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ANS Drugs

B. Busey ANS Rx Study

Acetyl Choline M=N Receptor Cholinergic Agonist W-SLUD (Wheeze Salivate, Urinate, Defecate) Surgical Miosis (Pupil Constriction)
Carbachol N>M Cholinergic Agonist WSLUD Glaucoma- Decrease IOP
Bethanecol M>N Cholinergic Agonist WSLUD Overdose Tx= ATROPINE + EPINEPHRINE Urinary Retention, Post Op Ileus, Megacolon
Pilocarpine M>>N Cholinergic Agonist WSLUD Glaucoma, Dry Mouth
Nicotine N Cholinergic Agonist Increased Cancer, CHF, Peptic Ulcer, NVD, HR, BP, Convulsion-Coma-Flaccid Paralysis (blank)
Edrophonium AChE Inhibitor- Irreversible WSLUD Myasthenia Gravis, Ileus, ARRYTHMIA
Echothiophate Organophosphate Irreversible AChE Inhibitor WSLUD Glaucoma
Malathion Organophosphate Irreversible AChE Inhibitor WSLUD- Safer than Echothiophate Glaucoma
Physostigmine AChE Inhibitor- Reversible CNS Penetration Broken down by AChE WSLUD Overdose Tx: ATROPINE + PRALIDOXIME Glaucoma 4-6h
Neostigmine AChE Inhibitor- Reversible Broken Down by Plasma Esterase Quarternary (no CNS Pentration) WSLUD Myasthenia Gravis (qid), Ileus, Megacolon, Urinary Retention
Tacrine AChE Inhibitor- Reversible WSLUD, High AChE affinity, Long CNS Duration, Liver Toxicity Alzheimer's
Donepizil AChE Inhibitor- Reversible WSLUD, High AChE affinity, Long CNS Duration NO LIVER TOXICITY Alzheimer's
Norepinephrine alpha>beta Anerergic Vasoconstric>Increase BP/HR Reflex Bradycardia, Pallor Vasoconstriction, Hypotensive Patients
Epinephrine beta>alpha Anerergic Increase HP/HP>Vasoconstrict Pallor Overdose Tx=PROPANOLOL + PHENOLAMINE Anaphylaxis and Glaucoma
Isoproterol beta Anergic Increase BP/HR Tremors and Sweats Vasodilator, AV Block, Bronchial Asthma
Dopamine D1- Renal Vasodilator, Higher Dose- alpha1 activator for Vasoconstriction and Increased BP NA Hypotensive, Cardiogenic/Septic Shock Patients, Acute Heart Failure
Fenodopam D1- Renal Vasodilate NA SEVERE Hypertension
Dobutamine Beta1>Beta2 Increase HR/Contraction>Smooth Muscles of the eye NA Increase BP, Cardiogenic and Septic Shock
Phenylpropanolamine Nonselective alpha1 agonist High Dose- CARDIOVASCULAR TOXICITY Dilate Pupil, Nasal Decongestant
Phenylephrine Direct Alpha 1 Agonist NA Mydriasis (pupil dilation)
Clonidine Selective Alpha2 Agonist- Decreased HR, BP, CO More Potent than Methyldopa More Decrease in HR, CO Decreased NE Release Sedation, Depression Hypertension
Albuterol Selective beta2- cardiac vessels, eye dilation, relax detrusor, relax GI NA Asthma, Delay Premature Labor
Ephedrine Sympathetic Mimic Direct- Anerergic R Indirect- Increase NE Release Euphoria, Abuse, Tachyphylaxis (decreased response to drug after first dose) Epinephrine Substitute, Hypotension, Asthma
Amphetamine Sympathetic Mimic Indirect Increase NE Release Deferred Sleep, Euphoria, Increased Self Estem/Well-being, Restless, Confused, Anxious, AGGRESSIVE, VIOLENT, Increase in Libido Appetite Suppressant, Dose Related increase in HR/BP
Dextroamphetamine Sympathetic Mimic Same as Amphetamine MOST POTENT Same as Amphetamine ADHD, Narcolepsy
Methamphetamine Sympathetic Mimic Same as Amphetamine- QUICKEST TO CNS Same as Amphetamine ADHD
Atropine Cholinergic Antagonist M Blocker OVERDOSE TX= Physostigmine Low dose- Decrease HR, High Dose- Increase AV conduction Decreases GI Secretions/Motility, Sweat, Salivation, Lacrimation=ANHYDROSIS Diarrhea LOMOTIL(=Atropine+ Diphenoxylate)
Scopolamine Cholinergic Antagonist M Blocker Transdermal or Oral Overdose Tx: Physostigmine More Potent in CNS, Secretory, and Eye Motion Sickness
Propatheline M Block N Block quartenary (blank) Cholinergic Poisoning, Antispasmatic, Pupil Dilator, Decrease HR in Surgery
Ipratropium M Block Aerosol (blank) COPD/Rhinitis
Darifenacin M3 Block Less Dry Mouth Overactive Bladder
Glycopyrrolate M Blocker quartenary (blank) Transient GI Hypermobility, Transient Cystitis, Post Op Bladder Spasm, INCONTINENCE
Phentolamine Adrenergic Antagonist Direct Barorecptor actions, Alpha 2 actions Decreased BP, Postural Hypotension, Reflex Tachycardia(alpha2 block- increase NE Release), Arrythmia, Angina, NVD, Worsen Peptic Ulcers Frostbite, Impotence, Peripheral Vascular Dz. REVERSE EPINEPHRINE
Phenoxybenzamine Irreversible Alpha2 antagonist (blank) NO EJACULATION
Terazosin Alpha 1 antagonist, Decrease TPR, BP No Reflex Tachycardia, Postural Hypotension Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
Tamsulosin Alpha 1 Antagonist, Decrease TPR, BP No Reflex Tachycardia, Postural Hypotension BPH
Yohimbine Alpha2 Antagonist (blank) Impotence
Propanolol Beta Antagonist Withdrawal, ASTHMA Angina, Tremor, Migraine, Hyperthyroid
Nadolol Beta Antagonist No CNS, Lipid/Long Halflife Angina
Timolol Beta Antagonist Extensive First Pass Metabolism Prevent Recurrent MI, Glaucoma
Metoprolol Beta1 Antagonist First Pass, Avoid Beta1 Asthma Patient COPD, HT w/ Asthma
Atenolol Beta1 Antagonist, Partial ISA agonist No CNS, Well Tolerated, Long Halflife HT, CHF, Diabetics with HT
Esmolol Beta1 Antagonist, RBC Esterase Breakdown Short Cardiac Arrythmia
Acebutolol/Pindolol Beta1 Antagonist Less Decrease in HR, CO, Less Metabolism (Lipid/CHO) Cardiac Arrythmia, Bradycardia, CHF, HT Diabetics
Labetalol Mixed alpha/beta Antagonist (Beta first, higher dose alpha effects) (blank) Decrease HR, BP, Increased Vasodilation
Carvediol Mixed alpha/beta antagonist (blank) HT, CHF, Lacks Sympathetic Mimic Activity
Guanethidine Adrenergic Neuron Block- Decrease NE release Orhostatic Hypotension, Less Ejaculation Chemical Sypathectomy, Severe HT
Reserpine Adrenergic Neuron Block- Block vesicular uptake/Storage NE CNS, Sedation, Depression, Decreased DOPA, 5-HT, NE Mild HT
Methyldopa Prodrug- False Adrenergic Transmitter in CNS- Alpha 2 R- Decrease Sympathetic Outflow (blank) Decreased CO, TPR, BP
Created by: bbusey
Popular Pharmacology sets




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