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Biomechanics of respiration- Fisk/CJ- 1/9/13

Lungs are smaller than the pleura to allow for Inflation
Aspirations almost always go down which side of the split? Right
Lobes are defined by Visceral pleura separation, a lobar bronchus, its own artery
Bronchipulmonary segments are identified by having its own bronchus and its own artery
Each costal cartilage has a joint with the sternum. What type of joint? Synovial
Central tendon in the diaphragm is Not contractile
Three major things going through diaphragm IVC, esophagus and aorta
Muscles of inspiration External intercostal, Chondral internal intercostal, Scalenes, SCM
Muscles of expiration Costal part of internal intercostal, Rectus abdominas
Muscles of expiration are only used in Vigorous exercise and breathing problems
What do the muscles of expiration always do? Keep the intercostal spaces rigid
Expiration is normally due to Gravity
Lower ribs move in what way in ventilation Bucket handle
Upper move in what way in ventilationhttp Pump handle
Elastic in the lungs refers to Resisting deformation
Most important muscle of inspiration Diaphragm
During quiet breathing, expiration only requires Relaxation of inspiratory muscles
Why do the lungs expand with the chest wall? Cohesion between the outside of the lung and the inside of the chest wall.
Volume in lungs where negative pressures inside the chest are equal and opposite Functional residual capacity. This is the position that the lungs and chest wall would come to if you relaxed all respiratory muscles.
In a pneumothorax, when the chest moves outwards, the lungs move Inwards (collapse)because air seperates pleural cohesion
As the volume in the lungs increases, the pressure in the lungs Decreases
At the end of inspiration, alveolar and atmospheric pressure are Equal
Increased compliance does what to recoil? Decreases it
Three factors that effect compliance Surface tension, elastic tissue, ease of rib movement
Functional residual capacity is (increased/decreased) in smokers Increased
Removal of surface tension makes inflating the lungs Easier
What produces surfactant? Type II alveolar cells
Three benefits of surfactant Increases compliance, stabilizes alveoli, keeps alveoli dry
Surfactant is most useful at Low long volumes
If the compliance is increased, Functional residual capacity will Increase
Created by: mcasto
Popular Medical sets




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