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Powerful FCAT Rules!

Based on FCAT Power Reading ISBN 987-1-56420-602-2

Context Clues are words and phrases that provide hints to the meaning on unfamilar words True!
Word Parts are -prefixes, combining forms and roots True!
Suffixes are Word Parts True! Suffixes are the elements of words that have meaning but cannot stand alone as words
Figurative Language restates text in your own words False! Figurative Language uses figures of speech for descriptive effect and is not meant to be taken literally.
Previewing is skimming the main idea of a selection True! "Previewing helps you to see what a text is about BEFORE you begin reading.
Predicting is making an educated guess True!
Paraphrasing is briefly paraphrasing the main idea and details and details of a text False! Paraphrasing is restating text in your own words.
Summarizing is briefly paraphrasing the main idea and details of a text True!
The Main Idea expresses the most important points or points True!
Relevant Details are fact or examples True! Elaborate upon the main idea
The Author's Purpose is the author's reason for writing a particular piece. True! Some common purposes are to inform, to entertain, to give an opinion , and to persuade
Making Inferences is using details, experiences , and common sense to figure out the meaning of ideas that are stated indirectly True! Be sure you can support them with facts , details, or examples from the text.
Text Structure is the order in which written information is organized. True! Informational Text is organized in certain patterns. One of the most common text structures is "General to Specific".
When you Compare, you find ways in which two things are different. False! You find ways two things are ALIKE.
When you Contrast, you find ways in which two things are different. True! Using a Venn Diagram or T Chart will help you keep track of the similarities and differences between two or three things.
A Cause explains what happens as a result of an effect False! A Cause explains why something occurs.
Conclusions are informed generalizatons based on evidence. True!
Predictions are future events about conclusions. False! Conclusions about future events.
Propaganda consists of rumors, half-truths, unfair bias, or one-sidedness. True! Propaganda is an unethical persuasive technique used by writers.
Persuasive techiques include giving reasons supported by facts or expert opinion. True! One example of a persuasive technique is appealing to the needs and interests of the reader.
Facts can be proven by evidence. True! A fact is a piece of information that can be verified, or proven, with evidence.
Opinions are personal judgements. True! Opinions are beliefs.
When authors state their Point of View, they express their personal beliefs and feelings about subjects. True! Types of nonfiction that express viewpoints are persuasive speeches and articles, editorials, and personal essays.
Graphics are charts, graphs, and diagrams that take the place of or support informational text. True!
Author's Arguments are the reasons and supporting evidence the author gives to back up his or her opinions. True! Always check to see if they are valid and supported by sufficient reliable evidence.
Synthesizing from several sources creates a "big picture" by blending facts and ideas about one subject from different texts. True! To make sense of what you read, formulate an overall picture of the facts and ideas by synthesizing.
The Theme is the Main Idea. True! Often, the Theme is a "life lesson" - wisdom gained through experience.
Plot is the time and place in which the events in a story occur. False! The plot is what happens in a story. It refers to the events ina work of fiction and the sequence in which they are arranged.
Setting is the time and place in which events occur. True! Setting includes the culture and customs of that time and place. Sometimes, events and what characters believe and do are influenced by the setting.
Point of View is the relationship between the narrator and the story. True! Two common points of view are first person and third person.
A first - person narrator is a character who tells what happened as he or she views it. True! You can identify this person with the pronoun "I" as in I can tell you the whole story...
A third-person narrator is a character False! It is NOT a character. It is A VOICE that tells what happned.
Character Development refers to the methods authors use to reveal the personality traits of characters within a story or play. True! This may be stated (described) or implied (by revealing what he or she does or thinks)
Comparing is analyzing how two people , places, or things are alike. True! When you compare, you find similarities between two people, places, or things.
Contrasting is analyzing how they are different. True! When you contrast, you find what's different between two people, places, or things.
Conflict is the way in which the resolution is settled. False! Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces. It can be internal or external.
Resolution is the way in which the conflict is settled. True! The resolution occurs when the conflict is resolved.
The mood of a work is the feeling created in details of setting and plot. True! Mood is the emotional feeling of a work conveyed in details of setting and plot.
The tone is the author's attitude toward his or her subject matter. True! Like mood, tone is described
Imagery is descriptive details that appeal to the five senses. True! Descriptive details (Imagery) help readers more clearly imagine what a person , place, thing, or experience is like.
Symbolism is the use of a person, place , or thing to represent something else. True! An example, a wedding ring represent love and fidelity.
Sound in poetry refers to elements that make poetry musical , such as rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, repetition, and onomatopoeia. True!
Figurative Language consists of figures of speech such as similies, metaphores , and personification. True!
Elements of drama are special parts of a play. True! For example- the cast of characters, dialogue, and stage directions.
Created by: msmarcoccio
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