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Liz API T8 Rev Musc

ST110 A&PI T8 Muscular Review

-plegia Paralysis, stroke
Myoparesis Weakness or slight muscle paralysis
Bi- Two
-cele Tumor, hernia, swelling
Tri- Three
Skeletal muscle Voluntary muscle
Muscle attachment to the moveable bone Insertion
Muscle attachment to the stationary bone Origin
Dense fibrous connective tissue that attaches muscles to bone Tendons
Thin myofilaments of a skeletal muscle consists of strands made up of Actin
Muscle that does NOT make up the face Latissimus Dorsi (Frontal, Masseter, Zygomaticus are)
Muscle that moves the upper arm Latissimus dorsi
More sustained & steady response than a twitch Tetanic contraction
NOT a muscle that moves the upper extremities Rectus abdominus (biceps brachii, triceps brachii, lat dorsi are)
Muscle mainly responsible for a particular movement Prime mover
NOT a muscle that moves the lower extremities Trapezius (sartorius, iliopsoas, gracilis are)
Muscle that's responsible for movement of the forearm Biceps brachii
Enhancement of muscle during strength training Hypertrophy
NOT a part if the hamstring group Rectus femoris (semitendinisus, biceps femoris, semimembranosus are)
Contraction of the frontal muscle Allows us to raise the eyebrows
The muscles of mastication are considered to be among the strongest in the body and are made of the Temporal & Masseter group
Muscles of the mastication are responsible for what function Chewing movement
The primary muscle of the calf Gastrocnemius
Surgical incision through fascia to relieve tension or pressure Fasciotomy
Smooth muscle tissue is AKA Nonstriated muscle
What is the movement that turns the ankle so that the bottom of the foot faces toward the side of the body Eversion
The movement in which the Dorset of the foot is elevated with those pointing upward Dorsiflexion
Muscles can be named for Location, Fiber direction, Origin & Insertion
The movement of a limb away from the midline Abduction
Total paralysis of only one side of the body Hemiplegia
Muscle of the trunk Internal oblique
Rupture/tearing of the muscle Myorrhexis
The muscles important in respiration Intercostals
Muscle that flexes the head Sternocleidomastoid
Bending of the elbow Flexion
A sheet of fibrous connective tissue that covers/supports muscle Fascia
The diaphragm separates Thoracic and abdominal cavities
Muscle NOT a lower extremity mover Pectoralis major
NOT trunk muscles Trapezius
Outermost trunk muscle External oblique
Peristalsis Wavelike movement of the intestines
Prime movers are AKA Agonists
NOT a part of hamstring group Soleus (Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus, semimembranosus are)
During flexion, which arm muscle is the antagonist Triceps
T/F - The insertion is typically the distal end of the bone True
Prolonged inactivity causes muscles to shrink in mass Atrophy
Movement that makes the angle bt bones smaller Flexion
Increase in muscle sz and strength Hypertrophy
Muscles that helps prime mover Synergists
Skeletal muscle is AKA Voluntary
Smooth muscle location Hollow organs
Intercalated discs are found in which type if fascia Shallow
Aponeuroses Connects muscle to muscle
Tenosynovitis Inflammation of the tendon sheath
Paralysis Loss of sensation and voluntary muscle movements through ds or injury
Hemiplegia Total paralysis affecting only one side of the body
Paraplegia Total paralysis of both legs and lower part of the body
Cardioplegia Cardiac arrest
Muscular dystrophy Progressive weakness and degeneration of skeletal muscle that control movement
Myalgia Tenderness or pain the muscle
Myomalacia Abnormal softening of the muscles
NOT a description of smooth muscle Multinucleated (found in hollow organs, cell ends are tapered, nonstriated are)
Myogenic contractions Contractions of the heart
Most prominent muscle Skeletal
During extensions, the arm muscle that is the agonist Triceps
What happens during muscle fatigue A build up of lactic acid occurs AND muscles temporarily lose the ability to contract (Both)
Ancillary structures of skeletal muscle Fascia, Tendons, and Ligaments (All of the above)
NOT a type of fascia Smooth (Subcutaneous, Subserous, and Deep are)
Created by: elizabeth-mcw
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