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nsg communication

chapter 21

communication dynamic - critical thinking is used so process is effective
stimulus motivates one person to communicate with another
examples of a stimulus sights, sounds, odors, ideas, perceptions
sender person who encodes and delivers the message
what makes it easier to have message decoded correctly the more sender and receiver have in common
message content of communication
what is contained in message verbal and non-verbal
channel of communication means of conveying the message:visual, auditory, tactile senses (kinesthestic)
what helps the message to be understood the more channels that are used
receiver decodes message
feedback message is returned to sender and indicates if message was understood
levels of communication intrapersonal, interpersonal, group
intrapersonal "self talk" - can be positive or negative
interpersonal one to one communication. most frequent in nursing care.
group communication group dynamics must be considered
roles of group members task oriented, maintenance, self-serving
task oriented group member will focus on work to be done
maintenance group member will be active listener, supporter and help to harmonize group
self-serving group member attention seeker, dominator, agressor
factors influencing communication developmental, gender, socioculteral, physical,environment
forms of communication verbal and non-verbal
verbal communication language (written or spoken)
non-verbal communication body language (transmission of informaation without words)
examples on non-verbal communication facial expressions, gestures, mode of dress, sounds, posture, gait
the helping relationship foundation of nursing practice
the nurse is the ___________ helper professional
the helping realtionship is theraputic
_____________ is the key in the helping relationship communication
___________ is the priority in the helping relationship client's needs
what the helping relationship is built on patient's trust in the nurse
characteristics of helping realtionship does not occure spontanously, unequeal sharing of information,dynamic, purposeful, time limited, uses the nurisng process
phases of the helping relationship orientation, working, termination
goals of orientation phase establish guidleines, assess patient needs, prioritize problems, id goals
goals of working phase work together to meet patient needs
goals of termination phase evaluation of working phase, separate from patient, achieve smooth transition
factors that promote effective communication dipositional traits and rapport builders
dispositonal traits that encourage effefective communication warmth,respect,empathy,caring, comptetence
rapport builders speciic objectives, comfortable enviornment, privacy, confidentiality, patient focus, provide personal space, pacing, evaluation of non-verbal
conversational skills control tone, knowledge of subject,be clear and concise, be truthful
examples of listening skills sit when communicating, be alert, maintian eye contact, listen for themes
interviewing techiniques open endede questions, closed ended questions, validation quesitons, clarifying questions, reflective quesitons, directing questions
open ended questions allows pt to expand, allows pt to direct conversation
closed ended questions helps to focus interview. helps to gather specific data from pt.
sequencing comments helps to "timeline" events
clarifying comments gives understanding of what pt has said
reflective comments the nurse will repeat what is said - allows pt to elaborate
directing comments directs a pt to a topic
purpose of the interview to obtain accurate and thorough information
blocks to communication failure to: listen, treat pt as human being, inapproapirate comments, using cliches, using questions that containg "why" and "how",the nurse not being focused on the pt.
block to communication using gossip, giving false reassurance, changing the subject, using comments that give advice, aggression
closed ended question answers question specifically. no elaboration is given.
what are some examples of caring behavior? listening, touch, addresses pt appropiately, shows repsect for pt privacy
nursing goal of helping relaltionship pt will id and achieve goals they have set for themselves
empathy empathy is pt centered. It ackknowledges pt's feelings and being sensitive to those feelings
ways to promote self worth in the pt address them by prefeered name, provide privacy, allow pt to id and make goals, keep pt center of nurse/pt relationship
communication is evaluated to be sucessful when the message sent by the sender is similar to the message decoded by the receiver.
Created by: N119
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