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Review #2 Stack 3

Astronomy (Earth and Solar System) ES.3a, b, c, d

What are the two types of planets in our solar system? Small, rocky, high density inner planets and large, gaseous, low density outer planets.
What separates the inner planets and outer planets? An asteroid belt.
What are asteroids? Pieces of broken planet.
Where are they found? In the Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
What is the order of the planets from the Sun? 1. Mercury 2. Venus 3. Earth 4. Mars 5. Jupiter 6. Saturn 7. Uranus 8. Neptune
What are inner planets similar in? Composition, atmosphere, and short periods of revolution.
How many days does it take for Mars to rotate around the Sun? One
How many days does it take for Mercury to rotate around the Sun? 56
How many days does it take for Venus to rotate around the Sun? 243
How many moons does Mercury have? 0
How many moons does Venus have? 0
How many moons does Mars have? 2
What kind of moons does Mars have? Captured asteroids
What is Mars soil have in high content? Iron
What are outer planets similar in? Size, atmospheres, many moons, and long periods of revolution.
What is Jupiter's Big Red Spot? A huge storm
What is Pluto considered to be? A dwarf planet
What is a comet? Frozen gas that orbits the Sun
What is a meteoroid? A left over piece of a comet's tail.
What is a meteor? When a meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere
What is a meteorite? When a meteor will strike Earth
What is the shape called that planets orbit in? An ellipse/ovals
What is is called when the Earth is close to the sun in winter? Perihelion
What is it called when the Earth is far from the sun in summer? Aphehelion
What is the degree that the Earth tilts on? 23 ½ degrees
What is a solstice? When the Sun is is at its most northern point or at its most southern point.
Where do the direct sun rays strike at the Summer Solstice? The Tropic of Cancer
Where do the direct sun rays strike at the Winter Solstice? The Tropic of Capricorn
When is the Summer Solstice? June 1st
When is the Winter Solstice? December 21st
What is the Spring Equinox called? Vernal
What is the Fall Equinox called? Autumnal
When is the Vernal Equinox? March 21st
When is the Autumnal Equinox? September 21st
What is Earth's satellite? The Moon
What is the Impact Theory? A statement that the Moon formed when a large object struck Earth and material from inside the Earth was ejected out in space and this material formed the Moon
What two other theories have problems? The Capture Theory and the Simultaneous Theory
What was the first moon landing? Apollo 11
Who was on the first moon landing? Neil Armstrong
Why does the moon phase? Because of the reflected sunlight and the angle at which we view it
What side of the moon is visible during the Waxing Phases? The right side
What side of the moon is visible during the Waning Phases? The left side
What happens during a Solar Eclipse? When the Moon blocks the sunlight and a shadow falls on the Earth.
What happens during a Lunar Eclipse? When the Earth blocks the sunlight and a shadow falls on the Moon.
Which two planets don't have moons? Mercury and Venus
What is the sun mostly made up of? Hydrogen and helium
What is fusion? The combining of two hydrogens to make helium
Where does fusion happen? In the Sun
Who discovered 5 planets and moons going around Jupiter? Galileo
What allowed us to look farther into our universe? The Hubble Space Telescope
What has the Hubble Space Telescope provided us pictures of? Nebula, binary stars, super novas, etc.
Created by: jaguargirl3250
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