List 23

Hibernal - Imbue

Hibernal wintry
Hibernate to sleep throughout the winter
Hierarchy arrangement by rank or standing; authoritarian body divided into ranks
Hieroglyphic picture writing
Hilarity cheerfulness; boisterous gaiety
Hindmost furthest behind
Hindrance block; obstacle
Hinterlands back country
Hireling one who serves for hire
Hirsute hairy
Histrionic theatrical
Hoard to stockpile; accumulate for future use
Hoary white with age
Hoax a trick; a practical joke
Holocaust a great destruction by fire
Holster pistol case
Homage honor; tribute
Homeostasis tendency of a system to maintain relative stavility
Homespun domestic; made at home
Homily sermon; serious warning
Homogeneous of the same kind
Hone to sharpen
Hoodwink to deceive; to delude
Horde a crowd
Hortatory encouraging; exhorting
Horticultural pertaining to cultivation of gardens
Hostility unfriendliness; hatred
Hovel a shack; a small, wretched house
Hover to hang about; to wait nearby
Hubbub confused uproar
Hubris arrogance; excessive self
Hue color; aspect
Hue and cry outcry
Humane marked by kindness or consideration
Humdrum dull; monotonous
Humid damp
Humility humbleness of spirit
Hummock small hill
Humus substance formed by decaying vegetable matter
Hurtle to crash; to rush
Husband to use sparingly; to conserve; to save <Marathon runners must husband their energy so that they can keep going for the entire distance.>
Husbandry frugality; thrift; agriculture
Hybrid mongrel; mixed breed
Hydrophobia fear of water; rabies
Hyperbole exaggeration; overstatement
Hypercritical excessively exacting
Hypochondriac person unduly worried about his health; worrier without cause about illness
Hypocritical pretending to be virtuous; deceiving
Hypothetical based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed
Ichthyology study of fish
Icon religious image; idol
Iconoclastic attacking cherished traditions
Ideology system of ideas characteristic of a group of culture
Idiom expression whose meaning as a whole differs from the meanings of its individual words; distinctive style
Idiosyncrasy individual trait, usually odd in nature; eccentricity
Idolatry worship of idols; excessive admiration
Idyllic charmingly carefree; simple
Igneous produced by fire; volcanic
Ignite to kindle; to light
Ignoble unworthy; not noble
Ignominy deep disgrace; shame or dishonor
Illicit illegal
Illimitable infinite
Illuminate to brighten; to clear up or make understandable; enlighten
Illusion misleading vision
Illusive deceiving
Illusory deceptive; not real
Imbalance lack of balance or symmetry
Imbecility weakness of mind
Imbibe to drink in
Imbroglio complicated situation; painful or complex misunderstanding; entanglement; confused mass (as of papers)
Imbue to saturate, fill
Created by: triwaingle
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