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ECON121 Final


Market Structure Classification system for key traits of market including # of buyers, sellers, product bought and sold and ease of entry or exit into/from market
Public Good They are non-excludable and non-rival in consumption. An example is a street sign
Private Good Rivalry and excludability. Typically traded in markets
Market Failure Situation where unrestricted operation of free market yields a result that is not socially optimal
Information Asymmetry Occurs when info about good varies in relevant ways between buyers and sellers
Moral Hazard market inefficiency resulting from information asymmetry. Terms of transaction lead to different behavior
Public Good They are non-excludable and non-rival in consumption. An example is a street sign
Private Good Rivalry and excludability. Typically traded in markets
Market Failure Situation where unrestricted operation of free market yields a result that is not socially optimal
Information Asymmetry Occurs when info about good varies in relevant ways between buyers and sellers
Moral Hazard market inefficiency resulting from information asymmetry. Terms of transaction lead to different behavior
Adverse Selection Market inefficiency resulting frmo information asymmetry. When one party has been deceived about qualities.
Negative Externality cost imposed on "third parties" not reflected in market system
Pigovian tax Special tax levied on company that pollute enviornment or create excess social costs. In true market, best way to correct negative externality.
Monopoly Firm that is only producer of good or service which there are no good substitutes
Oligopoly market structure where small number of large firms dominate industry
Monopolistic Competition market structure where large number of small firms produce similar, not identical, product
Barriers to entry market conditions that prevent entry of new firms into industry
Price discrimination charging different customers different prices not related to difference in cost
First degree price discrimination when seller charges different price for each unit of output and price is always max price consumer will pay
Third degree price discrimination when seller is able to partition market demand into 2 or more groups and charges different prices to different groups
Producer surplus gap between price of good and opportunity cost of producing it. Area below eq. line and supply line.
Consumer surplus Difference between what consumer would willingly pay and what they actually play.
Shutdown point price equals minimum average variable cost. P<AVC, firm shuts down
Elasticity of Supply measures responsiveness of sellers to change in market price. ΔQs/ΔP * P/Qs
Break-even point TR=TC, Profit=0. P=AC if break even
Production function expression of the relationship between inputs and outputs holding tech. constant. l(land), L(labor), K(capital), E(entrepreneurship).
Short-run equilibrium economic profit may be 0 or negative (bad times). Economic profit may be positive (good times).
Diminishing marginal product as a firm uses more of a variable resources with a fixed resource and fixed technology, MP of variable resource will fall. Holds in short-run due to fixed input.
fixed cost payments to fixed inputs. Does not depend on quantity produced.
variable cost payments to variable inputs. varies with level of output
perfectly competitive market Many firms sells to many buyers. Identical products. Products are rival and excludable. NO restrictions on entry/exit. Sellers and buyers well informed about prices.
short run period where one input is fixed
long run period in which no input is fixed
Three stages of production Stage 1: From 0 units to MP=AP. Stage 2: MP=AP to where MP=0. Stage 3: When MP is negative.
economies of scale When firm increases plant size and labor by same percentages, output increases by larger percentage and LAC(long-run average cost) decreases.
diseconomies of scale when firm increases plant size and labor by same percentages, output increases by smaller percentage and LAC increases
Increasing returns to sale Firm increases all inputs proportionally, output increases more than proportionately.
decreasing returns to sale firm increases all inputs proportionally, output increases less than proportionately.
Created by: wd0
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