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8Sci_Rock & Fossil

The Rock and Fossil Record Mid-Test (Mayfield)

What is hardened tree sap called? amber
What does the rate of decay for a radioactive element in the rock determine? the absolute age of a rock
What is the most common type of unconformity? a disconformity
What does a paleobotonist study? fossil plants
What is a paleontologist? a scientist who studies the history of plants and animals
What are isotopes? atoms with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons
How does geologic change happen according to uniformitarianism? it changes gradually
What type of event would an asteroid hitting the earth be? catastrophe
What is a break in the Earth's crust called? a fault
How are rock layers arranged in the geologic column? oldest rocks are on the bottom
How does a geologist know that rock layers are undisturbed? rock layers are horizontal
What is petrified wood and example of? mineral replacement
What are preserved footprints an example of? a trace fossil
Why do scientists drill ice cores? to help them reconstruct Earth's history
What is an eon? the largest division of geologic time
What would a trilobite that was buried by ocean sediment leave? a cavity or mold
What is one of the major causes of the missing rock layers in unconformities? erosion
What kind of temperature will slow down an organism's decay? freezing temperatures
What is relative dating? the process that involves the comparison of rock layers with others in a sequence to determine its age
What phrase could be used to remember the principle of superposition? younger over older
What did marine fossils discovered on a Canadian mountaintop tell scientists? the rocks on the mountaintop were once below the ocean's surface
What method would geologists use to determine the most accurate and precise age of Earth's oldest rocks? the uranium-lead method
What is a trace fossil? a fossil used to date surrounding rock layers
What is erosion? when an area is worn down by water, wind and other elements
What caused the extinction of dinosaurs? climate change
What is a mark left by a dinosaur's tail an example of? a trace fossil
What is the slanting of rock layers called? tilting
How do geologists use the geologic time scale? to divide Earth's history into manageable parts
How can scientists learn how life has changed over time? by studying the relationship between fossils
What can animal tracks tell about the animal that left them? how big the animal was
What is occurring when radioactive isotopes break down into stable isotopes of other elements? radioactive decay
What does a scientist need to know to figure out the absolute age of a rock? the rate of decay for a radioactive element in the rock
What are index fossils? what geologists use to date rock layers
What type of rock are most fossils preserved in? sedimentary rock
What part of an animal is more commonly preserved? the shell or bones
What method is most useful in dating plant and animal remains? carbon-14
Why is the fossil record incomplete? most organisms never became fossils
What do scientists know about an undisturbed sequence of rocks? younger rocks are on top of older rocks
Created by: masonteach
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