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problems with endocrine disorders testing is exhausting, change in physical appearance & emotional response, permanent lifestyle changes
hormones secreted by thyroid T4=thyroxin, T3=triiodothyronine, calcitonin
anterior pituitary gland secretes TSH which stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroid hormones
thyroid nodule/tumor usually benign, easily treatable, may produce excessive amounts of hormone, leads to hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis
hot spot thyroid nodule, dark on scan, =hyperthyroidism
cold spot light on scan, =hypothyroidism
goiter hyperfunctioning thyroid
hyperthyroidism to much hormone produced
T4 binds to protein, good indicator of thyroid function, norm 5-12
T3 binds to erythrocytes, norm 80-200
patho of hyperthyroidism increased serum T3 &T4, increased metabolic rate, sympathetic nervous system resoponseto stimulantion, cardiac & peripheral blood flow, increased carb, protein, &lipid metabolism, all body systems are stimulated
cause of hyperthyroidism autoimmune reaction, increased TSH, thyroiditis, toxic goiter, neoplasms
signs & symptoms of hyperthyroidism rapid heart rate, trembling hands, wt loss, muscle wk, warm moist skin, hair loss, staring gaze, fatigue, palpitations, heat intolerance, nervousness, insomnia, breathless, increased BMs, light/absent menstruation
hyperthyroidism nursing interventions monitor VS, rest, monitor risk for injury due to hyperactivity, social interaction issues, saline eye drops, ointment @ night
hyperthyroidism diet high protein, high fat, high calorie diet
graves disease autoimmune, produce antibodies that attach to thyroid & produce excess hormones, cause unkown, runs in family (no genetic link), common in women 20-40
symptoms of graves disease enlarged thyroid, proptosis (exophthalmos) starring gaze, fatigue, hand tremors, sleeplessness, A-fib, angina, CHF in older clients
S/S of proptosis/ exophthalmos staring gaze, usually bilateral, unable to close lid, corneal damage, blurred vision, diplopia, eye pain, irreversable
thyroid storn (thyrotoxicosis) not same as graves, acute thyroid hyperactivity, severe tachycardia, delerium, dehydration, extreme irritability & hyperactivity
diagnosing hyperthyroidism low TSh, high radioactive uptake and excretion, decreased TRH during stimulation test, increased T3 & T4 levels
Tx of hyperthyroidism beta blockers, anti thyroid drugs, radioactive iodine thrapy/oblation, surgical subtotal thyroidectomy
drug to Tx hyperthyroid tremors beta blockers
anti-thyroid drugs methimazole & propylthiouracil= inhibit synthesis of TH, block use of iodine, need to monitor, PT, INR
possible complications after thyroidectomy respiratory obstruction, laryngeal edema, vocal cord paralysis, thyroid storm, hypocalcemia
symptoms of thyroid storm high fever, severe tachycardia, delirium, severe hyperactivity
symptoms of hypocalcemia tetany from accidental removal of parathyroid gland, chvostek sign, trousseau sign, lower extremities shaking
nursing interventions after thyroidectomy monitor HR, high calorie diet, monitor swallowing, eye drops, hypothermia blanket
hypothyroidism deficient TH, slow metabolism, decreased heat production, decrease O2 consumption by tissue, increased cholesterol & lipid levels (not metabolized)
cause of hypothyroidism congenital defects of thyroid, defective hormone synthesis, IODINE DEFICIENCY,antithyroid drugs, chronic autoimmune disease, treatable not curable
drugs that cause hypothyroidism antithyroid drugs=lithium,dilantin,dopamine,glucocorticoids, oblation or surgery for hyperthyroidism
cretinism congenital defect of the thyroid, small stature, arrested mental development, a cause of hypothyroidism
hashimotos disease most common type of hypothyroidism, antibodies destroy thyroid tissue, thyroid tissue becomes fibrous, low TH levels, goiter develops to create more TH
myxedema (severe hypothyroidism) results from long untreated hypothyroidism, develops after stress/trauma,
S/S of myxedema dry waxy swelling w/abnormal deposits of mucin in the skin (lower extremities), non pitting edema in pretibia & orbital area, coma from decreased K, increased Ca, hypoventilation, respiratory acidosis, hypotension, slow metabolism, arrythmias
symptoms of hypothyroidism decreased HR & CO, increased lipids & cholesterol, anemia, fluid retention, anorexia, wt gain, constipation, slow movements, muscle cramp, dry scaly skin, thick brittle nails, periorbital edema, swollen tongue, normal to slight enlarge thyroid, hypothermi
Tx of hypothyroidism levothyrosine (synthroid), surgical removal of goiter
nursing issues in hypothyroidism wt. gain, excessive sleep, fatigue, intolerance of cold, allow rest, constipation, atherosclerotic heart disease, skin breakdown
parathyroid gland 4 on top of thyroid gland
hyperparathyroidism increased PTH
normal function of parathyroid gland increase bone reabsorption of calcium & phosphorus balance
causes of hyperparathyroidism adenoma (benign), hyperplasia (all 4 glands enlarged), relationship between serum calcium & PTH disturbed
Sx of hyperparathyroidism bone/joint pain, polyuria, polydipsia, gravel in urine, nausea,anorexia, constipation,ileus,abdominal pain,possible pancreatitis (calcium diposites)
Dx of hyperparathyroidism increased Ca & PTH, decreased phosphate, increased urine Ca & phosphate, pain, GI ulcer, pancreatitis, demineralization of bones/fractures
