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Federal Government

What are the six goals of the preamble? 1.) form a more perfect union 2.) establish justice 3.) insure domestic tranquility 4.) provide for the common defense 5.) promote the general welfare 6.) secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity
Which article of the constitution covers the legislative branch? Article I
How is our legislative branch structured? Bicameral House of Representatives, and Senate
What is the primary responsibility of the legislative branch? To write the laws
What are the qualifications for the Senate? 1.) at least 30 years old 2.) U.S. citizen for at least 9 years 3.) live in the state they represent
What are the qualifications for the House of Representatives 1.) at least 25 years old 2.) U.S. citizen for at least 7 years 3.) live the the state they represent
Why is the necessary and proper clause important? It allows the Congress to do what it takes (necessary and proper) to see that things listed in the constitution are carried out
How does a bill become a law? (List steps 1-5.) 1.) introduce the bill 2.) bill is assigned to a committee 3.) bill is voted on in the House and the Senate 4.) both houses must pass the bill with a majority 5.) differences between the House and Senate must be reconciled
How does a bill become a law? (List steps 6-7.) 6.) goes to president for vote -- if president veto's the bill, the Senate and House can override the veto with a 3/4 majority vote in both houses 7.) the bill finally becomes a law
What are some examples of expressed powers? (5) - levey and collect taxes - print money - declare war - raise an army and navy - regulate commerce among the states
What are some examples of implied powers? deciding where to put a building that will print the money, deciding who will be employed there, etc.
How many members are there in the House of Representatives? How is it decided? 435 members; based upon how populous a certain state is; serve 2 years; members represent only a particular district in each state
How many members are there in the Senate? 2 from each state; 100 members total; serve 6 years; Senate members represent EVERYONE from their state
Which article of the constitution covers the executive branch? Article II
What is the primary responsibility of the executive branch? to carry out, or implement, the laws passed by the legislature
Who are the primary members of the executive branch? President, vice-president, and cabinet members (14)
What are the qualifications for becoming president? 1.) at least 35 years old 2.) U.S. citizen by birth 3.) live in the U.S. for at least 14 years
What are the seven primary responsibilities of the president? 1.) chief executive 2.) chief diplomat 3.) commander in chief 4.) legislative leader 5.) party leader 6.) head of senate 7.) economic leader
What does the 22nd Amendment do? limits the office of president to two 4-year terms
What does the 25th Amendment do? deals with presidential succession, or what happens if something happens to the president
Who is ultimately responsible for electing the president? the electoral college
Created by: kennedyc
Popular American Government sets




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