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HHS 2nd Sem Final

HHS Medical

or/o mouth
stomat/o mouth
gloss/o tongue
lingu/o tongue
dent/o teeth
odont/o teeth
pharyn/o pharynx
esophagi/o esophagus
gastr/o stomach
append/o appendix
colon/o colon
col/o colon
-pepsia digestion
-phagia swallowing, eating
-rrhea discharge,flow
-emesis vomitting
-megaly enlargement
peri- around
arthr/o joint
myel/o bone marrow; spinal cord
oste/o bone
dactyl/o fingers; toes
brachi/o arm
cost/o rib
cephal/o head
muscul/o muscle
my/o muscle
chondr/o cartilage
pelv/o pelvis
ten/o tendon
tend/o tendon
stern/o sternum
tendin/o tendon
spondyl/o vertebrae
pod/o foot
orth/o bone
ankyl/o stiffness; bent, crooked
lord/o curve, swayback
Kal/i potassium
-cide killing
-genesis forming, producing, origin
-ism condition
-uria urine
retro- backward, behind
meat/o opening, meatus
ur/o urine, urinary tract
perine/o perineum
-spadias slit, fissure
olig/o scanty
epididym/o epididymis
sperm/o spermatozoa, sperm cells
colp/o vagina
hyster/o uterus (womb)
mamm/o breast
men/o menstrual
nat/o birth
oophor/o ovary
salping/o tube
-arche beginning
ante- before, in front of
primi- first
-gravida pregnant woman
-tocia childbirth, labor
post- after
adren/o adrenal glands
adrenal/o adrenal glands
calc/o calculi
thym/o thymus gland
kal/i potassium
toxic/o poison
crin/o secrete
gluc/o sugar
glyc/o suagr
home/o same
pancreat/o pancreas
hyper- excessive
-dipsia thirst
sprain tearing of ligament tissue that may be slight, moderate, or complete
carpal tunnel syndrome Painful condition resulting from compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel(wrist canal through which the flexor tendons and the median nerve pass)
amputation partial or complete removal of an extremity due to trauma or circulatory disease
strain to exert physical force in a manner that may result in injury, usually muscular
splinting application of an orthopedic device to an injured body part for immobilizing, stabilization, and protection during the healing process
casting application of a solid, stiff dressing formed with plaster of Paris or other material to a body part to immobilize it during the healing process
bone grafting implanting or transplanting bone tissue from another part of the body or form another person to serve as replacement for damaged or missing bone tissue
bone density tests radiographic procedures that use low-energy x-ray absorption to measure bone mineral density (BMD)
rickets form of osteomalacia in children caused by vitamin D deficiency; also called rachitis
fracture a broken bone
muscular dystrophy a genetic diease characterized by gradual atrophy and weakening of muscle tissue
contracture fibrosis of connective tissue in the skin, fascia, muscle, or joint capsule that prevents normal mobility of the related tissue or joint
crepitation Dry, grating sound or sensation caused by bone ends rubbing together, indicating a fracture or joint destruction
arthritis inflammation of a joint
spondylosis Any slipping (subluxation) of a vertebra from its normal position in relationship to the one beneath it
sequestrum Fragment of necrosed bone that has become seperated from surrounding tissue
osteophyte Bony outgrowth that occasionally develops on the vertebra
phantom limb Perceived sensationm following amputation of a limb, that the limb still exists
claudication lameness, limping
exacerbation Increase in severity of a disease or any of its symptoms
spinal curvature any persistent, abnormal deviation of the vertebral column form its normal position may cause an abnormal spinal curvature
arthroscopy visual examination of a joint
anuria absense of urine production or urinary output
frequency voiding urine at frequent intervals
nocturia excessive or frequent urination after going to bed
aspermia failure to form or ejaculate semen
epispadias malformation in which the urethra opens on the dorsum of the penis
erectile dysfunction Repeated inability to initiate or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse
sterility Inability to produce offspring; in the male, inability to fertilize the ovum
testicular self-examination Self-examination of the testes for abnormal lumps or swellings in the scrotal sac
semen analysis Test that analyzes a semen sample for volume, sperm count, motility, and morphology, to evaluate fertility or verify sterilization after a vasectomy
urinalysis Battery of tests performed on a urine specimen, including physical observation, chemical tests, and microscopic evaluation
dialysis Medical procedure used to filter toxic substances from the patient's bloodstream, such as excess electrolytes and nitrogenous wastes
vasectomy Excision of all or a segment of the vas deferens
orchidectomy Removal of one or both testes
circumcision Removal of all or part of the foreskin, or prepuce, of the penis
benign prostatic hyperplasia As the prostate gland enlarges, it decreases the urethral lumen, and complete voiding of urine becomes difficult
hesitancy Involuntary delay in initiating urination
dysuria Painful or difficult urination, commonly describes as a "burning sensation" while urinating
hypospadias Developmental anomaly in which the urethra opens on the underside of the penis or, in extreme cases, on the perineum
polycitic kidney disease Inherited disease in which sacs of fluid called cysts develop in the kidneys