Tx of hyperparathyroidism NOT FOSOMAX, IV hydration, lasix, low calcium diet, low vit. D, surgical removal
nursing issues w/ hyperparathyroidism fractures, kidney stones (strain urine), low calcium diet, encourage fluids (3000 ml, cranberry), constipation
hypoparathyroidism Low PTH usually from damage or removal of parathyroid gland, decreased Ca, increased phosphate, chvostek & trousseau signs, circumoral parathesia, numb tingle fingers
life threatening complications of hypoparathyroidism acute tetany, resp. insufficiency, laryngospasm, monitor airway, trach kit, IV calcium gluconate then oral
Tx of hypoparathyroidism calcium gluconate,oral calcium, Vit. D, PTH replacement, high Ca low phosphate diet, treat tetany, seizures
adrenal glands medulla secrete epinephrine, norepinephrine
adrenal gland cortex secretes corticosteroids
minerslocorticoids aldosterone
glucocorticoids cortisol,cortisone, released when stressed, affect carb metabolism
cushings syndrome hypercortisolism, overactive adrenal cortex, pituitary over stimulation, excessive corisol or ACTH
cushings affects who women30-50, any age drug induced (long term steroids)
Sx of cushings central obesity, muscle waste & weak extremities, thin skin, abdominal striae, steroid diabetes, E-lyte imbalance, dysrhythmias, edema, hypertension, osteoporosis, compression fractures, increased susceptibility infection, hirsutism (facial hair)
cushings meds tx symptoms, adrensl blocking agents, ACTH reducing agents
Tx of cushings meds to treat symptoms, surgery to remove tumor or whole gland, possible removal of pituitary
nursing issues with cushings fractures, blood sugar, daily wt,risk for infection, skin integrity (no tape), activity intol., mood swings, appearance change, depression
cushing syndrome diet low cal, low carb, high protein
addisons disease adrenal insufficiency, destruction/dysfunction of adrenal cortex, decreased cortisol aldosterone & androgens
causes of addisons autoimmune, seem with AIDS,TB,type I diabetes, metastisize, bilateral adrenalectomy, hemorrhagic infarction from trauma, glucocorticoid use
adrenal metastisizes from lung, breast, GI melenomas
Sx of addisons slow onset, insidious, fatigue, irritablility, wt loss, N &V, postural hypotension, loss of 90% of adrenal cortices
Dx of addisons hormone levels, lytes, glucose
addisonian crisis acute adrenal insufficiency
cause of addisonian crisis stress (pregnancy, surgery, infection) without appropriate hormone replacement
Sx of addisonian crisis sudden penetrating pain in back, abdomen, or legs due to severe elyte imbalance, changed mental statusm, hypovolemia, hypotension, loss of consciousness, shock, high K+ level
Tx of addisonian crisis correct fluid & elyte level (kayexalate enema), correct hypoglycemia, replace steroids (hydrocortisone)
pheochromocytoma benign tumor of adrenal medulla, produces epi or norepi, stimulate SNS,
Dx of pheochromocytoma increased epi and norepi in blood
cause of pheochromocytoma unknown, rare, runs in families
patho of pheochromocytoma increased blood glucose, hypertension, increased metabolic rate,
Sx of pheochromocytoma glucosuria, hypertension, diaphoresis, agitation, tachycardia, palpitations, emotional instability
acute attack of pheochromocytoma profuse sweating, dilated pupils, cold extremities
Tx of pheochromocytoma adrenalectomy
pituitary gland contols many glands, primary disease uncommon, indirectly can cause disease process
what pituitary gland secretes somatotropin ( growth hormone) & several gland stimulating hormones
giantism excessive GH (before puberty), abnormal ht, proportional body, rare
acromegaly enlarged extremities, excessive GH in adulthood, connective tissue & bone continue to grow
characteristics of acromegaly forhead & maxilla grow, voice deepens, enlarged hands & feet, nerve entrapment = pain
diabetes insipitus hyposecretion of ADH, injury to pituitary
cause of diabetes insipitus CVAs, trauma, head injury
patho of diabetes insipitus kidney tubules fail to reabsorb water
kinds of diabetes insipidus neurogenic, gestational, nephrogenic, dipsogenic
assessment for diabetes insipidus polyuria 24L, polydipsia, dehydration, inability to concentrate urine, low specific gravity (1.006 or less), fatigue,muscle pain,tachycardia, postural hypotension,confusion
nursing intervention for diabetes insipidus VS, neuro check, CV status, safety, lytes,dehydration,I&O, daily wt, increased plasma osmo, increased Na, avoid caffine, med alert bracelet
Tx of diabetes insipidus IV fluids, oral fluids, ADH replacement (desmopressin), pressin tannate oil
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH) excessive ADH too much = hold fluids
cause of SIADH trauma, CVA, lung or pancrease malignancy, some meds, stress, small cell cancers produce ectopic ADH
key issues of SIADH water retention, hyponatremia, low serum osmolality, continual release of ADH
assessment of SIADH hyponatremia, fluid volume excess
Sx of SIADH fatighe, anorexia, nausea, decreased mental status, coma, seizure, wt gain jugula vein distension, tachycardia, tachypnea, rales
Nursing interventions for SAIDH monitor urine & serum labs, watch mental status, daily wt, I &O
Tx of SIADH hypertonic IV fluid, sodium restriction, diuretics, replace elyte loss, demeclocycline to increase free water clearance, treat underlying cause (CVA, malignancy)
Created by: aclelan
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