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Poetry Terms

diction word choice
allusion reference to a past literary or historical work
allegory description with 2nd meaning under surface; can stand alone but deeper meaning is usually what is meant. Surface story might hide deeper meaning.
situational irony opposite of what is expected
verbal irony funny sarcasm- not intended to hurt feelings
dramatic irony audience knows what characters don't
sarcasm bitter and cutting speech intended to wound the feelings
alliteration repitition of first consanant sounds
assonance repitition of voewl sounds (can be anywhere) like "how now brown cow"
consonance reptition of final/ending consonant (swimming, walking, riding)
onomatopoeia words the mimick their meaning in sound (Shhhhhhh!, Boom!)
tone AUTHOR'S attitude. Author's intended tone of voice.
mood The feeling the author intends for the reader to take from the piece.
extended metaphor a comparison between two unlike things that extends further than one would usually take a metaphor. An entire paragraph, poem, or essay can revolve around an extended metaphor.
slant rhyme a type of rhyme formed by words with similar but not identical sounds.
run-on line the thought continues beyond the end of poetic line
blank verse no rhyme scheme
archetype character type like wise old man or wicked witch
rhythm Arrangement of stressed and unstressed sounds into patterns. The beat of a poem.
style distinctive handling of language by author. Heavily influenced by diction
end rhyme rhyme comes at end of line
internal rhyme rhyme comes in middle of a line
Thesis main point of an essay
denotation actual definition of a word (Webster meaning)
conotation beyond denotation; what the word suggests/implies as associated with the sentence
imagery language that describes what a reader should hear, see or feel
figurative language when an author uses words outside of their literal meaning. Also includes imagery.
symbol something that stands for something else, closely related to metaphor at times.
Created by: kaitlynfitz
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