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Chapter 10- nerv sys

Acrophobia Extreme or irrational fear of heights.
Alzheimer's disease Progressive mental deterioration that can occur in middle or old age, due to generalized degeneration of the brain. It is the most common cause of premature senility
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis A progressive degeneration of the motor neurons of the central nervous system, leading to wasting of the muscles and paralysis
Anesthetic A substance that induces insensitivity to pain
Anesthetist A medical specialist who administers anesthetics
Anxiety disorder A group of mental disorders or conditions characterized in part by chronic feelings of fear, excessive and obsessive worrying, restlessness, and panic attacks. ...
Autism A mental condition in which fantasy dominates over reality, as a symptom of schizophrenia and other disorders
Bell's palsy Paralysis of the facial nerve, causing muscular weakness in one side of the face
Carotid ultrasonography ultrasound-based diagnostic imaging technique to look for blood clots, atherosclerotic plaque buildup, and other blood flow problems in the carotid arteries.
Causalgia Severe burning pain in a limb caused by injury to a peripheral nerve
Cerebral contusion A bruising of brain tissue as a result of a head injury.
Cerebral palsy A condition marked by impaired muscle coordination (spastic paralysis) and/or other disabilities, typically caused by damage to the brain before or at birth
Cerebrovascular accident damage to the brain that occurs when the blood flow to the brain is disrupted; also known as a stroke
Cervical radiculopathy nerve pain caused by pressure on the spinal nerve roots in the neck region
Claustrophobia fear of enclosed or narrow spaces
Cognition all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating
Coma state of profound unconsciousness
Concussion injury to the brain resulting from an impact with an object
Cranial hematoma a collection of blood trapped in the tissues of the brain
Delirium mental disorder marked by confusion
Delusion a false belief or opinion
Dementia a slowly progressive decline in mental abilities, including memory, thinking, and judgment, that is often accompanied by personality changes
Dura mater outer covering of brain and spinal cord
Dyslexia impairment of the ability to read
Echoencephalography Visual record of brain activity
Electroencephalography process of taking a picture of the brain using electricity
Encephalitis Inflammation of the brain
Epidural anesthesia injection of a local anesthetic into the epidural space of the spinal cord
Epilepsy disorder affecting the central nervous system, characterized by recurrent seizures
Factitious disorder a condition in which individuals act as if they have a physical or mental illness when they are not really sick
Guillian-barre syndrome (GBS) is an inflammatory disorder of the peripheral nerves. The peripheral nerves convey sensory information (e.g., pain, temperature) from the body to the brain and motor (i.e., movement) signals from the brain to the body.
Hallucination delusion; false idea; false perception of objects with a compelling sense of their reality
Hemmorrhagic stroke caused by a blood vessel that breaks and bleeds in the brain
Hydrocephalus abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain as a result of developmental anomalies, infection, injury, or tumor
Hyperesthesia increased sensitivity to stimulation such as touch or pain
Hypochondriasis a condition characterized by misinterpretation of physical symptoms and fearing that one has a serious illness despite appropriate medical evaluation and reassurance
Ischemic stroke a type of stroke that occurs when the flow of blood to the brain is blocked
Lethargy lack of energy; sluggishness
meningitis an inflammation of the meninges of the brain or spinal cord
meningocele herniation of the meninges
migraine headache a headache characterized by throbbing pain on one side of the head
multiple sclerosis A chronic disease of the central nervous system marked by damage to the myelin sheath. Plaques occur in the brain and spinal cord causing tremor, weakness, incoordination, paresthesia, and disturbances in vision and speech
myelitis an inflammation of the spinal cord; also inflammation of bone marrow
myelography examination of the spinal cord after injection of dye
narcolepsy attacks of sleep
neurotransmitters chemical messengers that traverse the synaptic gaps between neurons
obsessive compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder and is characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions).
panic attack Anxiety disorders characterized as acute anxiety, accompanied by sharp increases in autonomic nervous system arousal, that is not triggered by a specific event.
paresthesia abnormal sensation of numbness and tingling without objective cause
parkinson's disease a progressive disease that destroys brain cells and is identified by muscular tremors, slowing of movement, and partial facial paralysis
peripheral neuropathy a painful condition of the nerves of the hands and feet due to damage to the peripheral nerves; also known as peripheral neuritis
posttraumatic stress disorder Disturbed behavior that is attributed to a major stressful event but that emerges after the stress is over.
reye's syndrome vomiting and swelling of the brain in children (maybe caused by aspirin intake during sickness)
schizophrenia A mental illness, a condition of losing touch with reality accompanied by reduced ability to function.
sciatica severe pain in the leg along the course of the sciatic nerve
shaken baby syndrome the results of a child being violently shaken by someone
syncope fainting
trichotillomania a disorder characterized by the repeated pulling out of one's own hair
trigeminal neuralgia Pain in the trigeminal nerve
Created by: 156470
Popular Medical sets




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