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Circulation BOCES


What are the smallest vessels in the body? Capillaries
Which vessel carries blood away from the heart? Arteries
Which vessels return blood to the heart? Veins
Which vessels are deeper within the body? Arteries
In which vessels does the exchange between cells and blood occur? Capillaries
What color are most veins and arteries? Why? Veins-blue, arteries-red. Unoxygenated blood is blue. Pulmonary arteries and veins are reversed in color.
What is PAD? Peripheral artery disease
What is the most common symptom and cause of PAD? Claudication in calves while exercising or ambulating that resolves with rest. Main cause-Artherosclerosis.
What does the ascending aorta branch off into? The only branches are the right and left coronary arteries
Which vessels supply blood to the upper extremeties? The right and left subclavian arteries.
Which blood vessels supply blood to the head and neck? The right and left carotid arteries.
Which part of the aorta is the most common site for aortic aneurysms? Abdominal aorta
Which part of the aorta supplies blood to the chest wall and lungs? Thoracic aorta
What is the first branch of the abdominal aorta? Celiac artery
What does the celiac artery supply blood to? Stomach, spleen, liver and part of the esophagus, pancreas and duodenum.
What is the main artery for supplying blood to the small instestines? Superior mesenteric artery
What part of the body receives blood via the phrenic arteries? The diaphragm
What is a AAA? Abdominal aortic aneurysm
What machine may need to be used for repair of an aortic aneurysm? Bypass machine
Which artery eventually turns into the femoral artery and is the major blood supply of the lower extremeties? External iliac
Which arteries supply blood to the pelvic organs? Internal iliac arteries
Which artery is assessed when monitoring a pedal pulse? Dorsalis artery
Which artery would a patient receive a bypass in to improve circulation in a leg? Femoral artery
After a femoral bypass, why would assessing pedal pulses be important? To assure good blood flow throughout the limb.
What is an arterial anastomosis? An end to end or end to side connection
What would be the benefit of an anastomosis? Provides an alternative route of blood supply in the event of a blockage or interruption of blood flow.
What is the Circle of Willis? Blood supply in brain, an anastomosis.
What is the largest vein in the upper body? Superior vena cava.
What is the longest vein in the body? Saphenous
Which veins drain the blood from the head and neck? The jugulars
Most of the blood to the liver is provided by which vessel? Portal vein
Why is the circulation different to the liver? The liver needs blood drained from other vital organs to properly perform its functions.
Which vessel supplies oxygenated blood to the liver? The hepatic artery
After draining blood from the liver, the hepatic vein empties where? Inferior vena cava
The right and left lymphatic ducts empty into what? The right and left subclavian veins
What is the largest lymphatic vessel in the body? Thoracic duct (also known as the LEFT lymphatic duct)
What prevents back-flow of blood in veins and lymph in lymph vessels? valves
What type of cancer most often metastasizes via the lymphatic system? Carcinoma
Created by: shocklori
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