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GI Diseases

Match the GI Disease to its explanation

GI DiseaseExplanation
Ulcerative Colitis Inflammatory response that affects mucosal layer only, Found in rectum and descending colon
Sialolithiasis Stones in salivary ducts
Dysphagia Difficulty swallowing, usually due to damage to CN V, IX, or X
Tropical Sprue Infectious agent from Tropical environments in the small intestines that causes loss of mucosal cells, pain, diarrhea, fever, loss of villi, and malnutrition
Glutens Sprue intestinal disease that is characterized by insensitivity to Glutens in wheat products that results in irritation and loss of villi on intestinal wall.
Steattorhea Excess fat in stool
Hirschsprung’s Disease Chronic constipation, megacolon due to absence of myenteric plexus of large bowel
Crohn’s Disease Inflammation d/t bacteria/virus that causes lesions to appear cause pain, diarrhea, sloughing off of microvilli, water loss, fever. Found in ileum and colon.
Ulcer Erosion/loss of mucosal protective barrier can be caused by stress or NSAIDS
GERD Weak cardiac sphincter allows gastric acid to pass up into esophagus
Esophagitis Inflammation of esophageal lining, usually caused by GERD
Jaundice Inability of liver to excrete and conjugate bilirubin at normal rate
Dumping Syndrome Food exits stomach before processed correctly, can cause hypoglycemia, hypovolemia, hypotension
Esophageal Varices Large bulging of veins into esophageal lumen
Xerostomia Little or no saliva produced
Achalasia May form MEGA-Esophagus, a defect in Enteric Nervous system, esophagus stays partially contracted
Pernicious Anemia Low intrinsic factor, causes inability to absorb Vit. B12, usually seen with gastritis or gastrectomies
Zollinger Ellison Syndrome Tumor of G cells in antrum or pancreas causing huge production of gastrin causing erosion & ulceration
Sjogren’s Syndrome Autoimmune disease where body builds up antibodies against its own salivary tissue
Constipation Inability to pass fecal material, defecate
Cholera Bacterial infection of intestinal cells, produces toxin causing increased activity of cells and eventually watery diarrhea
Gastritis Inflammation, burning and pain in gastric mucosal lining
Hiatal Hernia ABD contents pushing thru opening in diaphragm where esophagus passes
Diverticula Weaking of intestinal wall, it “pushes” out and forms a pocket
Cholelithiasis Gallbladder stones
Pancreatitis Pancreatic enzymes breakdown any protein and digest pancreas itself
Barrett’s Esophagus Change in tissue of epithelium lining of esophagus, 30X more susceptible to cancer
Cirrhosis Replacement of parenchymal cells with fatty cells/scar tissue, usually caused by alcoholism
Mumps Viral infection of salivary glands
Blind Loop Syndrome Bacterial contamination of a segment of the small intestine usually d/t intestinal surgery, or an obstruction.
Created by: jestevenson
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