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Deutsche Verben

seufzen to sigh
öffnen to open
werben to recruit
braten to fry; to cook
meiden to avoid
wohnen to live (in a place)
wagen to risk
brauchen to need
schießen to shoot
enthalten to contain
beben to tremble
verkehren to socialize
rinnen to flow
blinken to twinkle
verheiraten to marry someone
trinken to drink
antworten to answer
verweilen to dwell
rösten to roast
baden to bathe
schmecken to taste
malen to paint
denken to think
füllen to fill
schneien to snow
gießen to pour
kichern to giggle
nähren to nourish
greifen to grasp
schlucken to swallow
necken to tease
strecken to stretch
trotzen to defy
fluchen to swear
sparen to save (money)
bluten to bleed
kratzen to scratch
blühen to blossom
schwitzen to sweat
naschen to nibble
auflachen to burst out laughing
aufhalten to delay
glänzen to shine
übersetzen to translate
verkaufen to sell
waschen to wash
pfeifen to whistle
schließen to close
sich schminken to put on makeup
versprechen to promise
schwören to vow
dauern to last
stöhnen to groan
sein to be
frühstücken to have breakfast
bersten to burst
schwatzen to gossip
aussäen to sow
umgeben to surround
verderben to spoil
sagen to say
nutzen to use
hetzen to hustle, rush; to agitate
ernten to harvest
zwingen to force; to oblige
schöpfen to scoop
glimmern to glimmer
streiten to argue
suchen to search
ändern to change
saugen to suck
entkommen to escape
kämpfen to fight
sich anziehen to get dressed
schichten to layer
stutzen to prune
wälzen to roll
bleiben to stay
hauen to bash
stolzieren to strut
schnüren to tie (shoes)
bekommen to receive
heiraten to marry
sich erinnern to remember
gucken to look
erwähnen to mention
verstehen to understand
schleifen to grind; drag; sharpen;
fahren to drive, go (by vehicle)
richten to set right; to judge
den Tisch decken to set the table
widmen to devote
dichten to write poetry
fliegen to fly
lügen to (tell a) lie
wissen to know (information)
verhehlen to conceal
gebrauchen to use ('be useful')
hassen to hate
schreien to scream
tanzen to dance
können can; to be able to
warten to wait
sprießen to sprout
verwalten to manage
bürsten to brush
werden to become (will)
ringen to wrestle
lassen to let
wabbeln to wobble
schwimmen to swim
schmelzen to melt
zerstören to destroy
stattfinden to take place
reinigen to purify
bestellen to order
verkommen to deteriorate; to go to the dogs
währen to last
kosten to cost
folgen to follow
meinen to think, have an opinion
glauben to believe
bekehren to convert (religion)
verweisen to refer
nehmen to take
stechen to stick
treiben to drive (livestock)
schauen to look at
senden to send
mahlen to grind
rollen to roll
stopfen to stuff
abholen to pick up (from a place)
spinnen to spin
leiden to suffer
pachten to lease
tanken to fuel
gären to ferment
sprengen to blow up
treffen to meet
liegen to lie (down)
empfehlen to recommend
beschuldigen to accuse
klagen to complain
bieten to offer
kriegen to get
putzen to clean
reichen to suffice
entgegnen to counter
geben to give
mögen to like, may
feststellen to assess
erlöschen to expire
sich unterhalten to talk to
streichen to stroke, to cross out
vermehren to increase
schwinden to fade
spritzen to inject
beginnen to begin
schlachten to slaughter
zeichnen to draw
schreiben to write
erzählen to tell (narrate)
bilden to form
stehlen to steal
lesen to read
sieden to boil
spucken to spit
wetzen to whet, sharpen
bellen to bark
werfen to throw
weisen to point
verdrießen to annoy
springen to jump
backen to bake
sitzen to sit
dämpfen to dampen
wollen to want
dampfen to steam
drücken to push
verhandeln to negotiate
quälen to torture
blasen to blow
versuchen to attempt
evakuieren to evacuate
vorkommen to occur
drehen to turn smth
blicken to glance
hängen to hang
danken to thank
müssen to must
machen to make, do
glühen to glow
tropfen to drip
reisen to travel
erklären to explain
halten to keep
besuchen to visit
weichen to yield, to abate
gehen to go
fassen to grasp
kennenlernen to get to know
landen to land
wehren to restrain
krächzen to croak
stoßen to shove
zählen to count
rauchen to smoke
stürzen to tumble
stehen to stand
Created by: EVaughanDM2
Popular German sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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