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Pharm 10 Adrenergics


Inhibit catecholamine store. For HTN. SE: arrhythmia, GI hemorrhage, dream anxiety, impotence. Contra: depression, shock therapy. Short term increase in synaptic term catecholamines, but long term catechol depletion. Irreversible. rarely use Reserpine
Inhibit Catechol store. for HTN. SE: kidney disease, apnea. Contra: MAOI, heart fail, pheochromocytoma. displaces norepi from transmitter vesicles Guanethedine, Guanadrel
inhibit catechol store. for ADHD. SE: HTN, Tourette's, tachycardia, psychosis, restless. Contra: heart disease, hyperthyroid, MAOI, glaucoma. displace catechols from transmitter vesicles and block reuptake by NET and DAT Amphetamine (also for Narcolepsy), Methylphenidate
inhibit catechol store. for allergic rhinitis/nasal congest. SE: A-fib., tachycardia, HTN. Contra: heart disease, MAOI. OTC decongestant found in cold remedies Pseudoephedrine
a1 Agonist, increase periph vasc resistance. For Hypotension/shock. SE: bradycardia, HTN. Methoxamine
a1 Agonist, increase periph vasc resist. For ophthalmic hyperemia, nasal congest. SE: arrhythmia, HTN, insomnia, nervousness. Contra: N-A glaucoma. Used in Afrin and Visine. rebound of symptoms often occurs Phenylephrine (also treats hypotensive shock), Oxymetazoline, Tetrahydrozoline
a2 agonist, inhibit sympath outflow from CNS. For HTN, Opioid w/drawl, cancer pain. SE: bradycardia, heart fail, constipate, xerostomia. Clonidine
a2 agonist, inhibit sympath outflow from CNS. For HTN during pregnancy. SE: hepatotox, autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Contra: MAOI and liver disease. Methyldopa
a ANtag, block catechols from binding to a1 and a2 adrenoceptors --> vasodilate, dec BP, dec periph resistance. For pheochromocytoma HTN and sweating. SE: seizure, absent ejac. Phenoxybenzamine (irreversible), Phentolamine (reversible)
a Antag, block catechols from binding to a1 and a2 adrenoceptors --> vasodilate, dec BP, dec periph resistance. For HTN, BPH. SE: pancreatitis, hepatotox, SLE, severe postural HTN. a1 receptor antag in arterioles and veins Prazosin, Terazosin, Doxazosin
a ANtag, block catechols from binding to a1 and a2 adrenoceptors --> vasodilate, dec BP, dec periph resistance. For BPH. Less postural HTN. selective a1A receptor antag in smooth muscle in GU tract. Tamsulosin
a ANtag, block catechols from binding to a1 and a2 adrenoceptors --> vasodilate, dec BP, dec periph resistance. For impotence. SE: bronchospasm, nervous, tremor. Contra: inflammed sex organs/prostate, mood-altering drugs, pregnancy, psych pts. a2 antag Yohimbine
Nonselective B blocker. For HTN, angina. SE: sedation, decreased libido. Contra: asthma, bad heart rhythms. lipophilic CNS penetration Propranolol
Nonselective B blocker. For HTN, angina, prevents esophageal varices bleeding. SE: sedation, decreased libido. Contra: asthma, bad heart rhythms. long halflife. Nadolol
Nonselective B blocker. For HTN, angina, occular form for glaucoma. SE: sedation, decreased libido. Contra: asthma, bad heart rhythms. Timolol
Nonselective a1 and B blocker. For HTN, angina. SE: sedation, decreased libido. Contra: asthma, bad heart rhythms. Labetalol (must monitor LFTs d/t drug induced hepatitis), Carvedilol
B adrenergic partial agonist. For HTN, angina. SE: sedation, decreased libido. Contra: asthma, bad heart rhythms. May be better for HTN pt's with bradycardia. Pindolol (partial agonist of both B1 and B2), Acebutolol (partial agonist of only B1)
Selective B1 Blocker. For HTN, angina. SE: sedation, decreased libido. Contra: asthma, bad heart rhythms. Less bronchospasms Esmolol (very short half life, used for emergency B-block [thyroid storm]), Metoprolol, Atenolol
Created by: Jakphooey
Popular Pharmacology sets




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