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Marketing ch 2&3

resources- all the things used in producing goods/services
specialization- one of the key concepts related to increasing productivity
standard of living- measurement of the amount/quality of goods and services that a nation's people have
capital- money needed to start/operate a business
recovery- period of renewed economic growth right after a recession/depression
communism- social, political, and economic philosophy in which the government, usually authoritarian,controls the factors of production
inflation- rising prices in a government
command economy- an economic system in which the government decides what, when, and how much will be produced/distributed
recession- period of economic economic slowdown for 6 months
GNP- total dollar value of goods/services provided by a nation
licensing- letting another company use a trademark, patent, special formula, company name, or some other intellectual property for a fee/loyalty
quota- a limit on the quantity/monetary value of a product that will be imported
WTO- a coalition of nations that makes rules governing international trade
imports- goods and services purchased from other countries
protectionism- government's establishment of economic policies that systematically restricts imports in order to protect domestic industries
tariffs- taxes of imports
balance of trade- difference in value between exports and imports of a nation
embargo- total ban on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
NAFTA- international trade agreement among U.S., Canada, and Mexico
contract manufacturing- process of hiring a foreign manufacturer to make products according to certain specifications
An example of contract manufacturing? When something is Made In China
exports- goods/services sold to other countries
foreign direct investment- establishment of a business in a foreign country
What are the 4 types of production? Land- everything contained in earth or on the seas Labor-all people that work Capital-money needed to start/operate a business Entrepreneurship-skills of people of risk starting a business
Give examples of the four types of production.. Land-coal, crude oil, trees, lakes Labor-full/part time workers, managers, professionals Capital-factories, computers, tools, office buildings Entrepreneurship- employers
What does resource scarcity force nations to do? make economic decisions
Describe a command economy. A country's government makes economic decisions and decides what, when, and how much will be distributed/produced. They control all economic decisions and factors of production
Describe a market economy. No government involvement in economic decisions. Individuals and companies own means of productions and businesses compete for consumers
What is considered a company's infrastructure? roads, ports, sanitary facilities, utilities
What is an economy? organized way a nation provides for the needs/wants of people
Ina communist society, which entity is in charge of making the decisions? the government
What is a socialist economy? Does a socialist nation pay more taxes than a capitalist nation? In a socialist economy, medicare is free along with education. Socialism is referred to a system on its way to the communist ideal of a classless society; And yes, businesses in a socialist nation pay more taxes than a capitalist nation
What is the balance of trade? The difference in value between a nation's imports and exports
How is a trade surplus/trade deficit calculated? trade surplus-when a nation has more exports than imports trade deficit-when a nation has more imports than exports
What are the 3 types of trade barriers governments can utilize to control and monitor their trade with foreign businesses? tariffs-taxes on imports quotas-limitation on imports protectionism- causes more domestic industries to rise
List 3 major benefits to contract manufacturing. Lower wages inexpensive labor allows companies to be more competitive to their pricing
What are the steps of the business cycle? expansion-time when the economy is flourishing recession-period of economic slowdown that lasts about 6 months depression-period of prolonged recession recovery-a period of renewed economic growth following a recession/depression
What's globalization? selling the same product and using the same promotion methods in all countries
What are six key economic factors relevant to doing business in another country? infrastructure, labor force, employee benefits, taxes, standard of living, foreign exchange rate
What's a joint venture? a business enterprise that companies set up together
Talk about the trading alliances WTO, GATT, NAFTA, and EU. WTO-coalition of nations that make rules governing intl. trade GATT-international trade agreement designed to open markets & promote global free trade NAFTA-intl. trade agreement among US,Mexico,and Canada EU-European trading among countries in Europe
Who was the GATT succeeded by? WTO
What type of trade does the EU have? free trade
What's customization? creating specially designed products or promotions for certain countries or region
Created by: sahil
Popular Marketing sets




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