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16 c


The organs of the respiratory system are designed to perform two basic functions: ___ and ___ air distribution, gas exchange
The upper respiratory tract consists of the ___, the ___, and the ___ Nose, pharynx, larynx
The lower respiratory tract consists of the ___, the ___, and the ___ Trachea, bronchial tree, lungs
The membrane that separates the air in the alveoli from the blood in the surrounding capillaries is called the ___ Respiratory membrane
The membrane that lines most of the air distribution tubes of the respiratory system is called the ___ Respiratory mucosa
The frontal, maxillary, sphenoidal, and ethmoidal cavities make up the ___ paranasal sinuses
The ___ sacs drain tears into the nasal cavity Lacrimal
The ___ protrude into the nasal cavities and function to warm and humidify the air. Conchae
The ___ is the structure that can also be called the throat Pharynx
The ___ is also called the voice box Larynx
The ___ is the large air tube in the neck. Trachea
The four progressively smaller air tubes that connect the trachea and the alveoli are the ___, ___, ___, and ___. Primary bronchi, secondary bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar ducts
A ___ is a substance made by the lung to reduce the surface tension of water in the alveoli. Surfactant
The right lung is made up of ___ lobes, and the left lung is made up of ___ lobes. 3, 2
A collapse of the lung for any reason is called ___ atelectasis
Air in the pleural space is called a ___ Pneumothorax
Blood in the pleural space is called a ___ Hemothorax
A series of cycles of alternating apnea and hyperventilation is called ___ respiration. Cheyne-Stokes
The exchange of gases between the blood and the tissues is called ___ Internal respiration
The exchange of gases between the blood and the air in the lungs is called ___ External respiration
The ___ is the most important muscle in respiration. Diaphragm
Oxygen is carried in the blood as ___ oxyhemoglobin
Carbon dioxide is carried in the blood as the ___ ion or combines with hemoglobin as ___ bicarbonate, carbaminohemoglobin
The basic respiratory rhythm centers are located in what part of the brain? Medulla
___ are the sensory receptors that help keep the lung from overexpanding. Stretch receptors
___ are the sensory receptors that help modify respiratory rates by detecting the amount of carbon dioxide, oxygen, or acid levels in the blood. Chemoreceptors
The amount of air that is moved in and out of the lung during normal, quiet breathing is called ___, ___, and ___ Tidal, expiratory reserve, inspiratory reserve
The volume included in total lung capacity, but not vital capacity, is ___ volume. Residual
Created by: hakej
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