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English (history)

Doughboys Nickname for soldiers during the Civil War era who joined the army for money
Roosevelt corollary President Theodore Roosevelt’s policy asserting U.S. authority to intervene in the affairs of Latin American nations; an expansion of the Monroe Doctrine
Open door American policy of seeking equal trade and investment opportunities in foreign nations or regions
Militarism the tendency to see military might as the most important and best tool for the expansion of a nation’s power and prestige.
Imperialism the policy and practice of exploiting nations and peoples for the benefit of an imperial power either directly through military occupation and colonial rule or indirectly through economic domination of resources and markets
Central Powers Germany and its World War I allies in Austria, Italy, Turkey, and Bulgaria
Allies In World War I, Britain, France, Russia, and other belligerent nations fighting against the Central Powers but not including the United States
Preparedness Military buildup in preparation for possible U.S. participation in World War I
Selective Service Act law establishing the Military draft for World War I
Bolsheviks Members of the Communist movement in Russia that established the Soviet government after 1917 Russian Revolution
Fourteen Points Goals outlined by Woodrow Wilson for war
League of Nations International organization created by the Versailles Treaty after World War I to ensure world stability
War industries Board (WIB) the federal agency that reorganized industry for maximum efficiency and productivity during World War I
Liberty Bonds Interest-bearing certificates sold by the U.S. government to finance the American World War I effort
Espionage Act Law whose vague prohibition against obstruction the nation’s war effort was used to crush dissent and criticism during World War I
Sedition Act Broad Law restricting criticism of America’s involvement in World War I or its government, flag, military, taxes, or officials
Self-determination The right of a people or a nation to decide on its own political allegiance or form of government without external influence
Irreconcilables Group of U.S. senators adamantly opposed to ratification of the Treaty of Versailles after World War I
Versailles Treaty the treaty ending World War I and creating the League of Nations
Red Scare Post-Wolrd War I public hysteria over Bolshevik influence in the United States directed against labor activism, radical dissenters, and some ethnic groups
Created by: hoonki18
Popular Histology sets




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