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Post Partum

Stack #126425

Postpartum AKA Puerperiuum period or 4th trimester
Def postpartum extends from termination of pregnancy until all systems return to prepregnant state 6 wks or 42 days
Involution of Uterus autolysis of protein, regeneration of endometrium. contraction of uterus
autolysis of protein uterine muscle proteins broken down into simple compounds absorbed and eleminated in urine. Size of endometrial cells decrease, number of cells remains same
Endometrium restored to prepregnant state by end of third week
Lochia superficial layer of granulation tissue cast off from endometrium
Inne rlayer of endometrium also granulation tissue composed of connective tissue and uterine glands regenerates the endometrium. Serves as a barrier against infection
Placental site of endometrium is an exception takes 6 weeks to exfoliate. Forms no scar enables endometrium to resume its cyclic cycle. Permits future implantation
Hemmorhage most likely to occur 1st hr postpartum
Cx control bleeding by compressing and sealing off blood vessels
Size and bulk of uterus reduce as uterus contracts because muscle fibers become shorter
Uterine weights after delivery 2 lbs, one week, 1 lb, 2nd week 12 oz, 6 weeks 2 oz
Heighht of fundus after delivery placenta 2 cm below umbilicus u/2
Fundus 1 hr after delivery level with umbilicicus or 1 cm above 1/u or U/U
Descends how many cm every 24 hrs 1-2 cm
fundus by 9th postpartum day no longer palpable
Predisposing factors over distended uterus, rapid labor, prolonged labor, nulliparity, prolonged general anesthesia, PIH
Lochia blood from uterine sinuses at the placental site and the necrotic superficial layer of endometrium
Lochia Rubra bright red vaginal bleeding lasts approximately three days
Lochia Serosa pink-brown discharge day 3-14
Lochia Alba yellowish white thin and creamy 10-21 days
Perineal lacerations 1st degree extends thru skin and structures superficial to muscle
perineal lacerations 2nd degree extends through muscles of perineal body
perineal lacerations 3rd degree continues through anal sphincter
perineal lacerations 4th degree involves anterior rectal wall
Factors predisposing to perineal lacerations heredity, rapid delivery, light skin, red hair
Vaginal rugae reappear 4th week
vaginal tone resumed 6th week
no change in breast for ----- days after delivery 2
milk comes in day 3 or 4
hormone that stimulates milk production prolactin
other factors that stimulate mild production mother's diet ( protein, iron, calcium, vitamins), fluid intake, activity level/rest
sucking stimulus sends message to hypothalmus stimuates ANTERIOR pituitary releases PROLACTIN, promotes milk PRODUCTION in alveolar cells
sucking stimulus sends message to hypothalmus stimulates POSTERIOR pituitary releases OXYTOCIN causes LET DOWN reflex and milk ejection
Temp 1st 24 hrs 100.4
Temp 3rd or 4th day could be milk coming in
Bradycardia common first 6-8 days postpartum 50-70 considered normal up to 3 mos
Tachycardia r/t blood loss
Hypotension uterine bleeding
orthostatic hypotension common 1st 48 hrs
cardiac output elevated 48 hrs
Blood volume returns to prepregnant state 2-3 weeks r/t decrease in progesterone and other placental hormones
Leukocytosis 10-12 days 20-25,000
blood loss vaginal delivery 200-500 ml. Section 700-1000
Hgb and Hct vary 1st 72 hrs after delivery there is a greater loss of plasma volume than blood cells which leads to increase in hgb and hct r/t hemoconcentration 3rd - 7th day
Renal system ureters begin to shrink bladder fills quickly Glucosuria is common r/t lactose formation
Factors Depressing Urination trauma to urethra and bladder as infant passes thru pelvis, edema or urethra and meatus, effects of anesthesia, pelvic soreness
Weight Loss @delivery 12 lbs, first 2 weeks 9 lbs, takes six weeks or more to return to prepregnant weight
3 pahses of Maternal Adjustment 1) Dependent phase taking in 2) Dependent-Independant phase taking hold, 3) Interdependant phase Letting Go
