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Econ exam #3

economics 221

General Equilibrium condition that exists when all markets in an economy are in simultaneous equilibrium
Partial Equilibrium process of examining the equilibrium conditions in individual markets and for households & firms separately (technological changes on cost, firms, & market place)
Pareto Optimality a condition in which no change is possible that will make some members of a society better off without making other members worse off (ex:budget cuts in Mass)
market failure when resources are misallocated or allocated inefficiently. the result is lost value.
4 reasons for market failure 1.imperfect market structure (non competitive) 2. existence of public goods 3. presence of external costs and benefits 4. imperfect information
externality a cost or benefit imposed on an individual or group that is outside/external to the transaction
imperfect markets with fewer firms competing and limited entry by new firms, prices will not equal marginal costs
public goods (social goods) goods & services that bestow collective benefits on members of a society. Generally noone can be excluded from enjoying their benefits (national defense)
monopoly industry with single firm & entry of new firms is blocked
pure monopoly single firm that there are no substitutes for their products. aka no competition
when total revenue reaches its max, Marginal revenue= _____ 0
barriers to entry factors that prevent new firms from entering & competing in imperfectly competitive industries
patents a barrier to entry that grants exclusive use of the patented product or process to the inventor
natural monopoly industry that realizes such large economies of scale in producing its product that single firm production of that good or service is most efficient
social costs inefficiency and consumer loss
sherman act every contract in restraint of trade among the several states, or foreign, is now illegal. every person who tries to monopoly is charged
Rule of reason criteria given by supreme court to determine whether a particular action was legal or not with in terms of the sherman act
clayton act passed to strengthen the sherman act and clarify the rule of reason, the act outlawed monopolistic actions like tying contracts, price discrimination, and unlimited mergers
oligopoly market structure with a few dominant firms. Products may be differentiated or homogenous
cartels a group of firms that get together and make joint price and output decisions to maximize joint profits
collusion occurs when price and quantify-fixing agreements among producers are explicit. (tacit:implicit)
price leadership form of oligopoly in which one dominant firm sets prices and all the smaller firms in the industry follow its price policy
duopoly a 2-firm oligopoly
game theory analyzes the choices made by rival firms, people, and even governments when they are trying to maximize their own well-being while anticipating and reacting to the actions of others in their environment
HHI (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) an index of market concentration found by summing the square of percentage shares of firms in the market
the 5 forces 1. suppliers 2. substitutes 3. buyers 4. potential entrants 5. industry competitors
contestable markets markets in which exit and entry are easy
concentration ratio the share of industry output in sales or employment accounted for by the top firms
monopolistic competition product differentiation and advertising are characteristics. a common form, no barriers to entry, large number of firms
product differentiation a strategy that firms use to achieve market power.accomplished by producing products that have distinct positive identities in customers minds to achieve market power
horizontal differentiation products differ in ways that make them better for some people and worse for others
vertical differentiation products differ, that in everyones perspective, makes a better product than rivals
advertising provides customers with valuable info on product availability, quantity and price
Created by: cvj4895
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