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Stack #127266

a MCPHS- Provider I- Ch 60- Assessment of Neurologic Function

2 Divisions r/t Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Somatic, Autonomic
Ganglia vs. Center r/t Nerve cell bodies G:clusters of nerve cell bodies, C:cluster of cell bodies w/same function
Actions r/t Neurotransmitters Potentiate, Terminate, Modulate
Direct receptors vs. Indirect receptors D:link to ion channels and allow passage of ions, I:affect metabolic processes in cell
Broca'a area location Frontal lobe
Critical for motor control of speech Broca's area
Contols and regulates autonomic nervous system Hypothalamus
Responsible for production of Cerebral Spinal Fluid(CSF) Choroid plexus
Contains choroid plexus Arachnoid layer
Increased size of ventricles Hydrocephalus
WBC's vs. RBC's r/t Normal CSF WBC:minimal, RBC:nonexistent
Physiology r/t Cerebral veins No valves, Depend on gravity & BP
Gray matter vs. White matter r/t Brain & spinal cord B:gray matter is external & white matter is internal, SC:gray matter is internal & white matter is external
Anterior vs. Posterior horns vs. Lateral horns r/t Pathways A:voluntary/reflex activity of muscles, P:sensory/reflex pathway, L:autonomic fibers of sympathetic division
Fiber bundles w/common function Tract
Physiology r/t Ascending tracts 2 conduct sensation, 2 spinocerebellar tracts to coordinate muscle contraction, 2 spinothalamic tracts for pain, proprioception, fine touch, vibration
Physiology r/t Descending tracts 2 corticospinal tracts to control voluntary muscle activity, 3 vestibulospinal tracts for autonomic and involuntary muscle control, Corticobulbar tract for voluntary head/facial movement, Rubrospinal & Reticulospinal tracts for involuntary movement
Dorsal root vs. Ventral root r/t Spinal nerves D:sensory, V:motor
2 neurons r/t Autonomic nervous system Preganglionic neuron, Postganglionic neuron
Autonomic nervous system extends from CNS to effected organs
Preganglionic neuron vs. Postganglionic neuron Post:axon synapses w/target tissue, Pre:axon synapses w/postganglionic neuron
Lag period r/t Autonomic nervous system Responses sustained longer to ensure maximal functional capacity
Injury to internal capsule vs. Injury to motor cortex Small injury to capsule results in paralysis in more muscles than a larger injury to cortex
Motor functions depends on integrity of 3 factors Integrity of corticospinal tract, exrapyramidal system, Cerebellar function
Upper motor lesions vs. Lower motor lesions U:hyperactive deep tendon reflexes & Paralysis can affect whole extremities, L:muscle paralyis & reflexes lost
Decortication vs. Decerebration vs. Flaccid posturing d/t Cerebral trauma Decort:result of lesion of internal capsule/cerbral hemisphers, Decere:lesions at midbrain, FP:lower brain stem dysfunction & Pt has no motor function
Signs r/t increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Vomiting, Headache, Changes in VS, Changes in LOC
Destruction/dysfunction of basal ganglia r/t Muscles Muscle rigidity results
Dizziness vs. Vertigo D:abnormal sensation of imbalance/movement, V:illusion of movement/rotation
5 components r/t Neurologic assessment Cerebral function, Cranial nerves, Motor system, Sensory system, Reflexes
Assessments r/t Mental status Appearance, Behavior, Speech, LOC, Orientation
Agnosia Inability to interpret/recognize objects through special senses Ex.see a pencil but not know what it does
Screening test for balance Romberg test
Reflexes are hyperactive Clonus
Positive vs. Negative plantar reflex P:toe fanning, N:toe flexion
Cause r/t Most sensory deficits Peripheral neuropathy
Brain changes r/t Aging Brain weight, number synapses, cerebral blood flow & metabolism decreases
Reflexes r/t Aging Deep tendon & pupillary responses are reduced
Always suspected d/t change in mental status Drug toxicity
Created by: rpclothier
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