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Spring 2013 course

AHCCCS Arizona Healthcare Cost Containment System
APC Ambulatory Patient Classification
certification evidence that an individual has mastered fundamental competencies in a particular technical area
CLIA '88 Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HMOs Health Maintenance Organizations
ICD-9-CM International Classification of Diseases, ninth revision, Clinical Modification
MLS Medical Laboratory Scientist
PHI Protected Health Information
PHS Public Health Service
Phlebotomy Incision into the vein for the purpose of drawing blood
polycythemia a disorder involving the overproduction of red blood cells
proxemics the study of an individual's concept and use of space
reference laboratories large independent laboratories the receive and test specimens from many different facilities
assault an act or threat causing another to be in fear of immediate battery
battery intentional, harmful, or offensive touching or use of force on a person without that person's consent or legal justification
breach of confidentiality failure to keep privileged medical information private
CLSI Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
CQI Continuous Quality Improvement
delta check comparison of current results of a lab test with previous results of the same test on the same patient
GLPs Good Laboratory Practices
NPSGs National Patient Safety Goals
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QSE Quality System Essentials
Quality Indicators Guides used as monitors of all areas of patient care
BBP blood borne pathogen
Biohazard Short for biological hazard; anything potentially harmful to health
CDC Centers for Disease Control
Chain of Infection a number of components or events that, when present in a series, lead to an infection
engineering controls devices (sharps containers, needles with safety features) that isolate or remove BBP hazard from the workplace
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
fomites inanimate objects that can harbor material containing infectious agents (countertops, keyboards)
HAI healthcare associated infection
HazCom (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard
HICPAC Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee
Infectious/Causative Agent pathogen responsible for causing an infection
neutropenic pertaining to an abnormally small number of neutrophils in the blood
NIOSHA National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
nosocomial infection infection acquired in a healthcare facility
parenteral administration by any route other than the digestive tract
percutaneous through the skin
permucosal through mucous membranes
reservoir the source of an infectious microorganism
transmission-based precautions precautions used in addition to SP for patients known or suspected to be infected or colonized with highly transmissible or epidemiologically specific pathogens
vector transmission transmission of an infectious agent by an insect, arthropod, or animal
vehicle transmission transmission of an infectious agent through contaminated food, water, drugs, or the transmission of blood
adip; lip fat
aer air
angi vessel
arthr joint
bili bile
bronch bronchus
bucc cheek
carcin cancer
cardi heart
cephal head
chondr cartilage
coron crown, circle
cyan blue
crin to secrete
cry cold
cutane skin
cyst bladder
cyt cell
derm; dermat skin
encephal brain
enter intestines
erythr red
esophag esophagus
estr female
gastr stomach
gluc; glyc sugar, glucose
hem; hemat blood
hist tissue
hepat liver
kerat hard, cornea
leuk white
melan black
morph form
my muscle
nat birth
necr death
nephr kidney
neur nerve
onc tumor
oste bone
path disease
ped child
phag eat, swallow
phleb vein
pneumon; pulmon air, lung
ren kidney
scler hard
thromb clot
thorac chest
tox poison
ur; urin urine
vas vessel
ven vein
viscer organ
a-, an-, ar- without
ab- away from
ana- again, upward, back
aniso- unequal
anti- against
bi- two
bio- life
brady- slow
cata- down
cyan- blue
dia- across, through
dys- difficult
endo- in, within
epi- on, over, upon
exo-, extra- outside
hetero- different
homo-, homeo- same
hyper- too much, high
hypo- low, under
intra- within
inter- between
iso- equal, same
macro- large, long
mal- poor, bad
micro- small
mono- one
neo- new
poly- many, much
post- after
pre- before
per- through
peri- around
semi- half
sub- below, under
tachy- fast, rapid
tri- three
-ac, -al pertaining to
-ar, -ary pertaining to
-ic, -tic pertaining to
-ous pertaining to
-algia pain
-ase enzyme
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
-cyte cell
-ectomy excision, removal
-emia blood condition
-gram recording, writing
-ia state or condition
-ism state of
-ist one who specializes in
-itis inflammation
-ium structure, tissue
-rhage bursting forth
-logist specialist in the study of
-logy the study of
-lysis breakdown, destruction
-megaly enlargement
-meter instrument that measures or counts
-ole small
-oma tumor
-osis condition
-ous pertaining to
-oxia oxygen level
-pathy disease
-penia deficiency
-poiesis formation
-rrhage excess/abnormal flow
-spasm twitch, involuntary muscle movement
-stasis stopping, controlling, standing
-tomy cutting, incision
-ule small
Created by: Jessibell03
Popular Phlebotomy sets




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