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3rd quarter

mercantilism An economic system based on trade and currency.
intrepid Fearless or persistent; characterized by bravery or endurance.
provincials People of local or restricted interests or outlooks-lacking polish or refinement.
standing army a permanent army.
smuggler Illegal traders who avoid paying taxes.
Committees of Correspondence Committees created by the Massachusetts House of Representatives in the 1760s to help towns and colonies share information about resisting British laws.
boycott people refused to buy British goods. The first colonial boycott was in New York, in 1765. Soon it spread to other colonies.
Stamp Act of 1765 Required colonists to pay for an official stamp, or seal, when they bought paper items.
Stamp Act of Congress In 1765, delegates from nine colonies met in New York. They issueda declaration that the Stamp Act was a violation of their rights and liberties.
Sons of Liberty As secret organization of colonists formed to protest British policies.
Declaratory Act Stated that Parliament had the power to make laws for the colonies. The act took away a lot of the colonist independence.
Townshend Acts Placed duties on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. The tax collectors were allowed to search for the goods.
Boston Massacre An incident in which British soldiers fires into a crowd of colonists, killing five people.
propaganda The deliberate spreading of information, or rumors.
Boston Tea Party A protest against the Tea Act in which in which a group of colonists boarded British Tea ships and dumped more than 340 chests of tea into Boston Harbor.
Intolerable/Coercive Acts Laws passed by Parliament to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party and to tighten control of the colonies.
Proclamation of 1763 This law banned British settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains. It ordered settlers to leave the upper Ohio River Valley.
Treaty of Paris 1763 This treaty officially ended the war of Quebec.
Created by: phoebsta
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