Dependent Taking In Phase 1st 24 hrs after delivery. Inward focus. Needs to retell labor delivery story over&over to integrate into life experience.Energy focused on own helath and well being.Verbalizes need for food and sleep.Behavior passive and dependent mother the mother
Dependent Independent Phase 1-3 days energy level increases focuses on self and baby Ideal time for teaching responds enthusiastically. Altering need for nurturing with desire to take charge
Interdependant Lettin gGo Phase Needs to give up roll of childless person Takes on roles and responsibilities of new parent Gives up fantasy of newborn and accepts reality requires grief work, readjustment
Nursing Care Delivery Room supine position 1-2 hrs head elevated 45 degrees No BRP r/t orthostatic hypotension, monitor hemmorhage q 15 min, f1st hr, q 30 2nd
Delivery /room cont palpate fundus for firmness & location, note lochia, assess v/s q 15 and q 30, warm blankets for chills and tremors, clear liquids, small amts ice pack perineum, analgesics
Nursing Care PP Unit assess fundus, lochia, v/s q 15, voiding stay with client 1st visit to BRP, Instruct peri care and episiotomy care, analgesics for pain, assess hemmorhoids with penlight.Instruct change pad each trip
episiotomy care ice packs 1st 12 hrs, sitz baths thereafter, peri bottle, wipe(pat) front to balck, change pad every time to avoid infection, analgesics for pain
hemorrhoids assess with penlight lateral sims, tucks pads, dermoplast, creams/ointments Pepperoni Pizza Pad
Breast care Non Lactation wash breasts dialy, snug bra, do not express milk, moderate fluid intake, ice packs for tenderness, breast binder, analgesics. AVOID hot water on breasts
Sore Nipples Check latch on, full areola, check how infant is removed from breast, do not use breast as pacifier, rotate position on breast, air dry nipples, shorten time on breast but feed more often, ointments/cream last resort
Engorged breasts use warm compresses 15-20 min before feeding, express some milk to enable latch on. Best is prevention feed often every 2 hrs awake, 4 at night
Post Partum Medications stool softners, laxative of choice, analgesics, Rhogam (72hrs), rubella vaccine, discuss birth control
S/S bonding deficiency negative verbalizations, negative identification, unrealistic expectations, intolerant of crying, baby too demanding, diapers yukky, lack of support, sibling rivalry, spousal jealousy
10 B's Boggy Belly, Bleeding, Bottom, Bladder, Bowels, Breasts, Bonding, Blood Type, Blues, Birth Control
Bubble He Breasts, Uterus, Bladder, Bowels, Lochia, Episiotomy/Incision, Hemorrhoids, Emotions
Characteristics of Infant Abductor female (12-50), overweight, immature, impulsive, frequently has lost a baby or is infertile, married or cohabiting SO would like a child, usually lives in community where abduction occurs
Characteristics Abductor 2 often visits nursery and asks detailed questions, about hosp procedures and layout, usually preplans but not the target, frequently impersonates hospital personnel, often aquainted with personnel or parents
Nurses Role Preventing Abduction know characteristics of infant abductors, know whos on unit, be alert for strange behavior, educate parents NEVER leave baby alone and know who they are releasing baby to (ID)
methergine stimulates smooth muscle tissue, smooth muscle tissue of uterus is especially sensitive to this drug, used post partaly to stimulate uterine contraction, in order to decrease blood loss by clamping off uterine blood vessles and to promote involution proce
Rh Isoimmunization hemolytic disease arising from incompatibility of rh factors of maternal and fetal blood
RH incompatibility only occurs with rh - mother, rh + father produce rh+ baby. Mother must be rh- baby must be rh+ for icompatiblity
to be rh - must be homozygous for the trait dd
Direct coombs test done on babies blood positive means maternal antibodies are present in babies blood (cord)
Indirect Coombs done on mother dtects presence of free floating antibodies in mothers blood
