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panegyric a statement of high praise
paradigm an example or model
pernicious causing great harm
sardonic distainfully or ironiclly humorous
equanimity quality of being calm and even tempered
pejorative words that belittle or speak negatively of someone
sonorous producing a deep, full sound
permeated spread or flowing throughout
venerated highly respected
fastidious possessing high attention to detail, difficult to please
anachronism something out of place in time or sequence
gesticulating making gestures while speaking
caustic vetingly sarcastic or witty
deleterious having a harmful effect
malfeasance wrong doing or misconduct
philanthropy effort to increase the well being or mankind. phil--love; anthropoes--indicates man or woman
phonography the science of transcribing speech by using elements of sounds. phono--sound; graphy--writing
telethermoscope apparatuss for recording distance of temperature. Tele--distance; thermos--heat; scope--indicates obkect for observing
polychromatophilla susceptibility to staiing with more than one type of dye as in diseased red blood cells. poly--many; chromos--color; phila--love/acceptance
phototelegraph to transmit words or graphics photos--light; tele--distance; graph--writing
Greek Root: phil love
Greek root: anthropos indicates man or woman
Greek root: phono sound
Greek root: graph or graphy writing
Greek root: tele distance
Greek root: thermos heat
Greek root: scope indicates object for observing
Greek root: poly many
Greek root: chromos colors
Greek root: phila or phil love/acceptance
Greek root: photos light
Greek root: tele distance
Created by: JJRubin
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