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#je$$ stack113 term6

#1jess pharm 112 term week 6

abortifacent any treatment that causes abortion of a fetus
amenorrhea absence of normal menstruation
androgen male hormone
atropic vaginitis postmenopausal thinning & drying of the vaginal epithelium related to decreased estrogen levels
chloasma hyperpigmentation of skin
condom thin flexible penile sheath made of synthetic or natural materials
craniopharyngioma pituitary tumor that causes hormonal deficiencies
depot an area of the body where a substance can accumulate or be stored for later distribution
diaphragm rubber or plastic cup that fits over the cervix for contraception
dysfunctional uterine bleeding irregular or excessive uterine bleeding that results either from a structural problem or hormonal imbalance
dysmenorrheal difficult or painful menstruation
endometrium mucous membrane lining of the uterus
endometriosis presence of functioning endometrial tissue outside the uterus
fallopian tube narrow passage between the ovary and the uterus
fertility quality of being productive or fertile
fertilization the process by which a sperm unites with an ovum to create new life
gametes sex cells, or ova and sperm
hypogonadism inadequate production of sex hormones
hysterectomy surgical removal of the uterus
inert ingredient an ingredient that has little or no effect on body functions
infertility inability to achieve pregnancy during a year or more of unprotected sex
intrauterine device contraceptive device inserted in the uterus
Kallman's syndrome congenital disorder that causes hypogonadism and loss of the sense of smell
Klinefelter's syndrome a chromosome disorder in males
menopause termination of menstrual cycles
negative feedback a self-regulating mechanism in which the output of a system has input or control on the process; a factor within a system that causes corrective action to return the system to normal range
oocyte or ova the female reproductive germ cell
osteoporosis loss of bone mass that occurs throughout the skeleton, predisposing patients to fractures
palliative that which brings relief but does not cure
pelvic inflammatory disease infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and adjacent pelvic structures that is not associated with pregnancy or surgery
polycycstic ovary disease condition that is characterized by ovaries twice the normal size that are studded with fluid-filled cysts
pregnancy condition of having a developing embryo or fetus in the body after successful conception
premenstrual dysphoric disorder disorder characterized by symptoms such as depression, anxiety, hopelessness, sad feelings, self-depreciation
premenstrual syndrome condition involving a set of symptoms (headache, irritability, depression, fatigue, sleep changes, weight gain) that occur before the start of the menstrual cycle
prolactinoma pituitary tumor that produces excessive amount of prolactin
salpingitis inflammation of the fallopian tube, usually the result of an STI
sperm or spermatozoa the male reproductive germ cell
supraovulation simultaneous rupture of multiple mature follicles
teratogenic causing abnormal embryonic development
toxic shock syndrome rare disorder caused by certain staphylococcus aureus strains seen in women using tampons
Turner's syndrome congenital endocrine disorder caused by a failure of the ovaries to respond to pituitary hormone (gonadotropin) stimulation
vaginitis inflammation of the vagina
Created by: je$$tech
Popular Pharmacology sets




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