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Word List 13


Deciduous falling off or shed seasonally; Ephemeral
Decipher to decode
Declivity downward slope
Decollete wearing a strapless or low-necked dress
Decomposition decay
Decorum propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners
Decoy to lure; to bait
Decrepitude state of collapse caused by illness or old age
Decry to express strong disapproval of; disparage
Deducible derived by reasoning
Deface to mar; to disfigure
Defame to harm the reputation of by slander
Default failure to act: neglect; forfeit
Defeatist resigned to defeat; accepting defeat as a natural outcome
Defection desertion
Defer to delay till later; to exempt temporarily
Defer to give in respectfully; to submit
Deference courteous regard for another's wish
Defiance Refusal to yield; resistance
Defile to pollute; to profane
Definitive most reliable or complete
Deflect to turn aside
Defoliate to destroy leaves
Defray to provide for the payment of
Defrock to strip a priest or minister of church authority
Deft neat; skillful
Defunct dead; no longer in use or existence
Degenerate to become worse; to deteriorate
Degradation humiliation; debasement; degeneration
Dehydrate to remove water from; to dry out
Deify to turn into a god; to idolize
Deign to condescend; to stoop
Delete to erase; to strike out
Deleterious harmful
Deliberate to consider; to ponder
Delineate to portray; to depict; to sketch
Delirium mental disorder marked by confusion
Delta flat plain of mud or sand between branches of a river
Delude to deceive
Deluge flood; rush
Delusion false belief; hallucination
Delusive deceptive; raising vain hopes
Delve to dig; to investigate; to examine a subject in detail
Demagogue person who appeals to people's prejudice; false leader
Demean to degrade; to humiliate
Demeanor behavior; bearing
Demented insane
Demise death
Demographic segment of population identified
Demolition destruction
Demoniac fiendish
Demotic pertaining to the people
Demur object; hesitate
Demure modest;reserved; serious; coy
Denigrate to defame; to belittle
Denizen inhabitant or resident; regular visitor
Denotation meaning; distinguishing by name
Denouement outcome; final development of the plot of a play
Denounce to condemn; to criticize
Depict to portray
Delete to reduce; to exhaust
Deplore to regret or feel grief; to condemn
Deploy to spread out; to extend
Depose to dethrone; to remove from office
Deposition testimony under oath
Depravity a corrupt act or practice
Deprecate to express disapproval of; to protest against
Depreciate to lessen in value
Depredation ravaging
Deranged insane
Derelict abandoned; negligent
Deride to ridicule; to make fun of
Derivative unoriginal; obtained from another source
Dermatologist one who studies the skin and its diseases
Created by: triwaingle
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