ultrasound radiograph that uses high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) and displays the reflected echoes on a monitor; also called sonography, echography, or echo
aspermia failure to form or ejaculate semen
acromegaly chronic metabolic disorder characterized by a gradual, marked enlargement and thickening of the bones of the face and jaw
diuresis increased formation and secretion of urine
glucagon hormone secreted by the pancreatic alpha cells
virile masucline or having characteristics of a man
virilism masculinization in a woman or development of male secondary sex characteristics in the woman
insulinoma tumor of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas
thyroid scan After injection of a radioactive substance, a scanner detects radioactivity and visualizes the thyroid gland
pinealectomy removal of the pineal body
total calcium test that measures calcium to detect bone and parathyroid disorders
fasting blood glucose test that measures blood glucose levels after a 12-hour fast
hypercalcemia excessive amount of calcium in the blood
BM bowel movement
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
LFT liver function test
NG nasogastric
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
ACL anterior cruciate ligament
CTS carpal tunnel syndrome
DJD degenerative joint disease
EMG electromyography
C&S culture and sensitivity
CT computed tomography
Cath chatheterization; catheter
K potassium
Na sodium
UA urinalysis
UTI urinary tract infection
GYN gynecology
BSE breast self-examination
CA cancer; chronological age; cardiac arrest
LBW low birth weight
IVF in vitro fertilization
LH lutenizing hormone
GH growth hormone
TFT thyroid function test
RAI radioactive iodine
HRT hormone replacement therapy
MS mitral stenosis; musculoskeletal; multiple sclerosis; mental status; magnesium sulfate
ROM range of motion
MG myasthenia gravis
RA rheumatoid arthritis; right atrium
-malacia softening
-asthenia weakness, debility
syn- union, together, joined
-clasia to break; surgical fracture
-clast to break
cyst/o bladder
nephr/o kidney
urther/o urethra
Andr/o male
test/o testis
-cyesis pregnancy
primi- first
ante- before, in front of
anorexia lack or loss of appetite, resulting in the ability to eat
appendicitis inflammation of the appendix, usually due to obstruction or infection
peptic ulcer disease develops in the parts of the GI tract that are exposed to hydrochloric acid and pepsin, an enzyme secreted in the stomach that begins the digestion of proteins.
colic Spasm in any hollow or tubular soft organ especially in the colon, accompanied by pain
borborygmus rumbling or gurgling noises that are audible at a distance and caused by passage of gas through the liquid contents of the intestine
dyspepsia epigastric discomfort felt after eating; also called indigestion
dysphagia inability or difficulty in swallowing; also called aphagia
eructation Producing gas from the stomach, usually with a characteristic sound; also called belching
flatus Gas in the GI tract; expelling of air from a body orifice, especially the anus
halitosis offensive, or "bad", breath
hematemesis Vomitting of blood from bleeding in the stomach or esophagus
irritable bowel syndrome Symptom complex marked by abdominal pain and altered bowel function (typically constipation, diarrhea, or alternating constipation and diarrhea) for which no organic cause can be determined; also called spastic colon.
endoscopy visual examination of a cavity or canal using a flexible fiberoptic instrument called an endoscope
stool culture Test to identify microorganisms or parasites present in feces
barium swallow radiographic examination of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine following oral administration of barium sulfate (contrast medium); also called esophagram and upper GI series
amniocentesis Transabdominal puncture of the amniotic sac under ultrasound guidance using a needle and syringe to remove amniotic fluid
intrauterine device Plastic or metal object placed inside the uterus to prevent implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine lining
episiotomy Incision of the perineum from the vaginal orifice usually done to prevent tearing of the tissue and to facilitate childbirth
laparoscopy Visual examination of the abdominal cavity with a laparoscope through one or more small incisions in the abdominal wall, usually at the umbilicus
mastectomy excision of the entire breast
hysterectomy excision of the uterus
gravida pregnant woman
lumpectomy Excision of a small primary breast tumor and some of the normal tissue that surrounds it
mammography Radiographic examination of the breast to screen for breast cancer
dyspareunia occurence of pain during sexual intercourse
corpus luteum Ovarian scar tissue that results from rupturing of a follicle during ovulation and becomes a small yellow body that produces progesterone after ovulation
viable Capable of sustaining life; denotes a fetus sufficiently developed to live outside of the uterus
multipara Woman who has delivered more than one viable infant
colposcopy Visual examination of the vagina and cervix with an optical magnifying instrument(colposcope)
dilation and curettage Widening of the cervical canal with a dilator and scraping of the uterine endometrium with a curette
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