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A Wise Old Woman

5th grade McGraw Hill Story vocabulary

Banner Piece of cloth that has a design and sometimes writing on it.
Conquered to over-come or defeat
prospered To be successful or do very well.
reluctantly unwilling
scroll a roll of paper,parchment, or othr material with writing on it,often wound around a rod or roads. To move the text on a text a computer up or down in order to read it.
summoned To ask for come. To stir up;arouse.
approve to have or give favorable opinion. To give permission or consent.
bruised to cause a bruise on the skin
convenience ease, comfort Something that gives ease of comfort.
offend to cause resentment, anger or displeasure.
presence the fact of being in a place at a certain time. the area or near a person.
vaguely Not clearly expressed or understood, not a accurate meaning.
destruction the act of destroying or ruin. great damage
detect to find out or notice; discover
predictions the act of predicting something. something predicted.
reliable Able to be depended on and trusted. dependable
severe very strict harsh, dangerous serious. Causing great difficulty or suffering.
stadium a structure made up of rows of seats built around an open field.
hull the sides and bottom of a ship. To remove the outer covering from a seed or fruit.
ominous foretelling trouble or bad luck to come;threatening
shoreline the line where a body of water meets the land.
spire a tall, narrow structure that tapers to a point, built on the top of a tower.
timbers a large heavy piece of wood beam. Wood that is used in building things lumber.
treacherous full of danger, hazardous, betraying one's country or friends;disloyal.
astounding to surprise very much, amaze; astonish.
athletic Of or having to do with an athlete or athletics. Active and strong
bushel a measure for grain, fruit, vegetables or other dry things.
concentrating to focus one's mind on something. to bring together into one place.
luxury something that gives much comfort and pleasure but is not necessary. A way of life that gives comfort and pleasure.
scholarship money you get to help students pay for college. Knowledge or learning.
Created by: kgillsmith
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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