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Chapter 10

The Endocrine System

This system performs the same functions as the nervous system-communication and control but this system provides slower impulses by way of hormones secreted into the blood? Endocrine System
These are located in widely separated parts of the body-neck, cranial, thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities? Endocrine organs
All organs of the endocrine system are ______? but not all are organs Glands
These glands secrete their products into ducts that empty onto a surface or into a cavity? Exocrine glands
These glands are ductless and secrete chemicals known as hormones into intercellular spaces that diffuse directly into the blood stream? Endocrine glands
Each hormone molecule binds to a cell that has specific receptors that trigger a reaction in the cell-this cell is called a? Target cell
What are the main regulators of metabolism, growth, development, reproduction, and other body activities that play important roles in maintaining homeostasis? Hormones
Production of too much hormone by a diseased gland is called? Hypersecretion
Production of too little hormone is called? Hyposecretion
The two major classes of hormones are? Non-steroid and steroid hormones
These hormones are whole proteins,shorter chains of amino acids, or single amino acid? Non-steroid hormones
These are lipid soluble hormones that pass directly through the plasma membrane, the cytoplasm and enter the nucleus of the target cell where they bind with a receptor? Steroid hormones
These tissue hormones are important and powerful substance found in a wide variety of tissues,play an important role in communication, and control many body functions, they are produced in a tissue and diffuse a short distance to act on cells? PGs Prostaglandins PGs
This gland is small but mighty, no larger than a pea, it is really two glands protected by its location deep in the cranial cavity, and its stalk attaches to the hypothalamus? Pituitary gland
One gland of the pituitary is the anterior or the? Adenohypophysis
The other gland of the pituitary is the posterior or the? Neurohypophysis
The anterior(adenohypophysis)pituitary gland secretes several major hormones. each of the four hormones are listed as a? Tropic hormone
This stimulates the thyroid gland to increase secretion of thyroid hormone? TSH Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
This stimulates the adrenal cortex to increase in size and to secrete larger amounts of its hormones especially cortisol(hydrocortisone)? ACTH Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
This stimulates the primary ovarian follicles in an ovary to start growing, and to develop to maturity and to secrete estrogen in women and to stimulate seminiferous tubules to grow a form of sperm? FSH Follicle stimualting hormone (FSH)
This acts with FSH to stimulate a follicle and ovum to complete their growth to maturity, to secrete estrogens,causes ovulation in a process called luteinization? LH Luteinizing hormone (LH)
An important hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that speeds up the movement of digested proteins, accelerates anabolism to form tissue proteins which produces normal growth, and accelerates fat catabolism but slows glucose catabolism? GH Growth hormone (GH)
Too much insulin in the blood is? Hypoglycemia
Too much growth hormone is? Hyperglycemia
The anterior pituitary gland also secretes this during pregnancy to stimulate breast development for lactation? PRL Prolactin (PRL)
The posterior(neurohypophysis) gland releases two hormones which are? ADH and OT Antidiuretic(ADH) and Oxytocin (OT)
This accelerates the reabsorption of water from urine in kidney tubules back into the blood? ADH Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Hyposecretion of ADH results in a condition in which large volumes of urine are formed? Diabetes insipidus
This hormone is secreted in a womans body before and after she has a baby it stimulates the contraction of the smooth muscle of the pregnant uterus to initiate and maintain labor? OT Oxytocin (OT)
Hypersecretion of growth hormone during the early years of life produces a condition called? Gigantism
Hyposecretion of the growth hormone produces pituitary condition called? Dwarfism
If the anterior gland secretes too much growth hormone AFTER normal growth years there is a disease with enlargement of the bones of the hands, feet, jaws, and cheeks called? Acromegaly
The thyroid gland secretes two thyroid hormones called? T4 and T3 Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3)
The thyroid gland also secretes a hormone called? CT Calcitonin (CT)
Of the two thyroid hormones this is the most abundant, and one molecule of this contains four atoms of iodine? T4 Thyroxine (T4)
Of the two thyroid hormones this is the more potent and is considered to be the principal thyroid hormone, and it contains three iodine atoms? T3 Triiodothyronine (T3)
This hormone decreases the concentration of calcium in the blood by first acting on bone to inhibit its breakdown, thus it helps maintain homeostasis of blood calcium it is? CT Calcitonin (CT)
This is an oversecretion of thyroid hormones that increases metabolic rate. those who suffer from this lose weight, are irritable, increased appetite, show protrusion of the eyeballs? Hyperthyroidism
Under secretion of thyroid hormones can cause a painless enlargement of they thyroid gland called simple goiter which is a lack of iodine? Hypothyroidism
Hyposecretion of thyroid hormones during formative years that leads to retardation is called? Cretinism
Deficient thyroid hormone secretion later in life that causes weight gain, loss of hair, and swelling of tissues is called? Myxedema
The parathyroid glands are small, usually four of them found on the back of the thyroid gland that secrete a hormone that increases the concentration of calcium in the blood the hormone is called? PTH Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
The gland that curves over top of each kidney that appears to be one organ but is actually two separate endocrine glands is the? Adrenal gland
The outer part of the adrenal gland is the? Adrenal cortex
The inner part of the adrenal gland is the? Adrenal medulla
Hormones secreted by the three cell layers of the adrenal cortex are called? Corticoids
The outer zone of adrenal cortex cells secretes hormones called? MCs Mineralcorticoids (MCs)
The main mineralcorticoid that increases the amount of sodium and decreases the amount of potassium in the blood is the hormone? Aldosterone
The middle part of the adrenal gland secretes? GCs Glucocorticoids (GCs)
The chief glucocorticoid is? Cortisol or hydrocortisone
The important role of converting amino acids or fatty acids to glucose performed mainly by liver cells is called? Gluconeogenesis
The adrenal medulla or inner portion of the adrenal gland secretes two hormones called? EPi and NR Epinephrine (EPi)aka adrenaline and Norepinephrine (NR)
Tumors of the adrenal cortex result from the production of abnormally large amounts of glucocorticoids which causes a condition described as moon face called? Cushing syndrome
Deficiency of adrenal cortex hormones causing muscle weakness, reduced blood sugar, nausea, loss of appetite, and weight loss is a condition called? Addison disease. JFK had it
Another name for the pancreatic islets which are too small to be seen without a microscope is? Islets of Langerhans
Two of the most important cells in the pancreatic islets are the? A and B Alpha or A cells and the Beta or B cells
Alpha cells secrete a hormone which increases blood glucose concentrations called? Glucagon
Beta cells secrete one of the best known hormones that decreases blood glucose concentrations called? Insulin
The little pockets in which the female egg cells or ova develop are the? Ovarian follicles
The ovarian follicles secrete the hormone for development of adult female body contours and mentstrual cycles is called? Estrogen
This is located in the mediastinum, composed largely of lymphocytes(white blood cells), and plays a critical part in the bodys defense against infections? Thymus
A group of several hormones that together play an important role in the development and function of the body's immune system is? Thymosin
This functions as a temporary endocrine gland during pregnancy and produces chorionic gonadotropins? Placenta
This is the small gland near the roof of the third ventricle of the brain, it resembles a pine nut, and produces the hormone melatonin? Pineal gland
This is secreted by cells in the wall of the heart's atria that regulates fluid and electrolyte homeostasis and is an antagonist to aldosterone it is? ANH Atrial Natriuretic hormone (ANH)
Created by: sbrandom



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