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bethel vocab sem2


Hindrance a barrier
Demented uncontrolled
Elude to escape
Mar to inflict harm
Mottled spotted
Boisterous full of rough and exuberant spirits
Aesthetic characterized by an appreciation of beauty
Sepulcher a tomb
Perfidious tending to betray
Substantiate strengthen with evidence or facts
orator a person who delivers a speech
lassitude lack of energy
brusque marked by rude
canny showing self-interest
querulous habitually complaining
clairvoyant someone who claims to have the power to see events in the future
moribund at the point of death
condescending characterized by a patronizing or superior attitude toward others
tenacious stubbornly unyielding
deleterious harmful to living things
frugal avoiding waste
anachronistic chronologically misplaced
nefarious criminal
torrid very hot or dry
venerable profoundly honored
cajole coax
fraught filled with
hackneyed overused
impetuous lack of thought
evanescent to vanish like vapor
demagogue a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions and prejudices
brazen propriety
jubilation a feeling of extreme joy
ribald lewd
camaraderie the quality of easy familiarity and sociability
nonchalant carefree or unconcerned
peremptory final
opulent rich and superior inquality
aberration a state or condition different from the norm
pretentious distinction
extenuating justifying
florid elaborately
palpitate tremble
amicable characterized by friendship and good will
diurnal occuring during the daytime
rancorous showing deep-seated resentment
ostentatious intended to impress others
amity friendship
reverence a feeling of profound respect for someone or something
sagacity the mental ability to understand betweens affairs
Ephemeral anything short-lived
Arduous difficult and tiring
Haughty having or showing arrogant superiority
Vindicate proof
Transient lasting a very short time
Created by: foshee15
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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