Rho Gam immunoglobulin solution containing RH antibodies Destroys fetal cells in maternal circulation befoe sensitization occurs. Blocks maternal antibody production and prevents permanent active immunity. Providestransient passive immunity that lasts 2 wks
Criteria for Post Partum RhoGam (to be given with 72 hrs) Infant must test RH+ via cord blood, Infant must also have negative direct coombs on cord blood Mother must have negative indirect cooms
Rho Gam administration given to all RH- mothers at 28 weeks gestation, also given after abortion, ectopic pregnancy, chorionic villi sampling and amniocentesis
Early Post Partum Hemmorrhage 1st 24 hrs 4 causes: UTERINE ATONY, lacerations of genital tract, retained placental fragments, blood co agulation problems
Mgt uterine atony Hemabate (Prostin 15M) given IM if hemmorhage not responding to fundal massage
Retained placenta hemmorrhage occurs if placenta is only partially separated r/t massage of fundus prior to placental separation. D&C
Placenta Accreta abnormal adherence of placenta to uterine wall D& C or hysterectomy
Late Postpartum Hemorrhage most frequently retained placental fragments develops a day or two after delivery
Very Late Postpartum Hemorrhage Placental polyp r/t fragement being retained for a week or more and becoming necrotic polyp begins to slough and causes sudden bleeding with boggy uterus, inc HCG, and large amount of vaginal bleeding Mgt: IV oxytocin Methergine, antibiotics
Nursing care postpartum hemorrhage periodic assessments fundal height and firmness, Pad count for bleeding. Massage fundus til firm, increase IV rate with pitocin, express clots, monitor for signs of anemia, encourage rest, EDUCATION most important
Education Normal post partum course, signs of abnormal bleeding, fundal massage, assessing fundal height and consistency, inspecting episiotomy and lacerations
Call MD saturation 1 pad an hour, boggy uterus that does not respond to massagem abnormal clots, temp over 100.4, unusual pelvic, rectal discomfort or backache
Predisposing Factors PP Infection prolonged rupture of membranes, retained placental fragments, postpartum hemorrhage, pre existing anemia, prolonged or difficult labor with instrument delivery
Types Postpartum Infections Thrombophlebitis, Perineum, endometritis, mastitis, uti
endometritis infalmmation of enometrium, placental site excellent medium bacterial growth. Fever must be distinguished from milk fever, temp 100.4 and above 2 sucessive days not counting 1st day after delivery, general malaise, anorexia, chills are early signs
later S/S endometritis perineal discomfort, tachycardia, pelvic pain and tenderness
Mgt endometritis antibiotic, iv fluid, analgesics Encourage PO fluids, rest semi fowlers, maintain pericare
Prevention endometritis educate client importance of peri care, diet high in protein and vitamin c to promote healing
Mastitis inflamation of breast tissue, ussually unilateral Staph aureus. Nipple fissure becomes infected, involves duct system, inflammatory edema and engorgement, obstruction of milk lobe regional obstruction breast abscess
S/S Mastitis chills, feverr, malaise, local breast tenderness,in upper outer qudrant, axillary lymph nodes enlarge and are tender, flu like symptoms
Mgt Mastits intensive abx 10 days, breast support, local heat, analgesics, maintain lactation via pump, discard milk, encourage fluid intake, If abscess develops I&D
Prevention Mastits teach proper breast feeding technique to prevent cracked nipples. Avoid milk stasis, proper handwashing, avoid tight clothing, bra at all times, daily breast assessment report s/s
UTI difficulty voiding r/t vulvar edema and loss of bladder tone from pressure of fetal head or increased residual volume ( incomplete emptying)
Mgt UTI broad spectrum abx 10 days analgesics for pain
Interventions encourage 3-4000 mls fluid daily, provide rest, encourage pericare
Tetracycline or Sulfonamides discard milk
Created by: margaretptz
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