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Word List 14

Derogatory - Disgruntle

Derogatory expressing a low opinion or negative criticism
Descry to catch sight of
Desecrate to profane; to violate the sanctity of
Desiccate to dry up
Desolate uninhabited; joyless
Desolate to make barren; to make somebody feel sad
Desperado reckless, violent criminal
Despise to look on with scorn; to regard as worthless or distasteful
Despoil to plunder
Despondent depressed; gloomy
Despot tyrant
Destitute extremely poor
Desultory lacking consistency: disconnected; disappointing in progress, quality; digressing at random
Detached emotionally removed; calm and objective; physically separate
Determinate having a fixed or of procedure
Determination resolve; measurement or calculation; decision
Deterrent something that discourages; hindrance
Detonation explosion
Detraction slandering; aspersion
Detrimental harmful; damaging
Deviate to turn away from (a principle, norm); to depart; to diverge
Devious erratic; not straightforward
Devise to think up; to invent; to plan
Devoid lacking
Devolve to transfer or delegate to another
Devotee enthusiastic follower
Devout pious
Dexterous skillful
Diabolical devilish
Diadem crown
Dialectical relating to art of debate; mutual or reciprocal
Diaphanous sheer; transparent
Diatribe an abusive criticism
Dichotomy division into two opposed/contradictory groups; division into two parts
Dictum authoritative and weighty statement; saying; maxim
Didactic instructive; teaching or intending to teach a moral lesson
Die device for stamping or impressing; mold
Diffidence shyness
Diffuse wordy; rambling; spread out (like a gas)
Digression wandering away from the subject
Dilapidated ruin from age or neglect
Dilate to expand
Dilatory delaying
Dilemma problem; choice of two unsatisfactory alternatives
Dilettante an admirer of the arts; amateur; dabbler
Diligence steadiness of effort; persistent hard work
Dilute to make less concentrated; to reduce in strength
Diminution lessening; reduction in size
Din continued loud noise
Dinghy small boat
Dingy dull; not fresh; cheerless
Dint means; effort
Diorama life-size, 3D scene from nature or history
Dire warning of disaster; desperately urgent; extreme; oppressive
Dirge hymn of lamentation
Disabuse to correct a false impression; undeceive
Disapprobation disapproval; condemnation
Disarray a disorderly or untidy stat
Disavowal denial; disclaiming
Disband to dissolve; to disperse
Disburse to pay out
Discernible distinguishable; perceivable
Discerning mentally quick and observant; having insight
Disclaim to disown; renounce claim to
Disclose to reveal
Discombobulated confused; discomposed
Discomfit to put into a state of perplexity and embarrassment; to defeat; to disconcert
Disconcert to confuse; to upset; to embarrass
Disconsolate sad
Discord conflict; lack of harmony
Discordant not harmonious; conflicting
Discount disregard
Discourse formal discussion; conversation
Discredit to defame; to destroy confidence in; disbelieve
Discrepancy lack of consistency; difference
Discrete separate; unconnected
Discretion prudence; ability to adjust actions to circumstances
Discriminating able to see differences; prejudiced
Discursive digressing; rambling
Disdain to view with scorn or contempt
Disembark to go ashore; to unload cargo from a ship
Disenfranchise to deprive of a civil right
Disengage to uncouple; to separate; to disconnect
Disfigure to mar the appearance of; spoil
Disgorge to surrender something; eject; vomit
Disgruntle to make discontented
Created by: triwaingle
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