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Chapter 10 Geography

Stack #122635

moor treesess, windy highland area with damp ground.
loch narrow bay that reaches far inland.
parleamentary democracy government in wich voters elect representatives to a law making body, which chooses the prime minester to head the government.
constetutional monarchy government in wich the queen or queen is the head of the state, but elected officicials run the government.
devolution transfer of certain powers from the centeral government to the regional government.
peat wet ground with decaying plants that can be dried and used for fuel.
bog low swamply land.
navigable describes a body of waterwide and deep enough to allow the passage of ships
republic strong national government headed by elected leaders
autobahn superhighway
Holocaust systematic murder of more than 6 million European Jews by Adolf Hitler and his followers during WW2.
communist state country who's government has strong control over the economy and society as a whole.
federal republic govenment divided between national and state governers.
reunification bringing together the two parts of Germany under one government.
infrastructure transportation and communication networkson wich the economy depends
neutrality refusing to take sides in disagreements and wars between countries.
polder area of land reclaimed by the sea.
multinational company firm that does buisness in several countries.
multilingual able to speak several languages.
Popular Geography sets




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