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OA Test 2


The following are age-related changes in the ____: Amyloid deposits; lipofuscin accumulation; basophilic degeneration; myocardial atrophy or hypertrophy; valvular thickening & stiffening; increased amounts of connective tissue? Myocardial changes
If you have orthostatic hypotension avoid sources of intense heat (e.g., direct sun, electric blankets, and hot baths and showers) because? these cause peripheral vasodilation
A pt with orthostatic hypotension should not take ___ while standing? If taking nitroglycerin, do not take it while standing
What is the vasculature composed of? Tunica intima; Tunica media; and Tunica externa
What age related changes occur in the vasculature that affects cardiovascular function? Tunica intima-thickening of the layer due to cellular proliferation & cells becoming irregular; Tunica media-associated w/ HTN, stiffens (raises BP) and Tunica externa-doesn’t seem to be affected by age.
The tunica intimia age related change is associated with ____ while the thunica media is associated with? tunica intimia is associated with atherosclerosis due to damaged cells where tunica media is associated with HTN
What does the baroreflex mechanisms of the heart do? Normally they regulate Bp by increasing or decreasing the HR & peripheral vascular resistance to compensate for transient decreases or increases in arterial pressure.
What happens to the Baroreflex as you age? With aging, arterial stiffening and reduced CV responsiveness cause a blunting of the response to hypertensive and hypotensive response in OA, so HR does not change as quickly as needed to compensate
What risk factors contribute the most to decreased cardiac function? Lack of physical activity
Pathologic Processes; HTN, including isolated systolic HTN; Parkinson’s disease; Cerebral infarct; Diabetes; Anemia; Peripheral neuropathy; Arrhythmias; Volume depletion (e.g., dehydration); E- imbalances are risks factors for ? Orthostatic hypotension
The following Medications are risk factors for ____: Antihypertensives; Anticholinergics; Phenothiazines; Antidepressants; Levodopa; Vasodilators; Diuretics; Alcohol? Orthostatic Hypotenstion
Pathologic processes; systolic HTN; DM; parkinson’s disease; Multisystem atrophy; Medications; diuretics; and antihypertensive medications ingested before meals are all risk factors for ____? Postprandial Hypotension
What impact on cardiovascular function do changes in heart rates, rhythms or cardiac output have in older adults? Reduced Cardiac Output; HR decreases gradually and changes in conduction mechanisms
Reduced Cardiac output in the OA is associated mostly with ___ conditions? Reduced cardiac output is associated mostly with pathologic (rather than age-related) conditions
As you age your HR decreases from ___ (at age 20) to ___(at ages 45-55)? HR (intrinsic sinus rate) decreases gradually from 104 (at age 20) to 92 (at ages 45-55)
Changes in conduction mechanisms are likely to cause harmless ____ & _____? Changes in conduction mechanisms are likely to cause harmless ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias
A fib is common in older adults but is more likely to be a result of…and not harmless ventricular & supraventricular arrhythmias? a fib is common in older adults but is more likely to be caused by pathologic conditions (like HTN and coronary artery disease)
What happens cardiovascular in response to exercise? BP (HYPOtenson); Maximum HR is decreased; Peak exercise capacity and oxygen consumption decline
What is the prehypertension BP? 120-139
What is stage 1 HTN BP? 140-159
What is stage 2 HTN BP? >= to 160
When assessing ___ ask questions regarding circulation; electrocardiogram done before; medications pt is on; do/have you smoke/d; cholesterol levels; DM; and exercise along with their wt and dietary habits? Cardiovascular Disease
Assessing SS of ___: chest pain; difficulty breathing; lightheaded/dizzy; heart racing/irregular; do you tire easily; indigestion; lower extremity edema; sleep apnea; upper back/shoulder pain; does sweating, N, or confusion accompany dizzy spells? cardiovascular disease
What is cardiovascular disease assessment complicated by? Assessment is complicated by the fact that the primary sx is often different from the expected manifestations of cardiac disease and Sx of heart disease may be attributed to other age-related changes
What nursing interventions can you, the nurse, use to promote health cardiovascular function? Lifestyle changes – increase activity, quit smoking; Nutrition education – monitor pt weight to keep in healthy range; Medication interventions – hormone supplements, daily aspirin; Preventing and managing HTN – watch sodium intake, have cholesterol check
Maintain adequate fluid intake; Eat 5-6 smaller meals daily, rather than large meals; avoid excessive alcohol consumption; & avoid sitting or standing still for prolonged periods, especially after meals are all prevention & management of ___&___? Prevention and Management of Both Orthostatic and Postprandial Hypotension.
T/F A Health Promotion that is Specific to Orthostatic Hypotension is to change your position slowly, especially when moving from a sitting or lying position to a standing position? T
T/F A Health Promotion that is Specific to Orthostatic Hypotension is to before standing up, sit at the side of the bed for several minutes after rising from a lying position? T
T/F A Health Promotion that is Specific to Orthostatic Hypotension is to NOT Maintain good physical fitness, especially good muscle tone, and engage in regular, but not excessive, exercise? F it is to maintain good physical fitness
T/F A Health Promotion that is Specific to Orthostatic Hypotension is to swimming is an excellent form of exercise because the hydrostatic pressure prevents blood from pooling in the legs? T
T/F A Health Promotion that is Specific to Orthostatic Hypotension is to Wear a waist-high elastic support garment or thigh-high elastic stockings during the day, and put them on before getting out of bed in the morning? T
T/F A Health Promotion that is Specific to Orthostatic Hypotension is to not sleep with the head of the bed elevated on blocks? False it is to sleep with the HOB elevated on blocks
T/F A Health Promotion that is Specific to Orthostatic Hypotension is to during the day, rest in a recliner chair with your legs elevated? T
T/F A Health Promotion that is Specific to Orthostatic Hypotension is to take measures to prevent constipation and avoid straining during bowel movements? T
T/F A Health Promotion that is Specific to Orthostatic Hypotension is to avoid medications that increase the risk for orthostatic hypotension, particularly if additional risk factors are present (see previous notes)? T
If you have orthostatic hypotension, avoid sources of intense heat (e.g., direct sun, electric blankets, and hot baths and showers) because? these cause peripheral vasodilatation
A pt with orthostatic hypotension should not take ___ while standing? If taking nitroglycerin, do not take it while standing
What are some Health promotion measures specific for postprandial Hypotension? Eat small, low-carbohydrate meals; Avoid alcohol consumption; Avoid strenuous exercise, especially for 2 hours after meals
Minimize the risk for postprandial hypotension by taking antihypertensive medications 1hour after meals rather than before meals is a health promotion measure specific for ____? postprandial Hypotension
The following is a safety precaution for ______: Reduce the potential for falls and other negative functional consequences of postprandial hypotension by remaining seated (or by lying down) after meals? Safety Precautions if Hypotension Cannot Be Prevented
The following is a safety precaution for ______: Adapt the environment to minimize the risk and consequences of falling (e.g., ensure good lighting, install grab bars, keep pathways clear)? Safety Precautions if Hypotension Cannot Be Prevented
The following is a safety precaution for ______: Call for assistance if help is needed with walking? Safety Precautions if Hypotension Cannot Be Prevented
Created by: cgwayland
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